Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 161 Return to Qianwu Universe Country

Of course Wang Cheng had heard of Marquis Mingyu, because she was the teacher of Wang Cheng's guard commander Samir.

The reason why Marquis Mingyu appears here now is because she will serve as Wang Chengming's guard in the future. As for the Sea Shark King, it is his trump card.

The reason is very simple. Considering Wang Cheng's true talent and strength, it is definitely not too much to equip him with a king-level bodyguard.

But to the outside world, Wang Cheng didn't have that kind of talent. The appearance of a king-level guard would only arouse suspicion, so Mingyuhou showed up and served as the official guard candidate.

In addition, the Sea Shark King is far more effective as a trump card than as a guard on the surface. If the aliens really want to assassinate Wang Cheng, then after they have put all their efforts into making arrangements, they suddenly find that there is a king beside Wang Cheng. It must be extremely wonderful inside.


"Mingyu's teacher is me, and this little guy Samir's teacher is Mingyu. We have three generations of masters and apprentices coming to your place. You have to entertain us well!" Sea Shark King joked.

"No problem, I happen to have a bottle of 'Bing Hai Qing Ling' here, just think of it as a practice for tomorrow!" Wang Cheng said with a smile.

"Bing Hai Qing Ling, one more bottle?" Sea Shark King's eyes widened slightly, and Marquis Mingyu also looked at Wang Cheng in shock.

On the other hand, Samir looked confused. She had obviously never heard of this thing.

"The value of a bottle of 'Binghai Qingling' should be 100 million points, and there is no discount!" Mingyuhou said to his disciple through a message, and Shamir was stunned.

100 million points?

She has been in Virtual Universe Company for countless years, and the total points she has earned are less than five million.

Samir always knew that the original secret genius she was guarding was not simple, but she never thought that this genius was so rich!

100 million points were used to buy luxury goods!

"It seems that you have really made a fortune, but that's not surprising..." Sea Shark King looked at Wang Cheng with some emotion. Among the three people present, he was the only one who knew Wang Cheng's true realm.

Wang Cheng has even mastered "teleportation". He can come and go with ease in some adventures originally prepared for universe-level geniuses. He has definitely made a lot of money these years.

"I don't make much money, but I think it's worth it to entertain you, Haisha!" Wang Cheng said with a smile.

This is also a fact. Except for the time when Wang Cheng earned more points than expected in the ruined ancient temple, the points he earned at other times were not that many. The points he has accumulated so far are only a few billion.

The "Binghai Qingling" with 100 million points is not a small number for Wang Cheng.

That is to say, the Sea Shark King is here, otherwise Wang Cheng would not be willing to take it out. Why not keep such an expensive thing for himself and drink it slowly?


One day passed quickly. The next day, on a deserted planet near the Qiongyu Star in the Qianwu Universe Country, with a burst of mighty light, a spindle-shaped spacecraft nearly a kilometer long flew from it. out.

"His Royal Highness Wang Cheng, Lord Mingyuhou, I will send you here!" A voice sounded in the light, and then the vast light disappeared, leaving only this spaceship.

"Shamir, I will transfer the cost of this trip to the Kingdom of God to you, and you will transfer it to your friend later!" Wang Cheng said to Shamir in the spaceship.

"Yes!" Samir nodded slightly.

"Your Highness Wang Cheng, shall we go to Qiongyu Star next?" Marquis Mingyu asked.

"Yes, target, Qiong Yuxing!" Wang Cheng nodded lightly.

"Your Highness, the voyage has been set and we will arrive in about an hour!" a staff member controlling the spacecraft said, and then asked:

"Your Highness, do you want to inform Qiongyuxing?"

"Notify me!"

Wang Cheng nodded indifferently.



. . .

Shortly after Wang Cheng arrived in Qianwu Universe Kingdom, a lot of news spread through various channels.

In the virtual universe, on the Amethyst Island on the edge of Ganwu Continent.

Three figures appeared in this hall one after another.

Among these three figures, one is the girl-like Hei Nihou that Wang Cheng has seen before, and the other two are the evil man Zidian Hou and the blond ape-man Jin Yuhou.

The three people got together, naturally because of Wang Cheng's arrival.


"According to the news from my subordinates, His Highness Wang Cheng has arrived at the hinterland of Qianwu Universe Kingdom. In another hour, he will reach Qiongyu Star!" Zidianhou licked his lips, his face a little solemn. said something.

"When he left Ganwu Universe Country, I expected that such a day would come, but I didn't expect that it would come so soon!" Jin Yuhou said, and then he said doubtfully:

"But didn't his appointment just come down? How did he come so quickly?"

"It must have been teleportation from the Kingdom of God. With the status of His Highness Wang Cheng, there are many immortals rushing to send favors to him!" Zidian Hou said with a smile.

Of course, there was one sentence he didn't say. If given the chance, he would do his best to send a favor to Wang Cheng.

"Stop talking nonsense. After more than a hundred years, how are you handling the things under your butts?" Hei Yanhou asked calmly.

"A lot has been dealt with. As long as His Highness doesn't investigate to death, the problem won't be big!" Jin Yuhou said: "Unfortunately, the time is still too short. If you give me another thousand years, I can handle it better! "

"I hope so!" Hei Yanhou nodded slightly.

As the three giants of the Qianwu Universe Kingdom, the power the three of them hold is incredible! In this case, naturally none of the three of them had clean bottoms.

In the battle between geniuses more than a hundred years ago, the three of them had predicted that Wang Cheng would come back sooner or later... Anyone who had watched the video of Wang Cheng's battle would not doubt this.

Taking precautions, the three of them naturally started to deal with some things.

Of course, what they can handle are only some superficial small things. They can't handle the real big things, and they can't finish them.

After all, all the benefits have been digested by them, even if they want to vomit it out, they don’t have to!

"It's a pity that the company's protection of him was too tight back then. Otherwise, if we had handed him over in advance, why would we be so frightened now?" Jin Yuhou shook his head slightly.

"It's useless to talk more. Next, let's think about how to please him. I heard that even Marquis Mingyu has become his personal guard. Once he makes up his mind to investigate, we won't even have the ability to resist!" Hei Yanhou said calmly. said.

"Fenghou Immortal as a guard..." The other two people also shook their heads. Originally, the original secret realm genius at the domain lord level was enough to give people a headache, but this time this one was special.

Faced with this situation, the three of them had no choice but to take a gamble.

If Wang Cheng is a Buddhist, they will naturally pass the test. If Wang Cheng is determined to investigate... then they may have a hard time in the future!

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