Wang Cheng's clone was preparing to go to the outer battlefield in Qiongyu Star. In the blink of an eye, more than three years had passed.

At this time, in the distant territory of the Monster Clan, an inconspicuous spaceship left the dark universe and reappeared in the starry sky.

In the spaceship, Wang Cheng's true self finally came out of seclusion. At this time, he had reached the pinnacle of mortal evolution. If he could go one step further, he would become a "god".

"Ten thousand times the power of the ninth level world lord at the genetic level..." Wang Cheng felt the power in his body, and he thought slightly in his heart.

At this time, his power should be accurately 10051 times the peak of the world master level. After all, he still has a clone that is 30 times the genetic level, and he has never taken it back!

At this point, Wang Cheng also vaguely sensed that it was precisely because of the clone that his body had not completely transformed. When his clone returned, his body and the world inside him would probably change further!

Achieve what truly perfect genes should look like!

"However, I have been given the secret law of the original universe before..."

Wang Cheng thought for a moment, and soon he understood that the will of the original universe should know the situation of his clone and the original body, so he directly concluded that he had reached the perfection gene.

But that doesn't matter. The will of the original universe doesn't do whatever it wants. As long as Wang Cheng doesn't do anything rebellious, it won't pay attention to Wang Cheng.


After thinking for a moment, Wang Cheng stopped thinking about it. It was impossible to take back the clone in a short time. After all, Wang Cheng planned to inherit the identity of the clone in the future, so of course he had to let it develop as much as he wanted now.

"No. 1, where are we?" Wang Cheng asked in his mind.

"This is the edge territory of the demon clan. There is no specific star map and the name of this place is unknown!" Number 1 responded instantly.

"Have you come to the edge of the demon clan?"

Wang Cheng nodded slightly. During this period, he did not specify a specific location. Instead, he ordered No. 1 to choose a direction and then keep flying wherever it went.

Drifting is how it should be.

"Test it to see if there is a living planet nearby!" Wang Cheng said.

"Master, wait a moment!"

Number 1 agreed, and soon, it responded.

"There is a living planet 100 million miles away from us, where the maximum life energy level reaction reaches the cosmic level!" Number 1 said.

"Looks like we're lucky!"

A smile appeared on Wang Cheng's face. From the perspective of the universe, 100 million miles is really very close. There is a living planet so close to them. This can only mean that they are lucky. Yes, we happened to be in a star system with a living planet.

"Lean over and take a look!" Wang Cheng ordered.



. . .

The distance of 100 million miles passed in an instant, and the spacecraft quickly arrived above the living planet. Wang Cheng instantly teleported to the interior of the planet. After releasing his will to explore, Wang Cheng quickly understood the interior of the planet. of many things.

A living planet with a cosmic-level demon clan sitting there, there is no doubt that the demon clan occupies an absolute dominant position inside. In addition, although there are cosmic-level demon clan, the technological level of this planet is extremely backward.

Except for one spaceship that has some technological content, the rest is far inferior to the earth before the cataclysm!

However, this is not surprising. After all, the technological level of the demon clan is indeed not very good in the universe. The situation at the upper level can completely reflect what the lower level is like!

"It's boring!"

Wang Cheng shook his head helplessly, and he teleported directly to a palace on the planet.

Here, a giant white wolf about seven or eight meters tall was lying down and sleeping soundly.

Wang Cheng let out a little breath, and the next moment——


The giant white wolf opened his eyes in a daze, but at this time he could not see anything. He only felt that an endlessly tall and majestic existence was standing in front of him.

"What did I ask? What did you say!" A plain voice sounded in his mind, and the giant wolf nodded instantly, not daring to resist at all.


Ten minutes later, Wang Cheng left. The giant wolf was still lying on the spot, but it had lost its breath.

That's right, he was silenced by Wang Cheng!

Although a cosmic-level person is unlikely to cause any trouble to Wang Cheng, he is always cautious and still directly silences him. Moreover, the target is a demon clan, so Wang Cheng does not have any psychological pressure when killing him.


After killing this cosmic monster clan, Wang Cheng did not hesitate. He teleported directly back to the spacecraft and then left the living planet.

Wang Cheng didn't get much useful information from the monster wolf, but a star map and the location of a domain lord-level monster were enough to satisfy him!

Seven days later, Wang Cheng came to another prosperous life planet. Here, he found another Domain Lord-level wolf demon and learned a lot of information from his mouth.

Of course, Wang Cheng also did not forget to silence him.

Ten days later, Wang Cheng found a World Lord-level wolf monster. However, when Wang Cheng asked for information, an accident occurred. A strong figure wearing armor and a wolf head and body suddenly fell from the sky.

"Who are you? How dare you disturb our Wind Wolf Clan?"

The sturdy figure stared at Wang Cheng. At this time, he did not recognize the identity of Wang Cheng's human race. After all, the Demon Emperor's Armor was a treasure, and it was absolutely first-class in terms of concealing his identity.

"The wolf clan is immortal?" Wang Cheng turned his head and looked at the visitor.

"Hmph, you first killed the lords there on the White Wolf Star, and then killed my people on the Nine Wolf Star. Now you actually want to do something to my child. Who are you?" The strong figure said in a cold voice. asked.

"It doesn't matter who I am, but I did all this just to find you!" Wang Cheng said calmly.

"Looking for me?" The wolf clan immortal thought quickly, when did he have such an enemy.

"To be precise, we are looking for immortality from the demon clan. Any immortal from the demon clan will do!" Wang Cheng smiled slightly.

"Monster clan, you, you are..." The Immortal Wolf clan's eyes suddenly widened.

"Guessed it right, but no prize!" Wang Cheng didn't know when he had appeared next to the wolf immortal. With a seemingly ordinary palm fall, most of the wolf immortal's body evaporated instantly.


The huge soul power invaded the immortal mind of the wolf tribe. In an instant, countless scenes appeared in the immortal wolf tribe's mind. It was the most terrifying scene he had ever encountered when he rose from a weak position...


The wolf immortal wanted to resist, but he was nearly killed by Wang Cheng's move. His ability to resist was tens of millions of times worse than when he was at his peak, and Wang Cheng's soul power, law perception, etc. exceeded his by millions of times.

Therefore, without much surprise, the Immortal Wolf Clan fell quickly!

PS: There was something wrong yesterday. The title of king and the title of lord should not have been in the middle level. After the elementary level, it was the advanced level, and then the peak... Now it has been changed!

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