Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 178 The Holy Land of the Wolf Clan


The extremely miserable Immortal Wolf Clan spoke respectfully at this time, and Wang Cheng threw him a colorful fruit to let him recover from his injuries first.

Wang Cheng wanted to use the secret technique of "Heart Tribulation" to enslave this demonic immortal, so he disabled him first. It would take a long time for him to recover from such an injury on his own.

Since Wang Cheng enslaved him, it must be useful, and the treasures Wang Cheng got from him were just a small thing to give him some treasures to help him recover quickly.

At this time, on the side, the Realm Lord-level wolf clan who was just being questioned by Wang Cheng was watching all this in stunned silence.

In the short period of time just now, it was like a roller coaster.

At first, Wang Cheng suddenly appeared and suppressed him with absolute power, making him feel scared. Then, his father came and made him happy. But then, his father, an immortal god, was directly disabled. Now It seems that he has become a soul slave...


Naturally, Wang Cheng has not forgotten the World Lord-level wolf clan. Things here must not be leaked. He cannot let the other party off like this.

However, just when Wang Cheng stretched out his fingers to kill the opponent directly with the incomplete "space strangulation" method, he suddenly stopped.

"You just enslaved this guy's father, and then kill him... Tsk!" Wang Cheng shook his head slightly, and then, without any hesitation, he directly moved his mind.


The terrifying soul power invaded, and this poor wolf tribe, which was only at the third level of the World Lord level, naturally had no resistance at all, and directly became Wang Cheng's soul slave.

"Master!" The World Lord-level wolf tribe bowed its head respectfully.


Wang Cheng nodded lightly.


In fact, the secret technique of soul enslavement cannot be used indiscriminately, because every time a life is enslaved, it will put pressure on Wang Cheng's soul. When this pressure reaches the limit, he will naturally no longer be able to use the secret technique of soul enslavement.

However, Wang Cheng doesn't care much about it at the moment.

First of all, he did not expect the slaves to improve his own strength. Wang Cheng understood the fact that no genius slave could keep up with him. Want to rely on the slaves to become stronger? At least it’s impossible now!

And when Wang Cheng grew up, the pressure brought to him by a mere immortal slave was almost negligible.

The truth is very simple. If Wang Cheng now enslaves universe-level and domain-lord-level slaves, he can easily enslave tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands. There is no pressure!

Secondly, Wang Cheng is confident that he will make rapid progress, so what happens now that slavery has reached its limit? When he gets stronger, he will still be able to free up a lot of positions.

Therefore, Wang Cheng didn't care about this matter.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't care, but Wang Cheng has never used the soul enslavement secret technique randomly before. Although this secret technique seems convenient, it is not good to develop a habit!

The reason why he enslaved this world lord now was just because Wang Cheng wanted to.

He thought to himself, he doesn't care about those little things... The pressure a third-level world lord puts on Wang Cheng is estimated to be far less than one thousandth of that of the immortal. This is really easy!

. . .

After a while, the Immortal Wolf Clan and the World Lord-level wolf Clan, who had recovered slightly from their injuries, followed Wang Cheng back to their spaceship.

"What are your names?" Wang Cheng asked calmly, sitting on a metal chair.

"Master, I am Dark Bryan, and my child's name is Jiu Bryan!" the wolf clan immortal said respectfully.

"Let me ask you, do you know the locations of some of the core secret realms of your demon clan?" Wang Cheng asked.

"Master, I am not qualified to know the location of the core secret realm!" The wolf clan immortal smiled bitterly.

"Yeah!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly. He didn't expect this ordinary immortal to know the location of the core secret realm of the demon clan. That was simply unrealistic and impossible!

"What about the almost secret realm?" Wang Cheng asked again.

"What I know are some secret realms that allow ordinary monsters to enter. I'm afraid, Master, what you are looking for is the kind of secret realm that requires a special kind of secret realm, right?" The Immortal Wolf Clan looked at Wang Cheng and asked.

Being enslaved by the soul, although he would wholeheartedly turn to Wang Cheng in his heart, this did not mean that this wolf immortal was stupid. He immediately analyzed what Wang Cheng wanted to know from Wang Cheng's words.

"It doesn't have to be a secret realm, it can be a core place!"

Wang Cheng directly admitted that there was nothing wrong with admitting it. After all, these two people had become his soul slaves and would never betray him.

"Xiaojiu, you have been to the holy land of the wolf tribe, you come to answer the master!" The immortal wolf tribe looked at the world lord-level wolf tribe aside.

"Holy Land of the Wolf Clan?" Wang Cheng looked at this World Lord-level wolf clan with some surprise. This World Lord-level wolf clan was just a enslavement of his own, but he didn't expect it to be more useful than the Immortal-level wolf clan.

"Master, the Holy Land of the Wolf Clan is where our wolf clan cultivates strong men. I was lucky enough to be selected when I was at the cosmic level, but I was eliminated after ten years..." said the world lord level wolf clan. , Wang Cheng was also listening attentively.

Perhaps because there is no super technology like the virtual universe that can even simulate laws, or perhaps because the demon tribe is more bloody and naked, the demon tribe’s method of selecting geniuses is obviously much more cruel than that of the human race, and their geniuses will not be like The human race is trained continuously once they are selected, but they will be eliminated through numerous assessments, and most of them will die in the process.

This world lord-level wolf tribe should be one of the lucky ones to come back alive. Of course, his talent is still not strong enough, so even if he is alive, he will be eliminated directly!

"Where is the holy land?" Wang Cheng asked.

"I said I have been to the Holy Land, but in fact I haven't even touched the edge. I only know that it is in the Sirius Star Territory and the Claw Galaxy!" said the World Lord-level wolf tribe.

"It's accurate to the galaxy, that's great!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly.

"Master, according to legend, the supreme being of our wolf clan, the Lord of the wolf clan, sits in the wolf clan's holy land. You must not get close there!" the world lord-level wolf clan reminded.

"The Lord of the Wolf Clan?" Wang Cheng thought for a moment, and he instantly thought of the "Lord of the Wolf Clan", who was the Lord of the Universe.

Where the Lord of the Universe is sitting, can there be too many treasures?

That's right, Wang Cheng was looking for the location of the core of the demon clan, of course, for the treasure.

As for the danger, Wang Cheng really wasn't worried...Wang Cheng himself was hundreds of millions of light years away, so he separated himself and went to seize it by chance. Who could do anything to him?

The Lord of the Universe, the True God, can spread his power over a few light-years. How many hundreds of millions of light-years? That is not a point that life in the primitive universe can reach.

PS: Two updates first, there will be more in the evening.

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