Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 184 Authentication and Departure

Of course Wang Cheng knew that his shameless behavior had offended the Phantom King, but did he feel it in his heart? He didn't feel anything at all!

Not to mention his true self, even if he is a clone, Wang Cheng is not afraid of the Phantom King at this moment.

What's more, his progress has never stopped. Now the Phantom King can't do anything to him. In a thousand years, Wang Cheng won't even bother to look at her!

In this case, Wang Cheng certainly didn't care whether he offended someone or not, and he didn't even take it to heart...


After a period of traveling, Wang Cheng finally arrived at the "Sacred Kite Star", one of the eight major logistics bases in human territory!

At this time, as Wang Cheng's spacecraft landed on the spacecraft parking platform, a staff member responsible for the reception also walked over quickly.

"Is this spaceship an F-class spacecraft? It seems like a great guy has arrived!" The staff member thought silently in his heart.

At this time, the door of the spaceship opened, and the next moment, Wang Cheng, who had completely changed his appearance and aura using the "Nine Fantasy Armor", walked out.

"He's immortal!" The staff member felt Wang Cheng's aura, and this was the first thought that flashed through his mind.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Cheng also looked at this person.


This staff member is not weak in strength, and he is also at the seventh level of the world master level. But at this moment, he felt that his mind was shaken. After just one glance, he immediately lowered his head, not daring to look any further.

"The strong one is definitely the super strong among the immortals!" The world leader was slightly shocked. Even though he had been in the logistics base for a long time, he had only seen a strong person of this level very few times.

"Senior, I wonder which battlefield you want to go to?" the staff member asked.

"This is my first time here, please authenticate me first!" Wang Cheng said.

"First time here?" The staff member's eyes widened.

"Is there a problem?" Wang Cheng asked.

"I don't know what you call senior? I need to report your matter to the supervisor!" the staff member said quickly.

"I am Wujian!" Wang Cheng said lightly.



A few minutes later, Wang Cheng came to a lounge and waited. Soon, a strong ape-man walked in with long strides.

"Haha, King Wu Jian, I have long admired your name!" The strong ape-man laughed.

"King of Punishment!" Wang Cheng also stood up and said hello to the other party. The other party said that Wang Cheng, a famous person whom he had admired for a long time, just listened to it for fun. After all, Wang Cheng had never done anything important at the moment.

For his reputation to spread, the support of Virtual Universe Company is essential!

On the other hand, the strong ape-man in front of him was the long-established King Feng. It was said that he had high-level strength many years ago.

"I didn't expect that this is the first time for you, King Wujian, to go to a foreign battlefield. This is really rare!" King Liqian said with emotion.

"I was unable to come to the battlefield outside the territory due to various accidents before, and then I went to Chaos City for retreat. I haven't come out until now, which makes you laugh, King Liqian!" Wang Cheng said with a smile.

"This proves that you, King Wujian, have great potential. I am envious of you!" King Liqian smiled. He was telling the truth. The guy in front of him has never been trained on the battlefield outside the territory. He has achieved the level of becoming a king just by relying on seclusion. Strength, there is still great potential to be tapped in the future.

"Thank you..." Wang Cheng smiled.

The two chatted for a while, and soon they got down to business.

Although the certification of the powerful king was a little more troublesome, under the leadership of King Liqian, Wang Cheng completed it quickly. At this time, he officially became a "new recruit"!

Yes, of course Wang Cheng is considered a new recruit. After all, it is his first time to come to a foreign battlefield!

At this time, Wang Cheng can already open the military merit system through the virtual universe. When he kills enemies on the battlefield outside the territory, he can record military merit at any time through the military merit system!

Before Wang Cheng came to the extraterritorial battlefield, the Virtual Universe Company issued a task quota for him, that is, he must accumulate one trillion military merits in the extraterritorial battlefield before he could leave the extraterritorial battlefield.

At this time, Wang Cheng, as a new recruit, also received a quota.

"Ten trillion military merits!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly.

Although this military merit quota is far less than the task quota given to him by Virtual Universe Company, it is really too much for a "new soldier".

Generally speaking, the maximum military merit for World Lord-level recruits is only one billion, but there is no other way. Who asked Wang Cheng to come here under the title of King?

"It doesn't matter whether it's ten trillion or hundreds of billions. What's important is to practice, practice and practice again!" Wang Cheng secretly made a decision in his heart.

Wang Cheng was still weak before. In the process of growing up, he was able to be stubborn. No matter what he did, he chose the most stable way and resolutely minimized risks. But now it is different. Wang Cheng has begun to grow up consciously. Even if This clone is very important to him, and he can no longer continue to be so stubborn. He needs real training.

And this time on the battlefield outside the territory, it is a perfect opportunity!


"I wonder which battlefield you want to go to, Brother Wu Jian?" Wang Liqian asked curiously after helping Wang Cheng complete the certification.

"The first battlefield!" Wang Cheng replied without hesitation.

"The continent of gods and demons or the psychedelic whirlpool?" King Liqian asked casually.

"It depends on the situation!" Wang Cheng smiled slightly, but he didn't say much.


Seeing that Wang Cheng didn't want to talk, King Liqian had no intention of continuing to ask. In fact, the two of them could only be regarded as preliminary acquaintances. This kind of thing was more or less a secret, so it was normal for Wang Cheng not to want to talk.

Although the two are of the same race, it doesn't mean that everything is open to each other!

. . .

Three days later, Wang Cheng came to the No. 009 Barracks Base on the first battlefield through the space channel established in the Shenyuan Star.

Without staying in the barracks base for too long, Wang Cheng quickly left, and his target... the Nest of the Divine Bee.

The first battlefield outside the territory is the earliest battlefield opened by the four peak groups. It is not large in scale. Among the first battlefield, there are three most famous battlefields, the Continent of Gods and Demons, the Psychedelic Vortex, and the Nest of the God Bee. !

In these three places, ordinary immortals are almost certain to die if they enter. Only the immortals who have been granted the title dare to venture in, and the prince can gain a firm foothold in them.

With Wang Cheng's strength, the other places have no training effect on him. He will definitely choose one of these three places.

Before, when King Liqian asked, he only asked about the Gods and Demons Continent and the Psychedelic Vortex because he felt that Wang Cheng was unlikely to go to the God Bee's Nest.

The reason is very simple. Although the Divine Bee's Nest is juxtaposed with the Gods and Demons Continent and the Psychedelic Vortex, the Divine Bee's Nest is obviously much more dangerous due to the special nature of its environment. In the Divine Bee's Nest, once the Immortal is defeated, the survival rate will be very low. It's quite low!

After all, this was Wang Cheng's first time on a foreign battlefield. No matter what he thought, it was unlikely that he would go to the Nest of the God Bee.

But it's a pity that Wang Cheng knows that there are tigers in the mountains and prefers to go to the tiger mountains. He just wants to choose the Nest of the Divine Bee!

Of course, Wang Cheng is not going to die. He still has some confidence in saving his life. Especially, with the Demon Emperor's Palace in hand, he really wants to run away, but few kings can stop him!

PS: There are only two updates, and I will make up for the fourth update tomorrow.

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