Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 169 The deal is concluded

Hei Yanhou came to make a deal. She guessed that Wang Cheng targeted her because of the Virtual Universe Company's mission, so she proposed to let Wang Cheng's investigation end here.

Hei Yanhou himself also understood that the evidence Wang Cheng now had about her was enough to make her get out of the position of the Big Three, and she had to go to the battlefield outside the territory to atone for her sins.

If that's all, that's it. The key is that if Wang Cheng continues to investigate, she will have to go to the cosmic prison.

Going to the cosmic prison is much more painful than the battlefield outside the territory. Not only is it extremely dangerous inside the cosmic prison, but it also has no way to connect to the virtual universe. No one who knows the situation of the cosmic prison is willing to experience that feeling.

In contrast, although foreign battlefields are equally dangerous, at least you don't have to experience the loneliness of being "off the grid".


Of course, Hei Yanhou also understood that if Wang Cheng was really targeting her because of the Virtual Universe Company's mission, there would definitely be a big gap between the points reward for finding out part of her criminal evidence and finding out all of her evidence, so she Only then did she say that she could make up for Wang Cheng's losses.

What really served as a bargaining chip for the Black Marquis was her promise to help Wang Cheng deal with the Marquis of Jin Yu and the Marquis of Zidian.

Marquis Heiyan didn't believe it. The task Wang Cheng received was just to deal with her. In Marquis Heiyan's opinion, those two idiots Jin Yuhou and Zidian Hou must also be on Wang Cheng's target list!

It has to be said that Hei Yanhou's analysis was very good, and the bargaining chip she proposed was also good. Wang Cheng didn't want to waste too much time on Jin Yuhou and Zidian Hou, and if Hei Yan knew them well, With Hou's help, the speed of dealing with the remaining two people will naturally be much faster.

Moreover, Wang Cheng had no intention of sending Hei Yanhou to the cosmic prison.

For Wang Cheng, doing this task is just to give an explanation to the Virtual Universe Company. After all, he will still be working in the Virtual Universe Company in the future. The tasks of the company headquarters have been handed down. Of course it is not good for him to just ignore it and break through to become the world master!

However, doing a task is a task, and Wang Cheng didn't pay attention to the point reward. It's enough to do the task well. Can you make a living if you do it perfectly?


Hei Yanhou and Wang Cheng are both vigorous and resolute people. After chatting for a while, they quickly reached an agreement.

"Hei Yanhou, then we have an agreement!" Wang Cheng said with a smile.


Hei Yanhou still had a cold face. Although she had reached an agreement with Wang Cheng, she was still very unhappy with Wang Cheng. After all, because of Wang Cheng, in a while she would have to step down from the prestigious Three Kingdoms. The giant went to the battlefield outside the territory to fight for his life!

However, Wang Cheng simply ignored Hei Yanhou's cold face. There were so many people unhappy with him, what could they do to him?

Moreover, strictly speaking, Wang Cheng is willing to accept the deal with Hei Danhou!

He holds a large amount of criminal evidence against Hei Danhou, and is not afraid of the other party's repentance. Moreover, he got an excellent helper for almost nothing. Isn't this a huge profit?


"By the way, there's something I don't know if it's convenient for you, Hei Yanhou, to answer it!" Wang Cheng suddenly asked.

"What's the matter?" asked Hei Yanhou.

"I want to know if any aliens came to you to discuss assassinating me?" Wang Cheng asked.

"What do you mean?" A cold light flashed in Hei Yanhou's eyes. She slapped the table and stood up with a cry.

"Don't get excited, I'm just asking!" Wang Cheng was a little surprised to see Hei Yanhou so excited.

"Huh!" Hei Yanhou snorted coldly, and then she sat down again.


"I have killed countless times more aliens on the battlefield outside the territory than you have ever seen. Do you think I will cooperate with the aliens?" Hei Nihou asked coldly.

"I'm just making a reasonable guess!" Wang Cheng explained:

"I consider myself a genius, so the aliens wouldn't want to kill me! The affairs between the two of us have caused quite a stir in Ganwu Universe Country. It's impossible for the aliens not to know about it, and they also know that you hate me so much that you might hate me to death. I’ll look for you to cooperate!”

Hearing Wang Cheng's explanation, the aura on Hei Yanhou's body also relaxed a lot, and she immediately said: "The analysis is good, but unfortunately, the aliens are not that stupid!"

"Yes!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly.

To the human race, this is called internal fighting between him and Black Marquis, and their external stance should be the same.

If the foreign race seeks cooperation with the Black Marquis, they probably have to worry about being betrayed by the Black Marquis. No, this is not a worry, but a high possibility!

"His Royal Highness Wang Cheng takes his own life very seriously. Ever since he came to Qianwu Universe Kingdom, he has been staying at Qiongyu Star and has never even been out of his own manor!" Hei Yanhou mocked.

"You know very well!" Wang Cheng stared at Hei Yanhou with a half-smile but not a smile. This look made Hei Yanhou's heart tremble slightly.

Although she is unhappy with Wang Cheng, she also knows what to do and what not to do...

"I'm leaving!" Hei Yanhou didn't say much, and she went offline directly.


Looking at the place where Hei Yanhou disappeared, Wang Cheng shook his head slightly.

. . . . . .

Black Marquis really collected all the evidence against her on the entire Kars planet, and then personally handed it over to Shamir. It has to be said that she has clearly recognized the reality and knows that resistance is useless.

At this point, the action against Black Marquis was temporarily over.

Originally, Wang Cheng planned to collect the evidence of Hei Yanhou and arrest her before taking action against Jin Yuhou and Zidian Hou.

But now because of the cooperation with Hei Nihou, there was no rush to arrest her for the time being. Instead, Wang Cheng began to collect criminal evidence of Jin Yuhou and Zidian Hou.

Hei Yanhou has been operating in Qianwu Universe Country for so many years, and the power of her subordinates is definitely considerable. Moreover, her understanding of Jin Yuhou and Zidian Hou is far better than Wang Cheng.

Therefore, Wang Cheng felt that the investigation and evidence collection against Jin Yuhou and the two was countless times easier than before.

I don’t know if Marquis Heiyan particularly hates Marquis Jin Yu and Marquis Zidian. He always feels that the other party is very ruthless and will not let go of any evidence that is unfavorable to the two of them.


As for the joint attack by Wang Cheng and Hei Nihou, Jin Yuhou and Zidian Hou were stunned.

Aren't you two fighting to the death over personal grudges? Why did they suddenly join forces to target the two of us?

Jin Yuhou and Zidian Hou were confused, and quickly joined hands to resist the two of them. But unfortunately, Wang Cheng's identity as the special envoy of supervision and the power of the Black Nihou local snake, the effect was simply terrifying. In a very short period of time, Within a short period of time, Jin Yuhou and Zidian Hou were almost beaten into fools.

The two contacted Wang Cheng more than once to ask for an explanation. After all, Wang Cheng personally said that he would not target them!

But unfortunately, Wang Cheng ignored them in the virtual universe and did not meet them in reality.

In desperation, the two went to find Hou Heiyi again. Wang Cheng didn't know what happened specifically, but it was said that the three had a "friendly" discussion.

The result is naturally nothing...

As a giant in the military, Hei Nihou was originally the strongest among the three giants. It was not a big problem to fight one against two. Moreover, the immortal feudal lords all had immortal bodies. When the gap was not big, no one could win. No one can do anything about it.

What's more, since they are all members of the Virtual Universe Company, no one will really fight hard, and it will be enough to just "compete".

PS: Three updates first, there will be more tonight...

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