"Of course, I am just guessing. There is no conclusive evidence. Maybe there are other things I didn't expect!" Sea Shark King said again.


Wang Cheng nodded slightly. No matter what, he couldn't do anything to this Purple Lightning Marquis. He couldn't even stay here to hold him back!

After all, the Titan Transformation used by his clone lasts too short, and it cannot be used immediately after each use, so it will take time to recover!

If you continue to stay, Zidianhou will be able to see the clues sooner or later. Instead of doing that, it is better to withdraw!

All in all, there is almost no solution to this situation unless King Sea Shark is willing to take action!

But Sea Shark King has made it clear before that his most important task is to protect Wang Cheng. No matter what else it is, it is just a trivial matter. If he takes action once, no matter how secretive it is, there is still the possibility of exposing his existence.

What's more, now Zidianhou is not suspected of having an affair with a foreign race...

"Let's go back to Qiong Yuxing first. Let the Headquarters have a headache about Zidianhou. I'm trying my best!" Wang Cheng shook his head. He waved his hand and in an instant, a huge spaceship was taken out of the World Ring.

"That's fine!"

Sea Shark King had no objection.

. . . . . .

Wang Cheng and King Sea Shark returned all the way to Qiongyu Planet. At this time, all the kings sent by the headquarters were also in place.

As Wang Cheng expected, Hei Yanhou and Jin Yuhou both consciously did not resist. When people came from the Virtual Universe Company headquarters, they surrendered directly.

And Zidian Hou is missing...

At this point, Wang Cheng’s mission has been completed!

The headquarters of the Virtual Universe Company also quickly sent a review and reward points. Wang Cheng’s completion of this task was counted as 80%, and the points he finally received were 4 million points.

"How few!" Wang Cheng shook his head.

For ordinary Domain Lord-level geniuses, four million points is certainly a lot, enough for them to do many things, but for Wang Cheng, it is just average.

To him, it’s meaningless if the points don’t reach hundreds of millions!

Of course, Wang Cheng did this task not for points, but mainly to give an explanation to Virtual Universe Company. After all, he didn't want to be too independent.

"I can't put it off any longer. If I put it off any longer, won't I be annoyed to death if they give me another troublesome mission?" Wang Cheng made up his mind, and without hesitation, he went directly to the Tongtian Mountain plane in the virtual universe.


"Your Highness Wang Cheng, are you here again so soon?"

At the foot of Tongtian Mountain, the ox-headed man, the ape-man, and the snake girl all looked at Wang Cheng curiously.

"Stop talking nonsense and fight quickly!"

Wang Cheng didn't say much, he walked directly towards the three of them.

"Crazy enough, but Domain Lord-level Tongtian Mountain is not that easy to break into..."

The three of them took action without hesitation, but when Wang Cheng walked over, they didn't even have time to react and fell directly to the ground.

The foot of the mountain is easy to pass!

The mountainside is easy to pass!

The top of the mountain is easily passed by!


Wang Cheng passed the Territory Lord level Tongtian Mountain without any difficulty, but this is not surprising. His current law understanding is incomparably close to the twenty-story Tongtian Bridge. Coupled with the continuous improvement of his secret skill "Infernal Affairs", Breaking into the Realm Lord He is sure of the level of Tongtian Mountain, and the main level of Tongtian Mountain in the district is naturally something that can be easily captured.

However, what Wang Cheng took for granted still caused quite a stir within the Virtual Universe Company.

Wang Cheng broke through the Domain Lord-level primitive Tongtian Mountain. The average members of Virtual Universe Company did not know, but many senior officials quickly received the news.

Among these senior officials, not many people know Wang Cheng's true situation. Most senior executives have the impression that he broke through the universe-level primitive Tongtian Mountain less than thirty years after joining Virtual Universe Company, and then became the Lord of Chaos City. A registered disciple has a bright future.

It is precisely because of this that Wang Cheng's performance at this time is of course extremely amazing in their eyes!

After all, Wang Cheng has only been away from the original universe for more than a hundred years, and he has only been a Territory Lord for less than four years... In such a short period of time, he jumped from the universe-level primitive Tongtian Mountain to the Territory Lord-level primitive Tongtian Mountain. , what kind of talent is that?

Before, Wang Cheng couldn't explain anything when he broke through the cosmic-level primitive Tongtian Mountain.

But now, no one can refute that Wang Cheng is at least a Coty-level genius that is rare to appear once in tens of millions of eras. In fact, his current performance is even better than those geniuses who were previously considered to be rare to appear in tens of millions of eras. Horrible and even more incredible!

After all, Wang Cheng's training time was too short, short enough for people to ignore!

a hundred years? Two hundred years?

Isn't that a blink of an eye?

And in this dazzling moment, Wang Cheng has completed many journeys that immortals would not be able to complete in hundreds of millions of years!


Of course, in the eyes of some senior officials who didn't know the inside story, Wang Cheng was completely shining at this time, but many people who knew the inside story didn't react much at this moment.

For example, the Lord of Chaos City, he had known for a long time that Wang Cheng even had the strength close to the twenty-story Tongtian Bridge and the Domain Lord-level original Tongtian Mountain. The only difference was whether Wang Cheng was willing to go through it once.

However, even though there was no fluctuation in his heart, the Lord of Chaos City still took the initiative to summon Wang Cheng.


Virtual universe, Thunder Island, on top of the mountain.


Wang Cheng's figure appeared, and he saluted at the same time.


The Lord of Chaos City nodded slightly, and then asked: "It has only been less than four years since you broke through the Territory Lord, and you are planning to break through the World Lord?"

"Teacher knows?" Wang Cheng was slightly surprised.

"Based on what I know about you, if you go to the Domain Lord level Tongtian Mountain now, you must be planning to break through and become a World Lord!" The Lord of Chaos City said slowly.

"Teacher, it's really meaningless for me to stay with the Territory Lord, and it has no meaning for my cultivation!" Wang Cheng did not hesitate, he admitted directly:

"Being a Realm Master will put some pressure on me!"


The Lord of Chaos City nodded slightly. Wang Cheng's law understanding was indeed too high. Staying in the Territory Lord was a kind of constraint for him. Although he only stayed in the Territory Lord for more than four years, which was a bit too short, since Wang Cheng had the ability to break through, It doesn’t hurt to break through!

"Don't you plan to come to Chaos City?" The Lord of Chaos City asked again. As a member of the original secret realm, Wang Cheng had an opportunity to go to Chaos City for free during the Domain Lord stage. When he broke through to the Realm Lord, this opportunity was naturally gone. !

"Wait until the disciple returns from the battlefield outside the territory in the future, then go see the teacher!" Wang Cheng said.

"That's fine!"

The Lord of Chaos City nodded slightly. Wang Cheng understood the law very quickly. It didn't matter whether he came to Chaos City or not. He naturally had no objection to Wang Cheng's choice.

"Since you plan to go to the battlefield outside the territory, I have to remind you of something!" The Lord of Chaos City suddenly said.

"Teacher, please tell me!" Wang Cheng looked at the Lord of Chaos City with some confusion.

"The original universe gives the Lord of the Universe an ability..." Chaos City Lord said, and Wang Cheng quickly understood what Chaos City Lord was talking about.

The Lord of Chaos City first talked about the "resurrection" ability mastered by the Lord of the Universe, and then reminded Wang Cheng that once he really fell into an irreversible crisis, he would rather self-destruct than be enslaved or fall into some time and space trap. Guilty, otherwise, there will be no possibility of recovery!

Wang Cheng naturally knew these things for a long time, but the Lord of Chaos City specifically reminded him, so he naturally listened carefully.

PS: Today’s status is not very good, so there are only two updates. The remaining updates will be made up later...

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