Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 195 The Road to the Future

After Wang Cheng joined Hongmeng, more than half a year passed in the blink of an eye.

In the past nearly two years, Wang Cheng's gains from the previous battle were quickly absorbed by him, and now they have been completely transformed into results. His two moves of "Wu Jian - Fengyun" and "Wu Jian - Meteor" have completely reached their peak. The level of unique knowledge.

The move "Wu Jian - Fengyun" is an explosive killing move. It not only inherits the speed advantage of "Wu Jian", but also has terrifying power. It is most suitable for frontal fighting. When it goes a step further, it completely reaches the "peak secret skill". "After the level, the frontal power is even more terrifying.

The "Infinite Meteor" is a move that is more speed-oriented, especially the straight-line acceleration, which is even faster.

If it takes an ordinary King Feng at least ten seconds to accelerate from zero to the speed of light, then Wang Cheng can do it in three seconds.

Of course, in addition to straight-line acceleration, "Wu Jian Meteor" is not weak in the direction of tossing and turning. Before being attacked by countless artillery fire and mechanical puppets from "Aura King", Wang Cheng was able to dodge for dozens of seconds. It can be seen that This move is flexible.

"With the mastery of the peak secret skill, without using the power of assimilation, I estimate that I can also have the strength of a high-level king! Once I use 'assimilation', then I will be the top combat power in the peak of the king. If I use the Demon Emperor's Palace, cooperate with 'Infernal Affairs' - If a meteor comes to hit someone, there is a chance that a normal peak-level king will be hit to death by me!" Wang Cheng thought secretly, and at the same time, he also understood that after his avatar has reached this level, if he wants to have a big impact, It’s very difficult to improve!

"There is basically no possibility of improving my basic strength. However, after using 'Assimilation', 30,000 times the peak power of the World Lord is not too weak. If the king does not burn the divine body, the limit is only 100,000 times the peak power of the World Lord." The power is only three times stronger than mine... If you want to continue to improve, there are two ways. One is to learn a secret technique that can increase the amplitude of power, and the other is to create a higher-level secret technique!" Wang Cheng secretly thought Thinking.

The secret technique that can amplitude power is very rare and difficult to practice!

Normally, only those who have become kings are qualified to come into contact with this secret technique, and those who have reached almost the level of cosmic overlord can practice it to perfection.

However, there are a few geniuses who can be accessed when they are weak.

For example, Luo Feng, after he took away the body of the golden-horned giant beast, he must have also obtained the "Original World" in the golden-horned giant beast's inherited memory, which is a secret technique that can amplitude power.

However, "Original World" can only be regarded as inferior among this type of secret technique. Firstly, even if it is practiced to the limit, it is far from reaching the full value of 100 of the Amplitude Power Secret Technique. Secondly, "Original World" Cultivation requires a large amount of treasures, which most people cannot afford. Thirdly, the "Original World" is only suitable for one body of the golden-horned giant beast, and the other bodies cannot benefit.

For someone like Wang Cheng who has a large number of clones, it is definitely impossible for him to practice the kind of power amplitude secret technique that relies on a large number of treasures. Otherwise, after he has finished practicing the clones, the original body cannot be used. Wouldn't that be embarrassing?

Therefore, if Wang Cheng wants to practice, he also practices the secret technique of that technique school.

The advantage of this secret technique is that if one clone of Wang Cheng masters it, then all of his clones can master it. The disadvantage... First of all, this secret technique is very rare. Secondly, this secret technique is very rare. The difficulty of this technique can scare a person to death, and it is difficult for ordinary people to achieve success in it.

However, Wang Cheng also has an advantage. His genetic level has reached perfection, and he is definitely second to none in terms of power control. This kind of power amplitude secret technique requires strong control. Wang Cheng now has The possibility of successful cultivation.


"However, I don't have the amplitude secret technique of this skill stream for the time being. I'll go to Hongmeng in a few days to have a look!" Wang Cheng was thinking in his mind. At the same time, he was also thinking about another way to improve.

In other words, create the ultimate secret skill that is more terrifying than the peak secret skill.

It’s not that there are no kings who create the ultimate secret technique, it’s just that there are very few, so few that they are almost negligible. There are countless kings in the original universe, and there are many people who have mastered the ultimate secret skill, but those who have mastered the ultimate secret skill can probably be counted on two hands. .

As far as Wang Cheng knew, there should be a few in the Ancestral God Sect, but he didn't know about other places!

The reason for this is very simple. The ultimate secret skill is as difficult as climbing to the sky!

A secret skill goes from humble to ordinary, then to the top, then to the peak, and finally to the ultimate. It becomes more and more abnormal, and the span in between is getting wider and wider, just like the top secret skill cannot be compared with the top secret skill. , the peak secret skill is not worthy of being compared with the ultimate secret skill!

Most of the sages of the universe have not created the ultimate secret skill, and only a few of the sages of the universe can create the ultimate secret skill.

If laws are compared to raw materials, then unique skills are weapons!

If the ultimate secret skill is a small energy gun, then the ultimate secret skill is a star destroyer cannon.

There are only so many laws that King Feng masters. It is difficult enough to use these limited laws to build an energy gun. After all, more than 90% of King Feng has not yet done it!

Want to build a Star Destroyer Cannon?

That is indeed as difficult as climbing to the sky, it can even be said to be completely impossible!

"However, since someone can create the ultimate secret skill at the stage of becoming a king, then I naturally hope to do it, and I have greater hope than other people who become kings!" Wang Cheng thought to himself.

According to Wang Cheng's idea, he planned to master all six directions of teleportation, space blockade, and space strangulation of the law of space, as well as the time suspension, time acceleration, and time deceleration of the time law in one go during the realm master stage.

And with the speed at which he comprehends the law, this thing that seems unbelievable to ordinary people is not too difficult for Wang Cheng. In fact, he hopes to complete this matter in thousands or even thousands of years.

After all, Wang Cheng has now mastered teleportation and time acceleration. He has also made great progress in time suspension and space blockade. It is foreseeable that he will also master these two directions in the future.

This means that at the same stage, Wang Cheng has much more "materials" than other kings. With more materials, it will naturally be less difficult for him to create the "ultimate skill".

It is less difficult than others, and Wang Cheng believes that his talent is as good as anyone else, so of course he has ideas about the ultimate secret skill.

"Besides, I have created the 'peak secret skill' less than ten years after I came to the foreign battlefield. I will have to stay in the foreign battlefield for many years in the future, and I also have to have a goal. This ultimate secret skill can only be said to be my goal. Just right!" Wang Cheng made a decision in his heart.

PS: I have to explain that the power amplitude secret technique I mentioned above is the divine body amplitude secret technique in the original work, but now that Wang Cheng is still the world lord, he does not have a divine body. It is definitely inappropriate to say this. Of course, it is not important!

The important thing is that in the original work, it is obvious to all that Luo Feng spent a lot of effort on the "Original World". The "Original World" can only achieve dozens of times the power after practicing it to perfection, but in the Beast God Realm, he can easily achieve it. He learned a secret technique called "Golden Beast God", and the power amplitude directly reached the full value of 100. The original book also explained a lot. It only said that Luo Feng thought it was difficult, but in the end he cultivated it easily... Anyway, there is a suspicion of forced cheating.

The original work didn't say the reason, so I boiled it down to two points.

First, "Golden Beast God" is different from "Original World" in that it does not require a large number of treasures. It is a skill-based divine body amplitude secret method.

Secondly, the "Perfection Gene" is particularly advantageous in practicing the Divine Body Amplitude Secret Technique, so Luo Feng can succeed easily!

After all, the only difference between Luo Feng and other immortals at that time was probably the perfection gene. Otherwise, there would be no reason why he could easily achieve a hundred times. Some cosmic sages could not achieve a hundred times.

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