Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 186 Complete preparations

Combining observation with intelligence, Wang Cheng had a clear understanding of the dangers of the "Holy Bee's Nest".

Not daring to be careless, Wang Cheng directly thought about it.

A dark palace with extremely complicated patterns on its surface appeared in front of him. The palace just stayed in place, exuding a terrifying sense of oppression.

That's right, this is the Demon Emperor's Palace!

Without hesitation, Wang Cheng entered the Demon Emperor's Palace with a swish.


Wang Cheng activated the secret patterns of the first form of the Demon Emperor's Palace in a large hall, and combined with Wang Cheng's understanding of the law, soon, the entire magnificent Demon Emperor's Palace began to change rapidly.

In an instant, the aura of the Demon Emperor's Palace began to become duller, and the appearance of the entire Demon Emperor's Palace began to change.

Until a moment later, the entire Demon Emperor's Palace completely turned into the shape of a spaceship.

Wang Cheng carefully examined the changes in the Demon Emperor's Palace outside through the power of the Demon Emperor's Palace. He nodded with satisfaction. In this way, he would be much safer in the "House of the Divine Bee".


According to Wang Cheng's understanding, the treasures in the original universe are roughly divided into broad categories.

One major category is the mainstream, that is, the treasures that are activated by the perception of laws. Although this kind of treasure also requires divine power, it is not too great. It is mainly the perception of laws!

The other major category is the special category, such as the tribulation armor refined by Mountain Guests that can be activated without the need for law insights as long as the divine power is strong enough.

All the treasures that Wang Cheng has obtained now are undoubtedly mainstream, that is, the ones that are activated by laws, and the Demon Emperor's Palace is no exception.

There are two ways to rely on laws to activate the treasure. One is to understand the secret patterns on the treasure and activate the treasure by activating the secret patterns on the treasure. The other is to combine the characteristics of the secret patterns on the treasure. Create a secret technique that is very suitable for the treasure to activate it.

There is no doubt that the first way is preliminary application, and the second way is in-depth use.

The first one is not difficult. As long as you understand the law and take some time, it is only natural to understand the secret patterns on the treasure.

The second one is not easy. It requires a very deep understanding of this treasure. Only then can it be possible to create a more powerful secret method that can be used in conjunction with the treasure.

It has been less than two hundred years since Wang Cheng obtained the Demon Emperor's Palace. He has understood a lot of the secret patterns of the Demon Emperor's Palace. Now he can basically activate some of the functions of the Demon Emperor's Palace, such as flying, traveling through the void, impacting, etc. Defense and so on.

But he is still far from creating his own secret method that is very suitable for the Demon Emperor's Palace.

Of course, Wang Cheng actually had no such plan. After all, it would waste too much time, and he might not be able to use the Demon Emperor Palace for long.

Maybe Wang Cheng would have caught a better palace-type treasure by chance, and then eliminated the Demon Emperor's Palace...

However, although Wang Cheng did not create the kind of secret method that could allow the Demon Emperor's Palace to exert greater power, he did create a common secret method that could be used in conjunction with the Demon Emperor's Palace, which is the "transformation" he just used. Technique”!

Although this secret method is used in conjunction with a treasure like the Demon King's Palace, because the effect is only to change the appearance, it is not difficult to create. As long as you have a deeper understanding of the law, you can create it!

The reason why Wang Cheng wanted to create this secret method was naturally because it would be too arrogant for him to wander around in the battlefield outside the "Demon Emperor's Palace"!

Palace-type treasures are at least at the level of heavy treasures, and the value of palace-type heavy treasures is comparable to some attack-type treasures to a certain extent. It is conceivable that if Wang Cheng is discovered to be riding in the "Devil Emperor's Palace" openly and honestly. What happens on the extraterritorial battlefield.

Wang Cheng estimated that there would be a large number of madmen desperate to rob him. Although he was confident, he was not arrogant enough to survive the crazy pursuit of many strong men.

However, the nest of the God Bee was quite dangerous, especially since the detection methods were restricted. Wang Cheng didn't know when he would be attacked, so he naturally took out the "Demon King's Palace". After all, Wang Cheng was He came to sharpen his skills, but he did not come to die.

If Wang Cheng was killed by a soul attack from nowhere during his exploration, then he would really have been wronged.

All in all, if he uses the Demon Emperor's Palace, Wang Cheng may face being hunted down. If he doesn't use it, he may be attacked by a sneak attack and die unjustly on the spot. That's why Wang Cheng created the secret technique of "Transformation" .

The Demon Emperor's Palace is disguised as an ordinary spaceship, and this is a secret technique created by combining some of the dense patterns on the Demon Emperor's Palace. Although it has great limitations, its sophistication is not easy to question. Wang Cheng believes that even the top The detector can never see the flaw in it!

. . .

As a rare palace-like treasure, the Demon Emperor's Palace not only has terrible physical defense, but also has extremely strong soul defense capabilities. Although Wang Cheng can only activate a small part of the power of the Demon Emperor's Palace at this time, most of the attacks of the King-level The Demon Emperor's Palace is completely immune. Even if a small number of attacks can break through the Demon Emperor's Palace's defense, they will be weakened to one thousandth or even one ten thousandth...Wang Cheng stays in the Demon Emperor's Palace. It can be said that it is extremely safe in the palace!

Therefore, at this time in the Nest of the God Bee, Wang Cheng did not have to worry too much. In addition to dedicating part of his consciousness to control the advancement of the Demon Emperor's Palace, most of the remaining consciousness was carefully pondering his unique skill "Infinite". .

In fact, Wang Cheng's clone has not understood the law for a long time. The main task of this clone is to find ways to make "Infernal Affairs" stronger!

Laws are very important, so Wang Cheng himself has been studying the laws wholeheartedly. Of course, his own secret skills are equally important. After all, the same understanding of the laws, if used with different secret skills, will have completely different powers. .

However, in Wang Cheng's view, the law is more important at this stage. After all, the higher the level of the law, his strength will naturally increase.

The reason why normal kings would choose to cultivate their special skills is simply because they have reached a bottleneck and it is difficult to make progress based on the rules. But Wang Cheng is different. He is still making rapid progress, so of course he can improve in a short period of time. It is impossible to give up understanding the rules and instead spend a lot of effort to create unique skills.

Of course, not spending a lot of effort doesn't mean not doing it. Wang Cheng's avatar has been spending time on it.

Even though Wang Cheng is only a clone with thirty times the genetic level, the efficiency of this clone is far higher than that of ordinary geniuses. Otherwise, Wang Cheng would not have been able to create a clone before officially entering the battlefield outside the territory. He has mastered the almost peak trick of "Infinite-Fengyun"!


Wang Cheng was peacefully practicing in the Demon Emperor's Palace, and a month passed in the blink of an eye.

In one month, he traveled a distance of more than one billion miles in the Divine Bee's Nest. He had already reached the end of the corridor where he first entered the Divine Bee's Nest. At this moment, he had arrived. On the edge of the third fork, just when Wang Cheng was thinking about which fork to take to continue moving forward, suddenly, he who had spent most of his consciousness contemplating his secret skills in the Demon Emperor's Palace suddenly opened his eyes.

"The first batch of prey is finally here!" Wang Cheng suddenly stood up from the throne in the Demon Emperor's Palace, and at the same time, his eyes narrowed slightly.

ps: Two updates first, two more updates tonight, and four updates today.

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