Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 185 The Nest of the Divine Bee

The first battlefield in the extraterritorial battlefield is located in a secret realm of the universe at the junction of the four major races. This secret realm of the universe is not large, with a diameter of about 100,000 light-years, which is about the same as the Milky Way.

After traveling for a period of time, Wang Cheng soon saw the goal of his trip, which was the Nest of the Divine Bee.

Wang Cheng had already stopped when he was hundreds of light years away from the Divine Bee's Nest.

Through the exterior simulation of the spacecraft, Wang Cheng can clearly see the scenery in the distance.

Yes, even hundreds of light years away, the incredible "House of the Divine Bee" is still clearly visible!

In the distant void, there are nine honeycomb-like buildings standing. Each of these nine buildings is about one light-year in diameter. There are countless holes on its surface leading to the interior. Each hole has at least Sun size.

"What an incredible civilization!" Wang Cheng looked at the nine "hives" and sighed secretly in his heart.

Coming to this "House of the Divine Bee", Wang Cheng naturally investigated a lot of information.

In the Nest of the God Bee, a race with very advanced technology once lived here. The nine "honeycomb"-like buildings were their territory and home nest. But unfortunately, the four peak races and their numerous subordinate races chose to live here. When a war breaks out in the secret realm, the once glorious race can only hurriedly abandon its old nest where it has lived for countless years and escape in a hurry!

Of course, the past is in the past, and there are far more ethnic groups involved in the war between the four peak races, so there is nothing to worry about.

What is really useful to Wang Cheng is the situation of the strong men in these nine nests of divine bees!

Based on the statistics of battles between strong men in the past countless years, there are nine huge "hives", each with more than 300,000 immortals inside. Taken together, nearly 3 million immortals gather here!

Among these three million immortals, ordinary military-level immortals account for the majority, and the ratio should be more than 70%, followed by feudal prince immortals, with about 29% being feudal princes. As for being crowned king...less than one percent.

Of course, one percent seems very small, but in fact one percent of three million is thirty thousand. If thirty thousand is averaged, that is to say, there are three thousand seals in every Divine Bee Nest. king.

Three thousand kings are crowded into one hive, which shows the danger in these hives.

Of course, there is no place on the battlefield outside the territory that is not dangerous. Everyone knows that the risks inside the Divine Bee's Nest are extremely high, but there are still a large number of immortals willing to come here, especially the military master level immortals, and more than two million of them have come even at the risk. !

Are they here to die?

Of course not!

In fact, the Nest of Divine Bees has two major benefits!

First, the environment in the hive is special, and it is extremely easy to meet other strong people, and then a large number of fights will break out.

Although this kind of intensive fighting is extremely dangerous, it can also greatly stimulate the potential of the immortals. Fighting here for a thousand years is at least as good as staying in other safe places for ten million years.

Of course, the prerequisite is to survive!

Secondly, after all, the nine divine bee nests once belonged to a very powerful race, and there are still some treasures left in them. Some treasures can directly make the immortals get rich overnight!

And it is said that there are still a lot of unknown places in the hive that have not been explored, which makes the immortals even more willing to come here.

Once luck breaks out and enters unexplored places, it will not be a dream to casually pick up millions or even hundreds of millions of treasures!


"The danger in the hive mainly comes from two aspects. On the one hand, it is the dense number of powerful people in the hive, and on the other hand, it is the routes that change at certain times in the hive. Once some routes change, they will be trapped in it for tens of thousands of years. There is nothing surprising even for millions of years, and the corridor walls inside the Divine Bee's Nest are very special, even the space of the dark universe can be isolated, and it is impossible to leave through the dark universe!" Wang Cheng thought in his heart, and at the same time He didn't hesitate, he teleported directly outside the spacecraft.


With a wave of his hand, he put the spaceship into the world ring, and then he teleported directly and quickly approached the nine divine bee nests.

From a distance, the nine divine bee nests were nine extremely shocking behemoths. But when they got closer, Wang Cheng had a profound understanding of what terror was.

"I really don't know how these nine buildings were built in the first place!" Wang Cheng thought secretly in his heart. Soon, he was completely close to one of the Divine Bee Nests.

According to the order, this "House of the Divine Bee" should be the seventh hive!

However, it doesn't matter to Wang Cheng which hive he is in, he just chooses it at random!


Outside the seventh hive, there were densely packed trillions of holes. Wang Cheng randomly selected one and entered it.


This is a bottomless tunnel. The tunnel is quite wide, with a diameter of at least hundreds of millions of kilometers. It is more than enough to fit a star into. Logically speaking, in such a tunnel, a "tiny" life like Wang Cheng flying in should feel It's very open.

But in fact, Wang Cheng felt a little bit cramped at this moment.

This feeling comes from all aspects.

First, the tunnel was pitch black, as if there was a black hole deep in the tunnel, swallowing up all the light!

Although this did not affect Wang Cheng's ability to observe everything around him, he still felt uncomfortable instinctively!

Secondly, the space here feels suppressed. Although he has not tested it, Wang Cheng knows that teleportation here will not be as smooth as in the outside world.

Both the teleportation startup speed and teleportation distance will be limited!

In fact, this is not beyond Wang Cheng's expectation, because Wang Cheng has already collected this information. This is also one of the special environments of the Divine Bee's Nest. The reason why immortals die easily here is because of this suppressed space. That's one big reason.

When space is suppressed, not only will teleportation be unsmooth, but other immortals that rely on the explosive speed of space laws will also be affected.

If you encounter danger but can't run away, wouldn't you be dead?

Finally, the auxiliary intelligence of the detector Wang Cheng purchased told him that the detection range was also affected here.

The maximum detection range of the detector in the outside world could reach tens of millions of kilometers, but now the maximum detection range is only a pitiful 100,000 kilometers.

"I spent a billion points to buy this detector. Many of the King's detectors cannot reach this level, and the results are suppressed like this. Then the other immortals here are really like blind people... ." Wang Cheng secretly shook his head.

The environment of this Divine Bee's Nest is indeed extremely special. It's no wonder that the mortality rate of immortals here is extremely high!

Of course, it is precisely because of this environment that the immortals who come here will face quite intensive battles. It is not an exaggeration to say that an ordinary immortal staying here for a thousand years is equivalent to ten million years elsewhere, even if it is sealed Wang Immortal, coming here can at least increase your training efficiency tenfold!

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