Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 191: Forced into a desperate situation

Under the control of the Lingguang King, the metal tower that was originally billions of miles away, sealing this large void, flashed out of the void, sealing off all the places hundreds of thousands of miles around Wang Cheng and the King of the Boulder Clan.

boom! boom! boom!

The terrifying thunder and lightning all turned into chains, wrapping around Wang Cheng crazily.


Wang Cheng ignored these thunder and lightning and dodged quickly. At the same time, he did not relax his suppression of the giant stone king in front of him.

Wang Cheng understands that if his attacks are spread out, they may hurt both of them, but the effect will not be too great. But if all his attacks are concentrated on the king of the giant stone clan, it will be different.

As long as Wang Cheng keeps an eye on him and doesn't let him escape, then Wang Cheng has a chance to kill him!


The king of the giant stone tribe roared loudly.


A trace of reluctance flashed in King Lingguang's eyes, but immediately he became cruel.


The nine metal pagodas on the periphery began to tremble violently. The next moment, lightning that was a hundred times more terrifying than before spewed out from the nine pagodas, and then covered Wang Cheng one after another.

Like a terrifying thunderball, it came from all directions, giving Wang Cheng no chance to dodge!

"not good!"

Wang Cheng was slightly shocked. If they were at the peak of ordinary kingship, they could resist such an attack with their immortal bodies, but Wang Cheng couldn't withstand it at all.

Without hesitation, Wang Cheng took out the Demon Emperor's Palace and entered it with a swish.

boom! boom! boom!

Thunder and lightning finally fell from all directions, and amid a terrifying roar, countless dark space cracks appeared throughout the space.

"Stop looking, this won't stop him for long, leave now!"

The Lingguang King said hello, and he put away all the mechanical puppets and weapons without hesitation, then quickly turned around and left here, and the King of the Giant Stone Tribe did not dare to neglect, and quickly followed him.

But at this moment, a seemingly ordinary spaceship rushed out of the terrifying thunder and lightning.

"not good!"

The expressions of King Lingguang and the King of the Giant Stone Clan changed greatly. They did not dare to stop at all and began to evacuate quickly.

Neither of them has mastered teleportation, but King Lingguang knows the "space blockade" technique, so they are not very panic at this time.

Under the space blockade, they ran one step ahead. Logically speaking, it should be difficult for Wang Cheng to catch up with them!

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The two people turned into streams of light, and their speed soared rapidly.

The explosive speed of the Immortal King is undoubtedly much higher than that of ordinary immortals. In just a moment, they accelerated to half the speed of light.

"These two guys..."

Wang Cheng stood in the main hall of the Demon King's Palace. He frowned slightly. The space was blocked and he couldn't teleport. He really couldn't catch up with them without some special means.

"No matter what, I can't let go of the child without trapping the wolf. Besides, my strength has improved rapidly, so there is no need to be timid! After three years of fighting, there must be a result!" Wang Cheng made up his mind. The next moment, he directly urged the Demon Emperor Palace .


Large ripples instantly appeared in the blocked void, like a mirror shattering, and the Demon Emperor's Palace squeezed into the space...

Why are palace treasures so valuable?

Because it is really more powerful than other treasures of the same level!

Wang Cheng's Demon Emperor's Palace can not only resist various attacks, fly at super high speeds, and hit enemies, but it can also travel through the void.

The King-level space blockade can be forcibly broken through the Demon Emperor's Palace directly!


So, at the next moment, King Lingguang and King Feng of the Boulder Tribe, who were escaping quickly, saw an incredible scene. Hundreds of thousands of miles in front of them, a spaceship squeezed out of the void.


Wang Cheng, who was dressed in black armor and had a cold face, appeared instantly from the "spaceship". At the same time, he turned into a stream of light and headed straight towards the two aura kings who were still accelerating.

"Him? How is that possible?"

King Lingguang was shocked. Under his space blockade, the spaceship could still "teleport"?

"Is that F-class spaceship disguised as a G-class spacecraft made by beings with special talents and secrets? Or is it a special treasure?"

King Lingguang was guessing in his mind, but at this time, the king of the Boulder Clan had no intention of thinking about it anymore, because Wang Cheng was eyeing him again.

"Lingguang, save me!" The king of the giant stone tribe directly asked for help.

King Lingguang didn't hesitate. He directly took out the puppets and weapons from before, disrupting Wang Cheng again. But other than that, King Lingguang didn't use anything else.

In order to create an opportunity to escape, he had overloaded the "Nine Heavenly Thunder Field". He felt that he had paid enough. Of course, he would not invest stupidly now. After all, the person who was being crazily targeted was not He is not even a member of the Mechanical Tribe!

The King of the Boulder Clan obviously understood this. It was good that King Lingguang didn't abandon him and ran away, and he didn't complain in his heart.


The king of the giant stone clan was furious, and he suddenly took out a green stone and crushed it directly.


A large green mist floated on the rocks and began to spread rapidly.

The mist contaminated the immortal body of the giant stone clan, and his whole body instantly turned green. At the same time, the aura of the king of the giant stone clan became violent nearly a hundred times!


Wang Cheng sneered disdainfully. This kind of trump card that can greatly improve the strength must not be unlimited, otherwise the king of the giant stone clan would have taken it out long ago. Therefore, Wang Cheng had no intention of fighting with him at this moment, but started Delay time.

The Immortal of the Boulder Tribe was not a fool. He naturally could not delay Wang Cheng any longer. When he found an opportunity, he immediately started to run away again.

But it's a pity that Wang Cheng has the Demon Emperor's Palace. If he wants to run away, it's just a dream!

"Ask for help. Is there any friend who is good at teleportation in the Seventh God Bee's Nest to take us two on a journey?" King Lingguang understood that they couldn't escape with just the two of them. He did not hesitate to join the team in the same camp. Seek help from the strong.

But unfortunately, the terrain of the Divine Bee's Nest is complex. Even if you are good at teleportation, you cannot run around unscrupulously. What's more, teleportation is suppressed in the Divine Bee's Nest, and the teleportation distance is far less exaggerated than one light-year at a time in the outside world. .

Therefore, even if King Lingguang asks for help, there are no strong men from the mechanical race who can come over in a short time!

This is also the reason why the mortality rate of strong people in the Nest of the God Bee is extremely high, because some self-rescue methods that are very effective in other places are completely useless here!

"Human King Wu Jian is suspected of possessing an extremely powerful special treasure that can forcibly break through the blocked space and travel through it. His current position is..." King Lingguang was also furious in his heart, and he directly found someone to attack the Zerg and Monster races. The strong ones delivered the same message.

Although they are not in the same camp, there are still many ways to do it just to pass on the news.

For a time, in addition to the human camp, the monster, machine, and insect camps all knew about the existence of "King Wu Jian" who was likely to possess a special treasure.

Not much is known about who King Infernal Affairs is.

But a treasure that can forcibly travel through a blocked space must be extraordinary, maybe a valuable treasure, and many people were immediately tempted!

ps: It’s the third update today.

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