The meaning of the words on the token cannot be guessed for the time being. In addition to the words, Wang Cheng soon discovered that there were many dense patterns at the bottom of the token, and these dense patterns were quite complicated.

Wang Cheng realized it for a moment, and soon he injected his original power into the token.


The token buzzed for a while, and a small part of the secret pattern was activated, but nothing happened.

But at this time, Wang Cheng looked at the huge wall on one side as if he sensed something.

The reason why the "House of the Divine Bee" is said to be a miracle is not just because of its size. The materials used to make it are also absolutely unique.

The nine divine bee nests are all made of the same material. This material is extremely tough. Even king-level attacks can often only leave a not-so-deep mark on it, and it will soon automatically recover.

What's even more peculiar is that this material can also interfere with the dark universe.

To put it simply, there are nine identical "Holy Bee Nests" in the corresponding locations in the dark universe, but their sizes are only 10.081 million times smaller than the nine outside.

This is also the reason why once you get lost in the Nest of the God Bee, you will never be able to escape even if you enter the dark universe.

Because if you enter the dark universe from inside the Divine Bee's Nest, you will only end up entering the Divine Bee's Nest within the dark universe. Whether you can't get out or you can't get out, essentially, there is no difference...


Wang Cheng was also a little curious about the materials used to build the Divine Bee's Nest, but he had no intention of exploring more. After all, countless people who had come here had already explored it, and no matter how much he explored, he could not find any flowers!

But at this moment, Wang Cheng sensed the attraction of an inconspicuous wall on one side from the token he activated. To be precise, it was the attraction of the materials that constructed these walls.

Without hesitation, Wang Cheng teleported directly to a wall.


Nothing happened to the token at first, but it finally became different. Intangible energy emitted from the surrounding walls and enveloped Wang Cheng in an instant.

"That's it!" Wang Cheng understood in an instant.

This energy wall actually integrated him with the surrounding walls. In other words, this was a very sophisticated means of concealment.

"No wonder those seven guys were able to escape the detection of my detector. It was thanks to the Demon Emperor's Palace that I discovered them!" Wang Cheng understood.

It was not the detector that Wang Cheng was able to discover before that the seven immortals were secretly preparing to deal with him. In fact, the detector scanned the place where they were and found nothing.

But the Demon Emperor's Palace has a power dispersion field. Although this field is not specifically used for exploration, Wang Cheng relied on it to accidentally discover the seven people.

"This token is pretty good!"

Wang Cheng nodded slightly in his heart at this time. It was certainly good to be able to hide his billion-dollar detector. As for the Demon Emperor's Palace... this is a treasure after all and cannot be generalized.

"Moreover, I only activated part of the secret pattern on this token to have this effect. What will happen if I activate all of it?" Wang Cheng glanced at the token, but he did not activate it immediately.

Without him, these dense lines are still quite complicated. Even with his understanding of the law, it is impossible to grasp them immediately. He has to spend some time to study them.

Anyway, this token is in his hand. What secrets does it hold? Wang Cheng will figure it out sooner or later!

. . .

After Wang Cheng's first kill on the battlefield outside the territory, he continued on the road.

Time flies by, one year, two years, three years...

As Wang Cheng continued to go deep into the Nest of the God Bee, he encountered ordinary immortal teams many times. Except for one team composed of immortals from a race affiliated with the human race, Wang Cheng did not miss the other teams.

He also encountered the Immortal Lord nine times, but the Immortal Lord was not as easy to kill as the ordinary Immortal.

Of the nine feudal princes Wang Cheng encountered, four of them were two or more princes staying together. The rest, even if they were alone, each had their own life-saving skills, making them quite difficult to kill.

However, Wang Cheng's strength lies here after all. In the past fifty years, he has already broken through the twenty-story Tongtian Bridge. Without resorting to any explosive means, he is not considered weak among the kings.

Once he uses the divine power of King Feng's immortal "Nine Heads", he will directly reach the peak of King Feng's normal strength. Only the high-level burning power of King Feng can compete with him.

Therefore, out of the nine times Wang Cheng encountered the Immortal Lord, he successfully killed the opponent seven times.

There were two remaining times, one was a team of five feudal lords and immortals staying together. Wang Cheng only had time to kill one, and the remaining four fled directly!

Another time, a feudal lord from the mechanical tribe took out a sky-blue crystal. The extremely terrifying flames produced after the crystal exploded almost killed Wang Cheng.

Wang Cheng is not immortal. Although he is strong, it is definitely much easier to kill him than to kill an ordinary king. As long as Wang Cheng cannot block the attack, he will die easily...

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Wang Cheng took out the Demon Emperor's Palace to save his life, and he escaped.

From this, Wang Cheng also understood the truth that no one should be underestimated on the battlefield outside the territory. After all, no one knew what terrifying cards he had.

If one thing is not good, it will be the result of a rollover!


Ordinary immortality and prince immortality are quite common in the Nest of God Bees, but prince immortality is very rare.

After all, each of the Divine Bee Nests has a diameter of one light year, and three thousand kings are sprinkled in it. Of course, it is extremely rare.

In the four years before Wang Cheng entered the Nest of the God Bee, he never met even half of the king. However, Wang Cheng was not in a hurry, so he searched slowly.

Finally, in the fifth year, Wang Cheng met his first king.

It was the king of the "Boulder Clan", a subsidiary race of the Machine Clan. The opponent had a rock-like body, and his whole body was smooth. However, his body was extremely hard. Even without armor, ordinary attacks could not hurt him at all. Down to the smallest detail, it can be said that he is a very difficult opponent.

Therefore, after Wang Cheng met this person, he directly confronted him. Wang Cheng did not use any explosive methods. He just used a world lord level ninth-level body with thirty times the genetic level and the law of the twenty-level Tongtian Bridge. Fight with it.

The king of the "Boulder Clan" didn't think too much at first. When the kings of the opposing camps met, it was so normal for them to fight each other. There was nothing to say at all.

Of course, in the eyes of the "Big Stone Clan" King Feng, both of them were around the first level of King Feng, and it was impossible to kill each other, so he had no intention of fighting Wang Cheng for long. That's it.

But it's a pity that he doesn't want to fight, but Wang Cheng won't let him go. After finally meeting a king, he just wants to have a fight and leave. How is it possible?

Therefore, Wang Cheng has been pestering this person for three full years...

However, this battle could not continue forever. In the end, the battle came to an end after the arrival of another king.

The worse news is that this king is not from the human camp, but just like the king from the "Boulder Clan", he is from the machine camp!

ps: The fourth update is over.

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