Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 170: The Escaped Purple Lightning Marquis

It took Wang Cheng three years to deal with the Black Marquis, but Wang Cheng's deal with the Jin Yuhou and the Zidian Marquis was over in less than a year.

There was no way, the local snake Lord Hei Yan controlled too much power. Wang Cheng suddenly expanded from a shortage of manpower to a manpower that could not be used up. Coupled with his privilege of supervising the special envoy, Jin Yuhou and Zidianhou could stop him. It's weird to live.

"The evidence is almost collected, let's apply for arrest!"

Wang Cheng submitted the criminal evidence of the three people he collected in the virtual universe to the headquarters of the virtual universe company. Soon, the headquarters of the virtual universe company responded. They will arrange three immortal kings to help Wang Cheng Arrest three people.

"Three kings are enough!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly.

In fact, he has nothing to do from now on. He only needs to wait for the three kings to arrive, and then capture the three of them.

In fact, there is probably no need to take action next. As long as the three of them are not stupid, they probably won't resist arrest!


However, while Wang Cheng was thinking about it, Marquis Heiyan suddenly sent him a message.

"What, Zidianhou wants to run away?"

Wang Cheng frowned slightly, but looking at the information coming from Hei Yanhou, he chose to believe it.

Zidian Hou has a problem, he is lustful!

He has many wives, but there are not many that he cares about.

According to what Hei Yanhou said, Zidianhou is currently gathering the wives he cares about most on a remote planet, obviously planning to run away...

"Hei Yanhou is a ruthless person!"

Wang Cheng sighed slightly. He could see from his previous actions that the Black Marquis was very unhappy with the Jin Yuhou and the Zidian Marquis, so she had been targeting the two of them when she had the opportunity. She could find out that the Zidian Marquis was about to run away. She probably has been sending people to keep an eye on each other.

"But what did Zidian Hou think, that he actually wanted to run away? Does he plan to remain anonymous in the future?" Wang Cheng was confused, but he did not hesitate, went offline directly, and found King Sea Shark.


"It will probably take a few days before the three kings from the headquarters come over. It's definitely hopeless to count on them!" Wang Cheng said: "It's fine if I don't know about this. Now that I know, I can't let him run away. Got it!"

"Are you going to stop him?" Sea Shark King looked at Wang Cheng and asked.

"I'm going to scare him. If he doesn't burn his divine body, he can't be my opponent. Let him understand that he can't run away, and he will probably surrender!" Wang Cheng said:

"But the time I can explode is limited. If he refuses to surrender, then I will have no choice but to run away!"


After the Sea Shark King pondered for a moment, he then nodded slightly. His mission was to protect Wang Cheng, and this matter belonged to Wang Cheng. Naturally, it was inconvenient for him to take action. Otherwise, he would take action with a Purple Lightning Marquis. Solved in an instant!

However, Wang Cheng was right. Even if Marquis Zidian refused to surrender, it would be easy for Wang Cheng to leave.

Wang Cheng mastered teleportation, but Zidianhou didn't have the corresponding means. It was impossible for him to keep Wang Cheng. There was no risk in this matter, so it was no problem to try.

"It's too slow to take the spaceship, I'll teleport you there directly!" Sea Shark King said, although he can't take action directly, but there is no problem in taking Wang Cheng on the way!


Wang Cheng nodded in agreement. Although he can teleport, his force level cannot support him teleporting many times over long distances. But the Sea Shark King is different. He can teleport without interruption, even for one second. Teleporting once, but teleporting one light-year at a time, the speed is much faster than any spacecraft.

Of course, this kind of traveling also has its disadvantages, and that is tiredness!

A normal king would never use teleportation unless there was an emergency!

. . .

Half a day later, on an apparently ordinary life planet in the Qianwu Universe Kingdom, Zidian Hou was sitting in a golden palace, waiting anxiously. Beside him, there were three or four figures of Yingying and Yanyan. .

"How long will it take for Xiao Wu to arrive?" Zidianhou suddenly asked.

"It will take another three hours!" a woman said. Then she frowned and asked, "What happened to call us all together?"

"Alas!" Zidianhou sighed slightly, shook his head and said nothing.

Things happened so fast this year that even the people closest to him didn't know what happened. A year ago, he didn't expect that this would happen so fast, so fast that he couldn't even imagine it would happen. I can't react at all!

"What on earth..." The woman wanted to ask, but at this time, Zidian Hou's expression suddenly changed slightly.

The next moment, a figure wearing black armor and a dragon tail slowly entered the hall.

There is no doubt that the person coming is Wang Cheng!

"Is it you?" Zidianhou also recognized Wang Cheng. To be precise, he recognized the identity of Wang Cheng who had been helping Shamir investigate.

After investigating the affairs of Black Dian Hou, Wang Cheng did not return to Qiongyu Planet, but continued to follow Shamir and his party to help them escort them. Therefore, Zidian Hou knew Wang Cheng's identity.

"Zidianhou, don't think about resisting, just let us go and capture you!" Wang Cheng said calmly.

Hearing Wang Cheng's words, Zidianhou's heart skipped a beat. He didn't expect the incident to happen so quickly.

"No, Virtual Universe Company came to arrest me. It's definitely more than just this little battle, and the person in front of me..." Zidian Hou stared at Wang Cheng, and he seemed to have thought of something in his mind.


Zidian Hou stood up directly. After saying a few words to the women around him through the sound transmission, he then walked towards Wang Cheng step by step. His eyes were completely locked on Wang Cheng. Wang Cheng was also looking at Zidian Hou.

At this time, the women who had just been talking to Zidian Hou were also quietly running out.

Wang Cheng ignored those people. His target was Zidianhou, and the others had nothing to do with him.

"I don't know what you are talking about. This planet is my wife's private territory. Please leave now, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!" A cold light flashed in Zidianhou's somewhat evil eyes.

"Zidianhou, are you still lucky?" Wang Cheng sneered:

"The headquarters of the Virtual Universe Company has revoked your position. You will receive a notice soon. The only thing you need to do now is to surrender!"

"That's nonsense. It seems that I am the only one who has personally driven you out!" Zidian Hou shouted coldly, and the next moment, a terrifying aura rose from him.

"You don't know what you can do!" Wang Cheng sneered, with a hint of ridicule in his tone.

Seeing such a confident and calm Wang Cheng, Zidianhou also felt a little bad. He didn't know the specific strength of Wang Cheng's identity. He only knew that he was an extremely powerful immortal based on some analysis.

"Who is he?" Zidian Hou thought rapidly in his mind, but soon, he threw away the distracting thoughts.

In any case, when things have reached this point, only force can solve the problem!

"Since you are so overestimating your capabilities, it seems I have to teach you a lesson!" Wang Cheng sneered, but he did not break out in a demonstration of strength. His basic strength was far inferior to that of Zidian Hou. He relied on realm crushing. .

His purpose this time was just to scare Zidianhou. As long as he could be frightened, everything would be fine!

PS: It’s the fourth update today, and I still owe two more...

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