"Linguang King!"

Wang Cheng looked at a young man in the distance wearing an exquisite light blue armor. This man looked extremely delicate and handsome, but in fact, he was a serious king of the mechanical tribe, and a high-ranking king.

"Haha, idiot, don't you like to pester me? I'll let you pester me!"

The King of the Boulder Tribe laughed wildly. Of course, the King of the Mechanical Tribe was the helping hand he had found. Originally, Wang Cheng had been pestering him, and he was worried that Wang Cheng would find someone to beat him up, but now... The situation is reversed!

At least, that’s what the King of the Boulder Tribe thinks!

"I thought you would find a few more people, but why did you only find one?" Wang Cheng didn't look panicked at all, but sneered.

"I am enough!" The handsome young man in the distance, the Lingguang King, said calmly: "You are the King of Infernal Affairs who just appeared in the human race recently, right? You, a junior king, dare to act arrogantly in the Nest of the God Bee? "

"The investigation is so detailed!"

Wang Cheng glanced at the Lingguang King with some surprise. His reputation in the human race was not great now. Unexpectedly, the Lingguang King found out his true identity.

Well, it can’t be considered a true identity, it can only be said to be the most superficial identity...

"Lingguang, don't talk nonsense to him, let's work together to take him down!" The king of the giant stone tribe said impatiently.

"Don't worry, he can't escape!" King Lingguang was very confident. Before he showed up, he had quietly made sufficient preparations around him. A junior king cannot escape with his wings!

Even if this person has a helping hand, he will not be able to break through the dragnet he has set up around the perimeter for a while.

As the king of the mechanical tribe, what King Lingguang is best at is layout!


boom! boom! boom!

Without any warning, in an instant, nine tall metal pagodas suddenly appeared from the void in eight directions around them.

Endless purple thunder and lightning emerged from the nine metal pagodas. Almost in the blink of an eye, the billions of miles of space around the three people turned into a sea of ​​thunder and lightning.

The space that was originally blocked by the King of Spiritual Light when he appeared has now become even heavier. The endless thunder and lightning is like a prison, locking the surroundings tightly.

This wasn't over yet. King Lingguang just waved his hand, and in an instant, tens of thousands of shadows appeared in the void at the same time.

Among these shadows were mechanical puppets about the same size as Wang Cheng, as well as war machines thousands or tens of thousands of miles high with countless weapons on their surfaces.

The sword with the cold light and the muzzle filled with the aura of destruction were all aimed at Wang Cheng in an instant.

"As expected of the Machine Clan!" Wang Cheng felt the terrifying oppression, and he became serious in his heart. This Lingguang King is a high-ranking king, and the Machine Clan's kingship is already difficult to deal with. Cooperation, for Wang Cheng, the threat generated is absolutely terrifying!

The most important thing is that Wang Cheng is not immortal!

Some attacks, once hit, he is dead!

"Then come on!" Wang Cheng licked his lips. He had been pestering the King of the Boulder Tribe before. Naturally, he knew that the other party would definitely ask someone to help him. The King of the Boulder Clan alone could not put pressure on Wang Cheng. Now with the addition of the mechanical clan's King of Light, the pressure is indeed high enough!


At this time, neither the King of Lingguang nor the King of the Boulder Clan knew what Wang Cheng was thinking. After the King of the Lingguang Clan showed his methods, the King of the Boulder Clan also laughed wildly and rushed towards Wang Cheng.

"Haha, go to hell!" A mountain-breaking ax was held in the hand of the king of the giant stone tribe. He took the lead in killing Wang Cheng with boundless power.

"I think it's you who deserve to die!" Wang Cheng was not afraid at all, he directly transformed into Liu Guang.


Infernal Affairs - Fengyun!

The two ultimate moves were launched at the same time, and in an instant, the king of the giant stone clan was blasted away.

Speaking of which, the biggest reason why Wang Cheng has been pestering the king of the Boulder Clan before is that Wang Cheng's hard power is actually stronger than the other party. Otherwise, if the other party wanted to leave, he would have left long ago!

However, although he was suppressed, the King of the Boulder Tribe was not in a hurry at all. His body was so powerful that Wang Cheng could not do much harm to him. Besides, unlike in the past, he had helpers!

Sure enough, at the moment when the king of the giant stone clan was blasted away——

laugh! laugh! laugh!

Hundreds of cold lights appeared all over Wang Cheng in an instant.

boom! boom! boom!

Wang Cheng fought back without fear, and soon, each of the close combat mechanical puppets were blown away by him.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

At this time, the cannon muzzles in the distance began to accumulate power, and for a moment——

Countless rays of blazing light cut through the void and shot at Wang Cheng from all directions. Each ray of light left black traces like an abyss in the void. Although their terrifying power has not yet fully blossomed, it has also begun to flow. This is evident.

"Don't force it!" Wang Cheng felt the terror of those lights. He didn't dare to be careless and started to dodge crazily.

But unfortunately, King Lingguang naturally couldn't let him get what he wanted, and a large number of mechanical puppets directly entangled him.

These mechanical puppets are made of F9-grade alloy. Wang Cheng can blast them away and even destroy some of their parts, but completely destroying these puppets cannot be achieved in a short time.

What's more, these puppets are not stupid puppets. They are all controlled by the King of Light. Each attack also contains mysterious laws and is also full of threats to Wang Cheng.

"Haha, don't forget, there's me too!"

The King of the Boulder Clan obviously cooperated very well with the Lingguang King. He actually passed through the countless terrifying light attacks unharmed and found Wang Cheng again.

The surrounding mechanical puppets did not cause any trouble to the king of the giant stone clan. On the contrary, they cooperated quite well.

"The attacks are too intensive!"

Wang Cheng felt tremendous pressure. Although he was fast and his defense was very strong, these attacks kept coming like raindrops. What was even more frightening was that none of these attacks were weak. "Nine Fantasy Armor" Although the defense is not weak, these attacks are not impossible to break through.

And once the defense is broken, Wang Cheng's body, which is only the ninth level of the Realm Lord, will probably be wiped out in an instant!

There is no way, Wang Cheng now has high attack and low defense, and his health is extremely low, so he cannot take any damage at all.

Ten seconds, twenty seconds, thirty seconds...

Wang Cheng is constantly squeezing his potential. He cannot make the slightest mistake. If he makes one mistake, he will die!


However, Wang Cheng was nervous, but he didn't know that at this time, King Lingguang and the King of the Giant Stone Clan were both a little surprised.

They didn't know that Wang Cheng was not immortal. In their opinion, if they attacked to such an extent and didn't even hit Wang Cheng once, wouldn't it be as difficult as climbing to the sky to kill him?

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