Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 174 Mission: Become the King in One Battle

The news that Luo Feng entered the original secret realm is still an episode for Wang Cheng. For him, the most important thing now is the matter of resigning as the special supervisory envoy. However, the headquarters of Virtual Universe Company has not responded. Even if Wang Cheng asked many times, there is no response there. Just let Wang Cheng wait a little longer.

This made Wang Cheng feel a little strange.

In the blink of an eye, three years passed.

In three years, Wang Cheng's clone had no bottleneck at all. As he frantically absorbed the energy in the nutrient solution, he reached the eighth level of the World Lord level.

At this time, Wang Cheng temporarily stopped and continued to absorb the energy in the nutrient solution. The reason was very simple. His original body had not reached the ninth level of the world lord level at this time, and it was useless for the clone to absorb more energy!

Although Wang Cheng himself received 10,000 doses of World Lord-level nutrient solution, his genetic level was too high, and the World Lord-level evolution took time to adapt to, so it took him seven or eight years to evolve. Reached the eighth level of World Lord level.

Of course, this speed is already shocking. For some normal genetic levels, even with the help of nutrient solution, it will take decades to reach the peak of the world lord level.

Of course, for the Realm Master, there is not much difference between a few years and decades. They are just a blink of an eye. That is to say, Wang Cheng's life time is too short, so he pays attention to the difference.

"However, the difference between the eighth level and the ninth level is nothing to me. My current strength can be said to have temporarily reached a peak. It will be difficult to make progress in a short time!" Wang Cheng felt With the endless power in his body, his eyes flashed with confidence.

He now has a full-fledged King-level combat power. Even if the King-Burning Divine Body is given to him, he will not be intimidated. After all, he can also activate the "Giant Transformation" and "Dragon Transformation" if the opponent's Burning Divine Body is used. Moreover, the Burning King-Burning Divine Body is absolutely He was reluctant to burn for a long time, and as long as Wang Cheng had the opportunity, he would have no psychological pressure if he activated these two secret techniques.

If the battle cannot be resolved within ten minutes, then run away and fight again when you recover... All in all, this move is probably quite disgusting!


Feeling his own power, Wang Cheng then separated out a trace of consciousness and went to inquire about the headquarters of Virtual Universe Company. His resignation has been delayed for so long, and there should be an outcome!

This time there was indeed a result at the Virtual Universe Company headquarters, and the content surprised Wang Cheng.

"Mission? Top secret?" Wang Cheng looked at the content of the mission, and soon his expression became a little strange.

Mission name: Conquer the king in one battle

Mission introduction: Zidian Hou was secretly arrested three months after his escape. According to the investigation, he once had ulterior transactions with the aliens hidden in the Qianwu Universe Country. Now, using Zidianhou as a clue, Qianwu has been locked in There are three secret strongholds of aliens in the Universe Kingdom. The company headquarters will send many strong men to clear out the aliens. Please join them and play a key role there.

Task content:......

"This task should have been given by a higher-up who knows my true strength!"

Wang Cheng understood clearly in his heart that according to his normal strength, even if he became the ninth level world master, he would never be able to fight against the king, so it was impossible for other senior officials to give him such a task.

"However, this is indeed a good opportunity for me!" Wang Cheng thought silently in his heart. It is definitely impossible for him to go to the battlefield outside the territory and let others know that he is "Wang Cheng" openly. He will have to hide it when the time comes, and the virtual universe The intention of the company headquarters is already obvious, that is, let him become the king directly!

Wang Cheng has this strength, all he lacks is an opportunity. Now, the opportunity has come!

"The aliens didn't come to assassinate me, but I wanted to destroy them!" Wang Cheng touched his chin and couldn't help but smile in his heart.

The alien race must have wanted to assassinate him, but the alien race would never have imagined that he could survive to this extent.

After coming to Qianwu Universe for so long, he has been staying in Qiongyu Star on the surface. Even if he leaves, he just teleports away without any trace at all.

In this case, the aliens naturally couldn't find a chance!

And now, Wang Cheng has directly broken through the realm lord and reached the eighth level of realm lord all the way, so they have no chance!

. . .

After Wang Cheng accepted the mission, he waited for another month on Qiongyu Star. A team led by Feng Hou Immortal delivered a huge metal box to the manor where Wang Cheng lived.

Wang Cheng opened the metal box and found a set of crystal-like armor lying quietly inside.

"Good stuff!" Wang Cheng felt the ethereal aura coming from the armor. Without hesitation, he directly put his hand on the chest of the armor.

"Hey, the test passed, the user has been confirmed, His Highness Wang Cheng!"

A mechanical sound sounded, and the next moment, the entire suit of armor softened rapidly like water, and instantly covered Wang Cheng's whole body. It didn't take long for the softened armor to regain its hardness, and the crystal-like armor also regained its appearance. .


Wang Cheng thought, and in an instant, the armor on his body immediately turned into jet black, and the originally noble crystal on his headgear also turned into jet black, looking extremely deep.

Wang Cheng thought again, and the aura on his body began to change. Soon, the aura of the Realm Master on his body disappeared, and began to transform into a trace of immortality. This aura gradually became stronger, and soon there was a thick sense of oppression.

"The effect is really good!" Wang Cheng felt his current situation and nodded slightly in his heart.

This armor was the item he was recommended to buy in the previous mission. It was called the Nine Fantasy Armor and was worth 4.9 billion points!

Wang Cheng couldn't get 4.9 billion points before, but he had just broken through the Domain Lord-level primitive Tongtian Mountain, and now he had broken through the Domain Lord, so the reward of 3 billion points had already arrived.

The previous accumulation plus the 3 billion points awarded by Virtual Universe Company this time, so Wang Cheng can afford this set of armor!

As for the effect of this armor... As a armor, its main function must be defense, but its defensive power is definitely impossible to compare with the Demon Emperor Armor worn by me. It does not play a decisive role in level battles, it is just a auxiliary function.

Of course, after all, this thing is worth 4.9 billion points. The average King of the Sea is probably not willing to spend so many points to buy this set of armor, so it should be considered good among the King of the Sea armors.

In addition, this suit of armor comes with an extremely advanced transformation function. Wearing this suit of armor, Wang Cheng can freely disguise his appearance, aura, etc. It is because of this that it was recommended that Wang Cheng be asked to do so in that mission. Sincere purchase.

After all, the next step is for Wang Cheng to "become the king in one battle"!

When Wang Cheng helped Samir before, he also pretended to be immortal, but at that time he was simply hiding his aura so that others could judge that he was immortal based on his strength. But now, Wang Cheng's aura changed.

Unless he is extremely powerful and can see through the disguise of the armor at a glance or is Wang Cheng's acquaintance, otherwise, he is now at the immortal level from his aura to his strength. Who can think that he is not immortal?

PS: Two updates first, two more updates tonight, and four updates today.

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