King Lingguang's loud shout did not make King Divine Eye move. He just stood there quietly and looked at Wang Cheng.

For a moment, Wang Cheng, King of Divine Eyes, King of Lingguang and the king of the giant stone tribe stood in a stalemate.

"King of Lingguang, should I make up for the treasures you promised me before?" King Divine Eye suddenly asked.


King Lingguang glanced at King Feng of the Boulder Tribe who had been rescued. He waved his hand and threw a world ring out.

At the same time, the voice of the Divine Eye King suddenly sounded in Wang Cheng's ears, which made Wang Cheng, who was about to do something, stop. Wang Cheng glanced at the Divine Eye King, who had no strange expression on his face, and felt something strange in his heart. .

On the other side, the God Eye King took the world ring thrown by the Lingguang King, and he put his consciousness into it to check it a little.

"Although they are all rubbish, fortunately the quantity is large enough, and the remaining three billion Yulan units of treasures can be considered complete!" The God Eye King said lightly.

"When did my aura speak falsely?" King Aura smiled. He was about to say something, but at this moment, Wang Cheng and King Shenyan disappeared in an instant.

The two men appeared near the King of the Giant Stone Clan and the King of Lingguang respectively, and then took action without hesitation.

boom! boom! boom!

The battle that had just stopped started again, and it was countless times more violent than before.

King Feng of the Boulder Clan, who had just gotten a chance to breathe, was once again caught in Wang Cheng's violent attacks, and King Lingguang was directly suppressed by the King of Divine Eyes.

The King of Divine Eyes is extremely powerful and is the peak of the veteran King. King of Lingguang is only a high-level King. Naturally, he cannot take advantage of the King of Divine Eyes at all.

"King of Divine Eyes, what are you doing?" King of Lingguang was shocked and angry.

"Haha, what do you want me to do? You are the king of the mechanical tribe, and I am the king of the demon tribe. Of course I will kill you when I meet you!" The Divine Eye King laughed, as if it was a matter of course.

"You don't want the treasure in King Wujian's hand anymore?" King Lingguang asked.

"Idiot, he is the peak king! And, as you said, he is not afraid of space blockade. How can I kill him? Just you, a senior king, and a crippled junior king?" King of Divine Eyes He sneered and said: "Instead of coveting the treasure that I can't get, I might as well join forces with King Wu Jian to kill you two. Then I can make a fortune at least!"

"Who said that King Wujian is the peak king? He has used special means to achieve his current strength. Under normal circumstances, he is only the elementary king!" King Lingguang quickly explained through a voice transmission.

"Huh? What did you say?" The God Eye King felt something was wrong, but at this moment, a terrifying explosion suddenly came from the distance.

boom! boom! boom!

The endless power instantly passed through a large space and arrived at the battlefield between the Divine Eye King and the Lingguang King.

"Damn it!" King Lingguang retreated instantly. The familiar aura in the explosion told him that the King of Strong Stones he had tried so hard to save had now self-destructed.

This is not surprising. The King of the Giant Stone Tribe was originally at the end of his strength. With the help of King Lingguang, he was able to persist in Wang Cheng's hands for a long time. Now King Lingguang was restrained by the King of Divine Eyes. The Giant Stone Tribe was already at the end of his strength. How could King Feng stop Wang Cheng? Naturally, he was forced to self-destruct in just three or five strokes!

Of course, the moment the opponent self-destructed, Wang Cheng hid in the Demon Emperor's Palace. Of course, he was not harmed at all!


When the aftermath of the explosion dissipated, Wang Cheng's figure was revealed again. At this time, the Divine Eye King and the Lingguang King had stopped fighting. The Lingguang King stared at the two of them with a look of resentment, especially the Divine Eye King.

"Brother Wujian, according to what we said before, we can't let King Lingguang escape, otherwise there will be endless troubles!" King Shenyan seemed not to have heard what King Lingguang said just now, and he continued to invite Wang Cheng.

"King of Divine Eyes, your proposal is very tempting..." Wang Cheng looked at the King of Divine Eyes and said, but he immediately said: "But if I cooperate with someone like you, I'm afraid that you will You stabbed me too, so let’s forget it!”

"This is a great opportunity!" The Divine Eye King wanted to say something else, but Wang Cheng had once again summoned the Demon Emperor's Palace disguised as a spaceship. After he sneered, he boarded the spaceship.

next moment--

The spacecraft began to accelerate rapidly and disappeared from the eyes of the two people in the blink of an eye.

"What a fast acceleration!"

The God Eye King was slightly shocked. The speed at which this spaceship accelerated was indeed astonishing. You must know that when an ordinary F-class spacecraft accelerates, any immortal can easily catch up with it, but this spaceship, in the blink of an eye, can catch up with it easily. The acceleration reached a terrifying level. This acceleration was much faster than most kings!

"Have you seen it, idiot? This is the treasure I'm talking about. Not only can it travel through the void, but it can also accelerate so fast!" King Lingguang sneered:

"Then King Wujian is in such a hurry to leave, it is definitely because the special methods he used have reached their limit. If you cooperated with me from the beginning, there is a good chance of keeping him, but unfortunately, you are a fool!"

"You dare to scold me?"

The God Eye King was also a little angry.

"You are the one I'm scolding, you self-righteous fool!" King Lingguang was not deterred at all.

"court death!"

The God Eye King was furious and he took action boldly.


The King of Spiritual Light was too lazy to contend with the King of Divine Eyes, so he ran away directly, but the King of Divine Eyes pursued him relentlessly...

. . .

the other side--

Wang Cheng sat on the throne in the Demon Emperor's Palace. He looked at the ten trillion military merits he had just gained and sighed secretly in his heart.

Killing a low-level King of the Boulder Tribe will result in 10 trillion military merits. If he can kill a high-level King of Ningguang, it will be worth 100 billion military merits.

Moreover, joining forces with the Divine Eye King, who is also at the peak of the title of king, this opportunity is not small!

But unfortunately, Wang Cheng gave up in the end. It was true that the God Eye King was not trustworthy at all.

Look at the guy from the Divine Eye King. He just collected a treasure from the Lingguang King on the front foot, and then directly escaped from Wang Cheng and joined forces to attack the Lingguang King and the two. This is simply the most evil of hands and heart.

So the Divine Eye King and the Lingguang King are from different races, are he and Wang Cheng the same race?

of course not!

The two of them are from a demon race and a human race, so there is a possibility of attacking each other at any time!

Wang Cheng is not immortal. Once he is successfully attacked, he will die and seek skin from a tiger? No need!

In addition, King Lingguang's speculation is also pure nonsense. The way Wang Cheng improves his strength is through "assimilation". This method has no time limit or limit. King Lingguang speculates that Wang Cheng left in a hurry because he reached the limit. , of course it’s nonsense.

However, Wang Cheng has already left, so it is naturally impossible for him to go back and explain!


"There's no need to add more extraneous problems, the harvest this time is big enough!"

Wang Cheng secretly sighed in his heart. Not to mention the military merit he gained by killing the king of the giant stone clan, from the time he entangled the opponent three years ago to now, the battles he fought each and every time made Wang Cheng realize a lot.

It is estimated that after this time, his "Wu Jian" will officially reach the peak level of secret skill!

By then, his strength will undoubtedly become stronger!

PS: Two updates today, and four updates tomorrow.

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