In the blink of an eye, one year passed.

In the virtual universe, Thunder Island, Wang Cheng appeared in a palace as the "King of Infernal Affairs".

According to the rules of the Virtual Universe Company, the core members of Immortal Under are all living in Yuxiang Mountain, while the core members of Immortal Above are all living in Thunder Island.

Since the Virtual Universe Company intends to let Wang Cheng appear to the outside world as the king, it will naturally arrange a residence for him on Thunder Island.

In fact, Wang Cheng rarely came to this palace. Except for a housekeeper and a few servants, there was no other people in the palace. It could be said that it was very deserted.

And when Wang Cheng came here today, he naturally had something important to do!


After Wang Cheng waited for a moment, nine figures soon appeared in front of his hall. Under the leadership of the housekeeper, the nine figures soon entered Wang Cheng's hall.

"King Wu Jian, we meet again!" Among the nine people, a man with a mysterious green pattern between his eyebrows said with a smile.

"King Biqiong!" Wang Cheng stood up to greet him. He looked at the other two people and said, "I didn't expect so many friends to come. What should I call them?"

"This is King Fengtian of the Golden Phoenix Clan, this is King Jinjing of the Silver Mirror Clan, this is..." King Biqiong first introduced the remaining people, and then continued:

"These eight are all strong men in the Hongmeng. They are here with me this time to witness your joining the Hongmeng, King Wujian!"

"Thank you for your hard work, let's sit down and talk slowly!" Wang Cheng smiled and invited the three of them to enter the palace.

In fact, Wang Cheng had already contacted King Biqiong before, so he came to the palace on Thunder Island to wait there today.

The purpose is just as King Biqiong said... Wang Cheng is going to join Hongmeng!

The Hongmeng is a special organization whose members are composed of the human race and its affiliated races, and each member is at least a king.

This is an organization where countless powerful people communicate with each other and exchange their needs. All the powerful people above the kingship of the human race and the human race's affiliated races are included in it, even the lord of the universe like the Lord of Chaos City is no exception.

It can be said that this is one of the top organizations in the original universe, and its resources are countless. There is no harm in joining it, and Wang Cheng will naturally not refuse!

. . .

The process of joining Hongmeng is not complicated. Hongmeng is an open organization. It does not force others to join. However, once you agree to join, you must not betray it.

In fact, the entire Hongmeng is dominated by the human race. As a human race, Wang Cheng is naturally unable to betray, so this rule has almost no binding force on him, so he naturally agreed directly.

After Wang Cheng agreed, Virtual Universe responded directly.


A crisp sound sounded, and then, a dazzling star seemed to appear in the center of the entire palace. The star quickly shrank and disappeared into the communicator on Wang Cheng's wrist.

Immediately afterwards, a vague but terrifying figure appeared...

King Biqiong and the other nine people were obviously no strangers to this figure, and they were also prepared for the sudden pressure.

Wang Cheng raised his head. He looked at the figure and secretly thought about the identity of the figure.

Wang Cheng guessed that there is a 30% chance that this person is the creator of the virtual universe. Now he has been suppressed by the original universe, and he can be called the strongest person in the human race.

There is also a possibility that 30% are just images left by the original ancestors.

The last 40% may be other situations!

Of course, this is not important. The level of the original ancestor is too high and Wang Cheng cannot reach it at the moment. This image is more of a symbolic meaning to Wang Cheng.


"The Infinite King of the Human Race!"

"Welcome to join Hongmeng. From now on, you will officially become a member of Hongmeng!"

"Crisis lurks in the universe. If the clan wants to survive, it needs strong men to fight. Fight for the clan and Hongmeng. This is your mission and the mission of every strong man."

Sounds that penetrated directly into the soul sounded one after another. When the last note disappeared, the figure full of awe-inspiring coercion also disappeared directly.

"Every time I see this person, I feel like my heart is filled with endless pressure!" King Biqiong sighed.


Wang Cheng didn't say anything. After thinking for a moment, he asked directly: "Everyone, am I officially joining Hongmeng?"

"Yes, King Wujian, you are already a member of Hongmeng!" King Biqiong said with a smile:

"Every member who has just joined the Hongmeng is a one-star member. Later, the 'Hongmeng Sub-system' in the virtual universe will determine your level based on your performance... As the King of Infernal Affairs, you can kill the Boulders alone." King Qiang Shi’s strength will probably make him a two-star member soon!”

"That's it!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly.

King Qiangshi is the king of the Great Stone Clan who was killed by Wang Cheng a year ago. Although he is only a junior king, he is still a king.

The king is not that easy to kill. Many kings at their peak have never killed the king, which shows how difficult it is!

Wang Cheng did not publicize his killing of the "Strong Stone King". However, the "Aura King" used various channels to spread the treasures he had that could forcibly travel through the void among the three camps of the Zerg, Monster and Mechanical Tribes. As time passed, the human camp also knew about it.

Although it is said that the strong men of the major camps cannot communicate directly with each other, there are many private communication channels. It is impossible to hide something like this that is spread among the other three major camps!

This matter could not be hidden, and soon, Wang Cheng's killing of King Qiang Shi was naturally known to many powerful people.

Of course, this is not a bad thing for Wang Cheng. The greater his reputation, the more invisible benefits he can get, and the opportunity may come anytime!

. . .

Wang Cheng chatted with the nine kings for a while, and they quickly said goodbye and left.

After joining Hongmeng, Wang Cheng also obtained a series of corresponding permissions, such as accessing information about Hongmeng.

After Wang Cheng quickly looked through some information, he quickly learned something.

For example, Hongmeng's headquarters is in the virtual universe, which is a separate plane. There is a huge city in it called Hongmeng City.

Another example is the division of the strong in Hongmeng.

Generally speaking, one star is an ordinary king, two stars is a strong king, three stars is the ultimate king, four stars is an invincible king or a cosmic venerable who has just broken through, five stars is a normal cosmic venerable, and six stars is a normal cosmic venerable. Xing is the strongest among the Universe Venerables, and Qixing is the top group of Universe Venerables or the Lord of the Universe.

"There are three million kings in the entire Hongmeng, and there are only 100,000 in the human race. However, the top seven-star experts are almost all from the human race!" Wang Cheng looked through the information on the Hongmeng, and he understood that the kings in the human race are not actually No matter what, although the status of King Feng is extremely high in the human race, it cannot be said to be the mainstay.

The real pillars are only those seven-star experts!

"Seven stars..." Wang Cheng thought in his heart, and then he shook his head slightly. He was confident that he would become a seven-star, but it would just take some time.

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