Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 192 The King of Divine Eyes

"The king who possesses a special treasure that can forcibly travel through the void?"

"The King of Infernal Affairs who is suspected of possessing a valuable treasure?"

"King Wu Jian, possesses a great treasure?"


News spread rapidly among the three major camps of the Monster Tribe, the Bug Tribe, and the Mechanical Tribe, and it became more and more outrageous. At the same time, many people immediately began to investigate who King Wu Jian was.

"Haha, a newly emerged King, with the strength of an elementary King!"

In the Seventh God Bee's Nest, a demon king with a third eye between his eyebrows laughed loudly. According to the news from King Lingguang, the location of King Wujian was not far from him.

If we rush over now, we can definitely intercept the opponent!

"However, this King of Ning Guang is also a high-level king. It is understandable that he can't take down this King of Infernal Affairs and asks for help. But why would he tell us the news to the Demon Race camp? Logically speaking, he can just ask for help from the Mechanical Race camp! "This demon clan king is not a fool, he immediately noticed something was wrong.

"Hmph, anyway, this is also a good opportunity. I will observe the situation from a distance first. Even if King Lingguang has any tricks, he can't do anything to me!" The three-eyed king made a decision in his heart, and the next moment, he Teleport directly and rush towards the location provided by the King of Light.


The demon clan's Three-Eyed King Feng was quite careful. Although he was not far from the place where the incident occurred, it took him more than ten seconds to finally arrive.

At this time, King Lingguang knew that blocking the space was of no use to Wang Cheng. He had already removed the blockade of the nearby space. Therefore, the demon clan's three-eyed king came to the vicinity smoothly through teleportation, and at the same time he could see clearly. What's happening right now.

"The King of Strong Stone and the King of Lingguang from the Machine Race camp, the last one is the King of Infernal Affairs of the human race?" The three-eyed demon clan's king was slightly shocked. Wasn't it said that he was the first level king? This is clearly the peak of the title of King!

Moreover, he is considered quite powerful even at the peak of the title of king!

"So that's it. The Strong Stone King can't hold on anymore, and the Lingguang King wants to find someone to save his life, fishing in troubled waters!" The demon king quickly figured everything out, and he also watched silently from the side. got up.

King Qiang Shi is from the Machine Tribe camp and has nothing to do with him. If this human race can kill him, that would be the best!

As for the treasure, don’t rush, let’s find out the situation first!

"King of Divine Eyes, please take action. Let's take down King Infernal Affairs together. The treasure belongs to you!" At this time, King Lingguang's voice suddenly rang in the ears of the three-eyed demon king.

"Huh? Did you find me?" King Feng of the Demon Clan, also known as the King of Divine Eyes, frowned slightly.

There is indeed a big gap between the demon clan's detectors and the mechanical clan's. The Lingguang King is not as powerful as him, but the detector he uses is much better than him. He doesn't even know when the other party discovered him!

However, even though he was discovered, the Divine Eye King was always watching silently from a distance, with no intention of responding at all!

"King of Divine Eyes, I am willing to offer you two billion Yulan units' treasures. The treasures on King Wujian will also belong to you!" The urgent voice of King Lingguang came again. Yulan units are strong in the mechanical clan camp. A kind of wealth unit used. Generally speaking, 2 Yulan units are almost equal to one Hunyuan unit.

"Two billion Yulan units?"

The Divine Eye King sneered in his heart. He was still unmoved. Although the treasure was moving, he was more willing to watch the death of the king of the mechanical tribe.

"Five billion Yulan units, I can pay you two billion Yulan units of treasures as a deposit first!" King Lingguang said directly: "This is my final bottom line, King of Divine Eyes, if you refuse again, I will I guarantee you won’t get anything!”

"Give me the treasure!"

The God Eye King suddenly spoke, five billion Yulan units, this is not a small number for him. Moreover, he benefited, but in the end it harmed the interests of the human king. This deal can be done!

. . .

At this time, Wang Cheng didn't know that King Lingguang had spread his story to all other major camps except the human camp, and had also attracted another king, the King of Divine Eyes, to come over!

Wang Cheng's entire attention was now focused on the battle in front of him.

Under his crazy attack, the King of the Boulder Clan in front of him had reached the point where his energy was exhausted. Wang Cheng estimated that the opponent's divine body had lost about 70%.

This has almost reached a warning level. You must know that any powerful divine body with an immortal body is impossible to fight to the last moment. Even the immortal with the strongest will will lose 90% of his divine body. Will immediately fall into a deep sleep.

Some strong people do not have enough willpower and will fall into a deep sleep when they lose about 85% of their divine body.

Needless to say, the consequences of falling asleep during a battle are that you will either be directly killed by the enemy, or you will be captured alive and eventually become a soul slave!

And now, the divine body of the King of the Boulder Tribe has lost 70%, and he is not far away from falling asleep!

If this continues, he will either choose to self-destruct, or he will have no choice but to resign himself to his fate...

"Damn it, don't force me!"

The King of the Boulder Clan roared crazily, but unfortunately, Wang Cheng was extremely calm and was wearing away the opponent's divine body bit by bit.

Wang Cheng is not afraid of the other party's means of dying together. He can summon the Demon Emperor's Palace at any time. No matter what means the other party has of committing suicide together, it is impossible to kill him through the Demon Emperor's Palace.

All in all, Wang Cheng will definitely kill this giant stone clan king today!

Seventy-one percent, seventy-two percent, seventy-three percent...

The divine body of the King of the Boulder Clan was consumed rapidly, and in an instant, it reached 78%.

Just when Wang Cheng felt that everything was about to settle, suddenly, a dark green dagger appeared in the void.


The dagger cut through the space and silently went straight to Wang Cheng's back.

At the critical moment, Wang Cheng's figure blurred and suddenly disappeared from the spot.

A hundred miles away, Wang Cheng's figure reappeared. He stared at the location where he had just been with an ugly expression. There, a black-robed king with three eyes and a dagger was standing there.

At the same time, the other party also looked at Wang Cheng with some surprise.

"King of Divine Eyes!" Wang Cheng asked coldly.

"Not bad!" The Divine Eye King said with a faint smile: "I didn't expect that your reaction as a human race is really fast. Most people can't dodge my attack!"

"It's just average!" Wang Cheng said lightly: "Why, you, a demon clan king, want to save this guy from the mechanical clan camp?"

"Rescue him? I'm not interested!" The Divine Eye King stared at Wang Cheng and said, "However, I heard that you have a valuable treasure, and I am very interested in it!"

"Heavy treasure?" Wang Cheng frowned slightly. At this time, King Lingguang shouted: "King of Divine Eyes, the great treasure is on him. Let's work together to kill him, and the treasure will be yours!"


Wang Cheng glanced at King Lingguang, and he instantly understood that this bastard must have started the rumor.

Although Wang Cheng possesses a treasure that is countless times more precious than the heavy treasure, the power shown by the Demon Emperor's Palace alone is not enough to define it as a heavy treasure. If Wang Cheng really exerts the power of the Demon Emperor's Palace, then the Lingguang King will follow How could the Boulder Clan be so arrogant for so long?

The Demon King's Palace is not without attack capabilities, it can hit people arbitrarily!

It's just that Wang Cheng didn't want to expose the fact that he was carrying a treasure, so he never used this ability!

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