After receiving Hong's request, Wang Cheng did not hesitate. He quickly entered the palace directly in front of Yin Xuehou.

After a while, Wang Cheng saw Hong and Ji Qing.

"Senior!" Hong greeted quickly.

"Yes!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly, without hesitation, and said directly: "I already know your plan. Is there anything else you want to do? If not, I will take you away immediately!"

"I have nothing to worry about in Qiongyu Star, and I can leave at any time!" Hong said, and then he turned around and asked: "Qingqing, what about you?"

"Me neither!" Ji Qing shook her head firmly. Since she had made up her mind, she naturally wouldn't hesitate much now.

"Okay..." Wang Cheng nodded slightly, but at this time, Yin Xuehou also came here quickly.

Seeing that something was not going well, Marquis Yinxue said quickly: "Your Excellency, Ji Qing's teacher is the Phantom King. You must think clearly about what you want to do!"

"Phantom King? Let her come to trouble me, I'm afraid she doesn't have that ability!"

Wang Cheng said lightly, and the next moment, he put his hands directly on the shoulders of Hong and Ji Qing. As a wave of space fluctuations appeared, the three of them disappeared instantly.


Marquis Yinxue looked at the place where the three disappeared with an ugly expression. Mastering the teleportation, he would definitely be the king!

"Let the Phantom King cause trouble for you, but you should leave your name behind!"

Marquis Yinxue was unwilling to give in. Ji Qing was the only super genius that had emerged from the Ji family for countless years. He had high hopes for her. What's more, Ji Qing was accepted as a disciple by the Phantom King, and her future would be limitless... ...

But now, Ji Qing was suddenly taken away by an unknown king. Although it was Ji Qing's own decision, Yin Xuehou still couldn't accept this fact.

"We can't just let this matter go!" Yin Xuehou thought, and soon, he separated a bit of consciousness to write an email in the virtual universe and sent it to the Phantom King.


On the other side, Wang Cheng used more than ten teleportations in succession to bring Hong and Ji Qing to a place more than ten light years away from the Jade Star.

"Where is this?" Ji Qing hasn't reacted yet.

"We have left Qiongyu Star for more than ten light years, and you two are free!" Wang Cheng said lightly.

"More than ten light years?" Ji Qing was startled. At the same time, she also understood that the person in front of her turned out to be a super strong man who mastered "teleportation".

"Thank you, senior, for helping me this time!" Hong Ye said gratefully.

"No need to say more!" Wang Cheng waved his hand. He looked at Ji Qing and said, "Explain your matter to the Universe Mercenary Alliance yourself. I don't want to be accused of kidnapping the genius of the Universe Mercenary Alliance!"

"Senior, don't worry, I will explain to the alliance!" Ji Qing nodded instantly.

The method of cultivating geniuses of the Universe Mercenary Alliance is quite different from that of the Virtual Universe Company. Otherwise, Ji Qing, who is only at the Universe level, would not be able to stay on Qiongyu Planet forever!

"Where are you two going next?" Wang Cheng asked.

"I'm sorry for my ancestors and my teacher. Let's find a place to hide for the time being!" Ji Qing looked at Hong and said.

"Okay!" Hong Zheng nodded. In the final analysis, he was dragging Ji Qing down in this matter, so he naturally wouldn't have any objections.


Wang Cheng didn't say anything. Although he had long expected that the two of them would choose to escape directly, which was quite a radical method, and they would definitely not show up again in a short period of time, but now he heard the two people say it in person. , he was still slightly relieved.

In this case, this guy Hong shouldn't be able to cause any trouble in a short time!

. . .

After sending Hong and Ji Qing out, Wang Cheng quickly returned to Qiongyu Star. After handling some matters, he then disbanded the escort team.

"Shamir, if you have any trouble, you can come to me!" Wang Cheng promised his guard captain. Although Samir followed him and did not play a role in guarding, she did a lot of things for Wang Cheng.

Especially in bringing down the "Big Three" before, Shamir played a huge role!

"Your Highness, you must be careful when going to battlefields outside the territory!" Samir also said.

"Haha, don't worry!" Wang Cheng smiled.



Soon, Wang Cheng and his escorts left Qiongyu Planet one after another. The difference was that the members of these escorts returned to the Virtual Universe Company headquarters to report, while Wang Cheng officially set off to prepare for the battlefield outside the territory.

Within the territory of the human race, there are eight major logistics bases.

The closest logistics base to Qianwu Universe Kingdom is the "Shen Yuan Star" base, and Wang Cheng's goal is naturally there.

However, the day after Wang Cheng set off for the "Shen Yuan Star", someone found him in the virtual universe.


In the virtual universe, in a manor purchased by Wang Cheng in Qianwu Continent——

At this time, Wang Cheng was sitting cross-legged in an open space with a calm expression. In front of him, a tall man with a pair of black wings behind his back looked at him with an ugly expression.

"What are you still doing here?" Wang Cheng said calmly:

"Didn't I say it? I asked people to do everything! If the Phantom King has a problem, you let her tell me herself. Of course, it has to be when I am free!"

"You..." The tall figure's expression became increasingly ugly.

"Do you want me to ask you to leave in person?" Wang Cheng gave this person a cold look.


After all, the tall figure said nothing more, and finally could only leave with a sullen face.


Soon, the tall figure returned to a separate plane in the virtual universe. In this plane, there were palaces all over the place. Soon, the tall figure entered a palace on the seaside.

There are countless women with purple eyes in the entire palace, each one of them is extremely charming, which makes the entire palace in a state of delirium.

However, the owner of this palace is a strong female, that is, the Phantom King.

At this time, the petite Phantom King with purple hair and purple eyes was curled up on her throne. She quietly listened to what the tall figure who had just returned said without saying a word.

"Teacher, is this all?" The tall figure finally couldn't help but ask.

"He has become the Realm Lord, and the Chaos City Lord has personally announced that he will be accepted as his direct disciple. Do you have any way to deal with him?" The Phantom King asked lightly, and the tall figure fell silent.

"He made it clear that he is not afraid of offending me!"

The Phantom King said something, but she immediately said coldly: "You don't have to worry about this matter, I have my own sense of discretion! What you have to do now is to find your junior sister, I will give you one year!" "

"Teacher, the Virtual Universe Company is not cooperating with us. We can only rely on the power of our Universe Mercenary Alliance to find them. I'm afraid it will be much slower!" the tall man said with some embarrassment.

In the human race, in terms of the power of intelligence, Virtual Universe dares to say that it is second, but no one dares to say that it is first. For no other reason than Virtual Universe, this big killer, is really powerful!

In terms of intelligence capabilities, even the Mercenary Alliance, which is also one of the five superpowers, is definitely worse than the Virtual Universe Company. What's more, it is impossible for him to use too much power of the Universe Mercenary Alliance. At most, he can use the Witch Universe The power of the national branch is overwhelming!

"If you can't find it within a year, you don't have to come back to see me!" The Phantom King said expressionlessly.


The tall figure did not dare to say more. Although he was not very sure, he had no choice but to agree.

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