Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 173 Breakthrough and Meeting

The Ganwu Universe Kingdom is located on an ordinary planet about dozens of light years away from Qiongyu Star.

As the terrifying energy fluctuations dissipated, Wang Cheng, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, stood up.

This clone has finally become the world master!


"How does it feel to become a Realm Lord?" Sea Shark King instantly appeared in front of Wang Cheng.

"It's indeed wonderful!" Wang Cheng smiled slightly. Through the power of the world, his avatar's understanding of the law was finally comparable to that of his original self.

Of course, this small improvement is better than nothing for Wang Cheng. His understanding of the laws is mainly from his own side!

"When do you plan to step down from your position as the Supervisory Envoy and go to overseas battlefields?" Sea Shark King asked.

"It is natural to resign as soon as possible, but there is no hurry to go to the battlefield outside the territory!" Wang Cheng naturally had plans, he said: "I have to make some preparations first!"


The Sea Shark King looked slightly strange. He should resign as soon as possible. Isn't he in a hurry to go to the battlefield outside the territory?

If there is no rush to go to the battlefield outside the territory, it stands to reason that Wang Cheng does not need to resign as soon as possible, right? After all, he, as the supervisory envoy, has quite a lot of power...

"Let's go back first!"

Wang Cheng didn't say much. He was in a hurry to resign because he didn't want to continue doing those boring tasks, and he wasn't in a hurry to go to the battlefield outside the territory because he still had many things to prepare for.

The battlefield outside the territory is not a kind place. Even though Wang Cheng is already quite strong, he has to make some preparations now!

First of all, the Nine Life Flower he cultivated before has not yet grown to immortality. Wang Cheng has to give it some time to grow. Secondly, Wang Cheng's clone not only needs time to absorb the nutrient solution to reach the ninth level of the World Lord level, but he had no intention of doing so before. The immortal "Nine Heads" that he obtained from the title of King also required him to spend time to assimilate!

After doing this, Wang Cheng's ability to save his life on the battlefield outside the territory will be greatly improved. When the time comes, he will be foolproof again.

. . .

With the help of teleportation, Wang Cheng and Sea Shark King quietly returned to Qiongyu Star.

After breaking through the realm lord, Wang Cheng first applied to the Virtual Universe Company for a realm lord-level nutrition warehouse. Then, he applied to step down as the supervisory envoy.

The World Lord-level nutrition warehouse is naturally not a problem, but Wang Cheng's job application did not receive an immediate reply.

"There won't be any surprises, right?"

Wang Cheng frowned slightly, but he immediately felt relieved. He had only served as the supervisory envoy for four years. The time was indeed too short. It was not surprising that the Virtual Universe Company headquarters would have doubts about this.

However, he has already broken through to the Realm Lord. Even if there are doubts at the Virtual Universe Company headquarters, it is useless. After all, sooner or later, he will have to leave Ganwu Universe Country and go to the battlefield outside the territory!


While Wang Cheng was waiting, staff from Virtual Universe Company soon came to check his force level and telekinesis level, confirming that he had indeed reached the realm lord level.

Not long after, a world lord-level nutrition warehouse was also delivered.

So, Wang Cheng began to soak in the nutrition warehouse while waiting for news from the headquarters.

In the blink of an eye, one year passed.

Instead of waiting for the news from the headquarters, Wang Cheng heard the good news from Luo Feng. After many battles, Luo Feng finally broke out of the siege and became a new member of the original secret realm!


Virtual universe, Ganwu Continent, Black Dragon Mountain Island.

Wang Cheng and Stepping into a luxurious manor.

"Brother Wang!" Luo Feng, who was sitting far away, waved to him. Hong and Lei Shen were also there. Wang Cheng didn't hesitate. He walked over and sat down next to the three of them.

"I heard that you have become a member of the Original Secret Realm, congratulations!" Wang Cheng looked at Luo Feng and said.

"It's a fluke that the werewolf Kroff suddenly had an accident, otherwise I wouldn't be sure to deal with him!" Luo Feng sighed slightly.

"What's yours is yours!" Wang Cheng shook his head.


The few people talked for a while. Suddenly, Wang Cheng seemed to have thought of something. He looked at Hong and asked, "Have you and that girl 'Jiqing' developed well in the past few years?"

"It's been fine recently!" Hong's face looked a little helpless. He originally didn't intend to mention this in front of his two brothers, but now that Wang Cheng had brought it up, he had no choice but to answer.

"Ji Qing?" Luo Feng had some confusion on his face, and the God of Thunder also widened his eyes.

They had some vague guesses, but they were not sure.

Instinctively, they think this is impossible!

"She is a cosmic-level girl I met on Qiongyu Star. I think her personality is quite suitable..." Hong said, Luo Feng and Lei Shen were also a little confused.

Hong, a person who they thought was always calm, actually fell in love in the universe!



But the fact is right in front of them, and the two of them have to believe it even if they don’t believe it!

"I can actually make your heart flutter, big brother. It makes me a little curious!" The God of Thunder touched his chin, wondering whether he should go to Qiongyu Star to see it.


Hong didn't want to say more in this regard. After thinking for a while, he then said: "Mr. Wang, I have a lot of ideas, and I will send them to you later!"


Wang Cheng nodded slightly.

Although it is indeed difficult for others to help with "spiritual realm" matters, Hong has been trying to find ways to help Wang Cheng. For no other reason than Wang Cheng gave him too much.

After he joined Wang Cheng's escort team, Wang Cheng immediately helped him solve the problem of his teacher "Luo". A large amount of resources were poured down. Luo, who was already desperate, now regained hope and went to retreat. .

According to "Luo", he has a high probability of success!

Hong himself also received extremely high treatment. Wang Cheng spent points to purchase a cosmic-level nutrition warehouse from the Virtual Universe Company, helping Hong quickly reach the ninth level of the cosmic-level. After that, there were a bunch of other resources...

In terms of treatment, it is much better than when Hong was a "special elite" in the Giant Ax Arena.

Of course, these are actually compensations given to Hong by Wang Cheng. After all, if he develops normally, Hong will soon become an extremely dazzling genius, and even become a disciple of the strongest human being, "Giant Ax". By then, he will have obtained There will only be far more resources than these.

Wang Cheng suppressed the rise of "Hong", so there is no problem in giving him some compensation.

However, these things that Wang Cheng regarded as compensation were indeed terrifying in Hong's opinion, so he racked his brains to help Wang Cheng.

Otherwise, he will only feel that he deserves it!


Luo Feng and Lei Shen were not surprised by what Hong and Wang Cheng said, and they didn't say anything!

This matter is not a secret. Hong will not hide it. He has already informed Luo Feng and Lei Shen.

The two of them didn't know what was going to happen in the future, and they naturally didn't know that Hong was actually delayed!

According to normal analysis, Wang Cheng paid a lot of treasures to help Hong's teacher "Luo", and the price was only to let the cosmic-level Hong join his escort team to help him explain some "spiritual realm" things...

Therefore, in everyone's opinion, what Wang Cheng did was extremely kind.

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