About Wang Cheng's return to Qianwu Universe Kingdom, the quickest people to know the news were the three giants of Virtual Universe Company in Qianwu Universe Kingdom. Then, not long after, the news also spread to a remote planet.

"Sir, the news came through the virtual universe. After 921 heavy encryption text translation, the intelligence content was obtained: No. 2 Wang Cheng has now returned to Qianwu Universe Country, and the current place of stay is Qiong Yuxing!" A man in black robes The man looked at a figure hidden in the shadows and said.

"He became N0.2 as soon as he became Domain Lord. We must kill him at all costs!" An indifferent voice came from the shadows.


"However, Qiongyu Planet is one of the nine administrative planets that the Qianwu Universe Kingdom has operated for countless years. It is not suitable to do anything there!" The voice said slowly:

"From now on, order the people lurking in Qiongyu Star to pay close attention to his every move, and wait until enough information is collected to kill him with one strike!"




Qiongyu Star is one of the nine administrative stars of Qianwu Universe Kingdom, and there are still a large number of hidden foreign spies. Therefore, the news that Wang Cheng is about to arrive at Qiongyu Star will soon be known to many aliens who want to kill him.

There is no way to stop this kind of thing. Unless he hides it forever, as long as Wang Cheng comes out, his traces will definitely be leaked.

Wang Cheng had expected this kind of thing, but he didn't take it to heart. Alien assassination? The person who was killed was not Wang Cheng himself!

Wang Cheng has become the person who will never lose from the beginning, so he naturally doesn't have much to worry about.


At this time, after an hour of flight, Wang Cheng's spacecraft finally entered the territory of Qiongyu Star.

Qiongyu Star is an artificial planet. As one of the nine administrative planets of Qianwu Universe Kingdom, its area is no less than that of a star.

Because of the advance notice, Wang Cheng received a lot of welcome immediately after entering the planet.

However, Wang Cheng refused many invitations because he didn't like the excitement. In the end, he temporarily lived in a huge manor arranged for him by members of the Virtual Universe Company in the Qiongyu Star.

Of course, Wang Cheng's guards, Marquis Mingyu, and the Sea Shark King who followed them all moved in.


In the blink of an eye, the time came three days later.

In a luxurious room in the manor, Wang Cheng and Sea Shark King were drinking wine together.

"Wang Cheng, what are your plans next? Are you going to stay here like this?" Sea Shark King asked.

"Virtual Universe Company has arranged a task for me, and I can't even take my time off!" Wang Cheng said helplessly: "Do they know that I don't plan to stay with the Domain Master for a long time, so they can't wait to assign the task to me? Already?"

"Just do it if it is arranged for you. This is also a kind of experience! With the resources you have at your disposal, there should be no task that can stump you!" Sea Shark King said with a smile.

"I have arranged for someone to investigate. This task is a bit troublesome. I'm not in a hurry!" Wang Cheng smiled.


Sea Shark King shook his head slightly, shaking his wine glass, and couldn't help but think of the mission he performed when he was the Territory Lord... It really almost made him lose the most important thing.

There have always been many ruthless people at the top of the Virtual Universe Company.

Just like when Wang Cheng first emerged in the genius battle, many people actually advocated using extreme means to investigate everything about Wang Cheng... It's unreasonable!

Of course, King Sea Shark also understands that the Wang Cheng of today is different from what he was back then. Not only does Wang Cheng have a very high status now, but his own strength is also extremely terrifying. Anyone who knows him, not many people would dare to make him feel uncomfortable. of.

Now, no one can predict how far Wang Cheng will grow in the future!

If you make things difficult for Wang Cheng now, you are most likely making things difficult for yourself in the future!


The Sea Shark King was thinking in his mind, and he finally asked: "What is the mission?"

"Thoroughly investigate the Big Three!" Wang Cheng didn't hide anything, he said slowly.

"It's interesting!" Sea Shark King nodded.

The headquarters of Virtual Universe Company is actually very clear about some situations in the branch. The key is whether the senior management is willing to take it seriously.

Originally, doing things in the Witch Universe Country was actually within the tolerance range of the Virtual Universe Company, but unfortunately, it is now becoming Wang Cheng's whetstone!

"Yesterday, I met the three giants in the virtual universe. They arranged for tens of thousands of immortals to come to see me, and they were extremely enthusiastic. If it weren't for that mission, I really didn't want to embarrass them!" Wang Cheng sighed slightly.


Sea Shark King smiled and said nothing. The three giants in Ganwu Universe Country were just three feudal lords. To him, they were just small figures and not worthy of his attention.


At this time, Wang Cheng looked at the wine glass in front of him and shook his head slightly.

In fact, he didn't take the three giants of Ganwu Universe Kingdom seriously. Not to mention that his real status now far surpassed the three of them. Even with real strength, Wang Cheng was not afraid of them!

Naturally, Wang Cheng was very relaxed.

What Wang Cheng is really paying attention to now is a person in the Qiongyu Star.

This person was the main reason why Wang Cheng deliberately stayed in the Territory Lord and then came to Ganwu Universe Country to serve as the supervisor.

That's right, this man is Luo Feng's good brother, the number one warrior on earth more than two hundred years ago, "Hong"!


Wang Cheng originally thought that with his appearance, many things would change.

But unfortunately, his impact is still not big enough.

During the Genius War, Hong was still valued by the "Lord of Time" Luo and accepted as a disciple. Luo took Hong with him to travel for nearly two hundred years and came to Qiongyu Planet three years ago.

Wang Cheng heard the news at a party with Luo Feng, and he couldn't sit still for a moment.

Wang Cheng suspected that if Hong continued to develop freely, he would soon meet another woman who suddenly appeared, fall in love, and then be forcibly broken up by the woman's teacher.

However, in the process, "Hong" showed extraordinary resistance to illusions, so much so that he was absorbed into the core layer of the giant axe fighting arena...

Once entering the core layer of the five major forces, anyone will have the opportunity to come into contact with these three places: Tongtian Bridge, Sea of ​​Illusion, and Immortal Altar.

Tongtian Bridge is nothing like the Immortal Altar, but Hong has extraordinary resistance to the Illusion Sea. He may be just a cosmic-level kid now, but if he breaks into the Illusion Sea, he can achieve an achievement close to that of the Universe Master.

Luo Feng, a genius, was born and raised on Earth.

Hong, a genius, a native of Earth.

Two pieces of news are enough to make the higher-ups of the human race pay attention to the earth.


It's nothing if the human race's top leaders only value the earth. Wang Cheng is not very worried, but he is afraid that the human race's top brass will go to the earth to use time retrieval.

Wang Cheng has left too many traces on the earth, and there are many things that he does not want others to know. For example... he once used his clones to practice extensively on the earth.

Wang Cheng masters the "Clone Technique" that can divide a large number of clones. He can expose it when he truly grows up, but not now. This is Wang Cheng's trump card. Even the top leaders of the human race, Wang Cheng does not want them to know.

These things, once someone performs time retrieval on the earth, will be 100% exposed, and there will be no possibility of survival.

So, now that Wang Cheng has come to Qiongyu Star, he is ready to solve the time bomb of "Hong".

Of course, Wang Cheng is not planning to kill the opponent. That is not in line with Wang Cheng's principles. He is planning to use a win-win approach to delay time.

Hong can be dazzling, but Wang Cheng has nothing to do with it.

But Hong can't shine at this time!

After Wang Cheng mastered the means of disrupting time and space and covered up those things, Hong Ziran was as dazzling as he could be...

PS: Third update, please support.

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