After the "Nine Fantasy Armor" was in place, Wang Cheng waited for more than a month. Finally, news came from the Virtual Universe Company headquarters again.

And Wang Cheng didn't hesitate, he left Qiong Yuxing quietly.

Half a month later, Wang Cheng came to a deserted planet.


Wang Cheng teleported away from the spaceship and came to a large open space. At this time, there were two figures waiting here.

Of these two figures, one is a man with long green hair and a rather thin build, and the other is a strong man with slightly wrinkled skin. He is filled with extremely murderous aura, and it is clear at a glance that he has killed countless people.

"King Bishu, King Tianli..." Wang Cheng looked at these two people and recognized them instantly.

These two people are both long-established immortal kings, one from the Virtual Universe Company, and the other from the Giant Ax Arena.

"Who are you?"

At this time, the two of them were also looking at Wang Cheng. Wang Cheng knew them, but they did not know Wang Cheng.

"I am Wujian, from Virtual Universe Company!" Wang Cheng smiled and said: "King Bishu and King Tianli also accepted the mission of annihilating alien races, right?"


The two of them did not speak, but King Tianli turned to look at King Bishu, who was also the king of the Virtual Universe Company. King Bishu was also full of doubts, but he separated a trace of consciousness to check in the virtual universe. The result I actually found this guy named "Wu Jian".

This person has been cultivating in Chaos City in the past, so he is not famous, but after certification by the company, he already has the strength of a king!

"It turns out they are Infernal Brothers!" King Bishu said with a smile:

"Brother Tianli and I did accept this mission. According to the mission, there should be another person coming next. Brother Wujian, you are the third one!"

"I see!"

Wang Cheng nodded slightly. On the other side, King Tianli saw King Bishu saying this and understood that there was no problem with Wang Cheng's identity, so he also started chatting with Wang Cheng.

The three of them were talking, and soon, a stream of light fell from the sky, and a figure shrouded in mist appeared.

The figure's gaze swept across the three people present, and then a lively voice came out from the mist: "Little sister Jiuxing, I have met three of them!"

"Nine Star King!"

Wang Cheng smiled slightly, but even if he immediately noticed something was wrong, why were the Bishu King and Tianli King next to him so shy?

"Jiuxing, this is Brother Wujie of my Virtual Universe Company. He is good at teleportation and is extremely powerful!" King Bishu quickly introduced, and he continued:

"Now that everyone is here, let's start discussing tactics!"

"The four of us are good at different things. That stronghold is on the living planet 'Qingfeng Star' more than ten light years away from us, so next, brother Wu Jian will take us to teleport there, Bishu your space Blockade, Jiuxing, you use illusion control, and then we rush in instantly and kill all the aliens directly, how about that?"

Wang Cheng glanced at the Nine Star King shrouded in mist with some doubts. He didn't know what she was capable of, but she actually made the other two kings avoid her.

However, Wang Cheng didn't think much about it. He nodded directly and said: "Okay!"

"It's no problem, little sister!" Nine Star King chuckled.

King Bishu: "..."

. . .

The four people discussed the battle plan, and then they started taking action without any further hesitation.

The three of them put their hands on Wang Cheng's shoulders, and Wang Cheng led them to teleport more than ten times in a row, directly arriving inside the living planet called "Qingfeng Star".

"let's start!"

King Bishu instantly rose into the sky.


The entire Qingfeng Star and a large area of ​​the outside world began to solidify in an instant. At this moment, Wang Cheng didn't know if there were any victims of the alien race, but Wang Cheng knew that he was a naked victim.

In this blocked space, he definitely couldn't teleport!

Of course, this doesn't matter, after all, they are raiders, they are not the ones who want to run away!


"Hee hee hee......"

The Nine Star King also took action almost at the same time, and with a burst of weird laughter that resounded throughout the planet, in an instant, most of the life on the entire planet fell to the ground.

boom! boom! boom!

In an instant, terrifying power erupted in three places across the planet, and three figures with extremely ugly faces rose into the sky.

"Three people actually resisted!" Nine Star King said unexpectedly: "Those three people will be troublesome for the three of them, and my little sister will continue to interfere with them!"

In fact, there was no need for the Nine Star King to say that Wang Cheng and the other three people would not hesitate at this moment. They immediately rushed towards the three directions.


Wang Cheng's target was an immortal with a green body. The moment Wang Cheng arrived, the opponent had already taken action.

A green crutch was like a poisonous snake, attacking Wang Cheng's chest silently.

Infernal Affairs - Meteor!

Wang Cheng directly used his secret skill, and he streaked through the void like a meteor. In an instant, he avoided the crutch, and at the same time, the extremely terrifying power directly skipped the opponent's divine body.


This immortal divine body exploded instantly, but in an instant, as if pulled by invisible force, the man returned to normal.

"Sure enough!" Wang Cheng knew clearly in his heart that although the Nine Star King just used a wide range of illusion methods, those who could resist it probably couldn't be ordinary immortals.

As soon as his immortal body appeared, Wang Cheng was instantly sure that it was the immortal prince.

Moreover, judging from the blow just now, this person is probably a high-level feudal lord, at least as good as the Purple Lightning Marquis!

"However, I am no longer different. You don't have the luck of the Purple Lightning Marquis!" Wang Cheng thought in his heart, and without any hesitation, he directly used the secret technique of dragon transformation, and at the same time started the first stage of giant transformation.

Wang Cheng's genetic level was thirty times higher. He activated the secret technique of dragon transformation and the first stage of giant transformation one after another, and his power instantly increased by 500 times. At this time, his power was nearly ten thousand times the peak of the world lord.

This kind of power has reached the threshold of the immortal body of the king!

With a power that is comparable to the King-level and Wang Cheng's understanding of the laws that is close to the 20th floor of the Tongtian Bridge, he should have the strength of a high-level King at this time!


Wang Cheng's figure turned into a meteor again, and in an instant, he once again passed by the alien immortal.

The opponent was blasted without any surprise, but at this time there was a look of panic on his face, because at that moment, he lost more than 8% of his divine body.

This alien immortal didn't dare to think too much, he just burned his divine power, then turned around and ran away!

The Fenghou Immortal Burning Divine Power will become stronger, but his immortal body will not. Wang Cheng can destroy 8% of his divine body with one blow, which means that the opponent only needs to hit him a few times and he will be gone!

Moreover, Wang Cheng's blow just now also made this alien immortal understand that Wang Cheng's strength is far stronger than him. Even if he burns his divine power, he does not have the capital to fight with Wang Cheng, so of course he does not hesitate at this moment. Choose to escape!

But it's a pity that if he wants to escape, Wang Cheng will definitely not let him go, not to mention that there is a Nine Star King who is eyeing him in the distance.

Not long after this person escaped, the Nine Star King threw a very powerful single-body illusion directly at him. In an instant, his escape was interrupted, and Wang Cheng naturally took advantage of it. I took this opportunity to catch up.

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