
Wang Cheng's figure appeared in the alloy room just now. Samir had already heard the news and was cleaning up the mess. The two cosmic-level people who were almost victims also stood aside respectfully.

Naturally, they didn’t know the circumstances of their journey through hell. After all, everything happened too fast!

"Mr. Long, you are back!" Samir greeted Wang Cheng immediately when he saw him.

Strength determines status. She saw what just happened in the sky above this planet. An immortal whose speed had soared was almost punched to death by the "Mr. Dragon" in front of her.

This kind of strength is at least the strongest among the feudal lords, and may even be the feudal king.

At the same time, Shamir also knew in his heart that this "Mr. Dragon" should be pretending to be a strong man who did not want to reveal his identity!

"That was an immortal from the Stone Tribe just now, and I have already killed him!" Wang Cheng said directly: "You should be careful in the future. I think his attack this time is no longer a threat!"

"You mean, he's going to kill you?" Samir asked with an ugly look on his face.

"Yes!" Wang Cheng nodded lightly, choosing two cosmic-level assassins, which can be regarded as a more upgraded warning.

"It's so crazy!" Samir glanced at the two cosmic-level people. Now they knew that they had just walked away from the gate of hell, and their faces turned a little pale.

"That Stone Tribe Immortal should be a soul slave. After this time, they shouldn't take action easily. After all, I will always follow you!" Wang Cheng said.


Samir nodded slightly. She felt much more at ease with a strong man following her.

. . .

After a wave of attacks by the Immortals of the Stone Tribe, the investigation team led by Shamir quickly completed the evidence collection at Morning Star, and then the team continued to set off to the next planet.

On the other side, Black Marquis naturally also knew about the death of the soul slave she controlled. This was not the key. The key was the news that her soul slave sent when he was dying.

The person who suddenly appeared probably mastered teleportation. In other words, he was probably a king!

"Impossible..." Hei Yanhou looked at the void with cold eyes. What kind of existence is King Feng? Everyone is absolutely proud!

She didn't believe that Wang Cheng could just mobilize a prince to help him do things!

"But even if he is not the king, he almost killed No. 3 with one move. He is still an extremely powerful person among the princes. I may not be his opponent..." Hei Yanhou looked ugly, and she felt a trace of it. Powerless.

Originally, in this fight, because she was the party under investigation, she was inherently at a disadvantage.

Then, in terms of status, she was not as good as Wang Cheng. She even did not dare to have the idea of ​​​​taking action against Wang Cheng, which made her even more restrained.

Now, even the only "strength" she thought was her advantage has been suppressed by the opponent...

"What should I do?" Hei Yanhou kept thinking, but she had no idea.


In the anxiety of Hei Nihou, time is still passing rapidly. With Wang Cheng's protection, the investigation team's evidence collection process has been very smooth. Although there is another immortal who wants to try to assassinate the key certification, but there are As long as Wang Cheng is here, it is obviously impossible for him to succeed.

In the blink of an eye, more than two years have passed, and finally, the investigation of Hei Yanhou has come to an end.

At this time, Wang Cheng followed Shamir's investigation team to a place called "Kars Star".

"This should be the last stop!"

Wang Cheng looked at the green planet below, thinking silently in his heart.

Although he is now pretending to be "Mr. Long" who doesn't care about the results of the investigation, in fact, in the virtual universe, Shamir has been reporting various evidences to him.

With all the evidence added up, Wang Cheng estimates that it is almost possible to punish the Black Marquis!

There are indeed many things that Hei Nihou has committed. If Wang Cheng finds out all of them, then he may be able to send Hei Nihou to the cosmic prison and let her live in prison for hundreds of millions of years without any problem!

But Wang Cheng didn't have much hatred against Hei Yanhou. He only attacked Hei Yanhou to complete the mission of Virtual Universe Company.

Therefore, there is no need to send Hei Yanhou to the cosmic prison, let her lose her position in the Big Three, and then go to the battlefield outside the territory to atone for her sins...


The spacecraft landed on the planet Kars, the hatch opened, and a group of people walked out of the spacecraft in a mighty manner.

However, surprisingly, there was no welcoming team to greet them, only one person came into view.

"Hei Yanhou!!" Samir looked at the petite figure in black in front of him with a solemn expression.


Hei Yanhou did not speak. She stared motionlessly at Wang Cheng, who was not very prominent in the team, as if she wanted to see through everything hidden under the armor.

"If you are interested in me, Marquis Heiyan, we can change places and chat slowly!" Wang Cheng said lightly.

"Hmph!" Hei Yanhou snorted coldly. She had no good feelings towards this person who could be said to have made her lose everything.

"His Majesty Hei Yanhou, we are here to investigate some things on the Kars Planet under the orders of His Highness Wang Cheng. If you are fine, please get out of the way!" Shamir said.

Although both parties knew some things well, before things broke out, they naturally had to maintain a businesslike appearance.

"No need to check, I have already prepared the things for you on Kars Star!" Hei Nihou said calmly.

"What do you mean?" Samir also frowned.

"I want to see Wang Cheng!" Hei Yanhou said without hesitation.

"I have to ask Your Highness about this!" Although Samir was surprised, she still did not hesitate, and directly connected to the virtual universe with a trace of consciousness, and informed Wang Cheng of the matter.

Wang Cheng was at the scene, and he saw the situation clearly. After thinking for a while, he nodded and agreed.

Seeing Hei Yanhou like this, I feel like surrendering... But is it too late to surrender now? After all, their investigation is nearing completion!

. . .

After a while, Hei Yanhou came to Wang Cheng's manor in the virtual universe, and Wang Cheng also prepared tea and waited for him.

"Please take a seat!"

Wang Cheng glanced at Hei Yanhou and made a gesture of invitation. Hei Yanhou didn't show any politeness and sat down directly.

"Wang Cheng, I ask myself that I have no grievances with you!" Hei Yanhou said directly: "If you target me, what good will it do to you?"

"Hei Yanhou, you didn't come here just to talk nonsense to me, right?" Wang Cheng asked lightly.

"I have thought for a long time that you would target me. It is definitely not what you told Jin Yu and Zidian that you have a personal grudge against me...Whether it is intentional or not, I have never offended you!" Hei Yanhou said coldly:

"So, this is an order from the company headquarters!"

"Haha!" Wang Cheng smiled slightly.

"The investigation ends here. I will make up for your losses. At the same time, I will also help you deal with Jin Yu and Zidian!" Hei Yanhou said.


Wang Cheng put down the tea in his hand and narrowed his eyes slightly.

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