Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 196 King Guangling’s request for help

Wang Cheng thought about his future path in his heart for a moment, and soon, with a thought, he came to the plane where Hongmeng City was located in the virtual universe.

It has been more than half a year since I joined Hongmeng. Wang Cheng has been here several times before, so he is naturally familiar with it now.


In Hongmeng, all three-star members live in the outer city. Although Wang Cheng has become a two-star member now, he still lives in the outer city.

After arriving at the small courtyard in Hongmeng City, Wang Cheng did not hesitate and left quickly.

In Hongmeng, everyone's physical fitness is at the apprentice level, even the Lord of the Universe and the Lord of the Universe are no exception. Therefore, here, everyone can communicate on an equal footing.

Wang Cheng joined Hongmeng for half a year. He came here several times and met many strong people. As he walked on the road, many people greeted him, and he naturally responded to them one by one!

Wang Cheng's goal was very clear, and soon he came to a shop called "Wanhuitang" outside Hongmeng City.

It is said that this is a shop opened by a certain seven-star being. There are many secret books collected by "Wan Hui Tang", and many powerful people store their secret books here for sale.

In Hongmeng, if you want to buy cheats, this is the right place!

However, Wang Cheng came here in good spirits and returned in defeat!

There are indeed secret books on power amplitude in Wanhui Hall, but most of them require a large amount of treasures to be mastered just like "Original World". A few of them are skill-based, and the amplitude multiples are only twenty or thirty times. Wang Cheng doesn't like it at all.

In fact, this "Wanhui Hall" is divided into two levels. The second level should contain the secret book that Wang Cheng is looking for, but unfortunately, the second level requires members of four stars and above, or in the Universe Galaxy Bank, Universe The First Bank can only enter if it has the existence of 100 billion mixed yuan units.

Wang Cheng didn't meet both conditions, so naturally he couldn't get in!

"Actually, even if I go in, with my wealth, I may not be able to afford it!" Wang Cheng turned his head and looked at the Wanhuitang store, shaking his head silently in his heart.

In this case, there is only one way for the general king to save money slowly, and then he can enter after meeting the requirements!

But this is obviously not suitable for Wang Cheng. To save money in the two major banks, he has to leave the battlefield outside the territory first. However, he has a limit of 10 billion military merits. Now he only gets 10 billion for killing a "Strong Stone King". With trillions of military achievements, he is still far away from the requirement to leave the battlefield outside the territory!

By the time Wang Cheng can leave the battlefield outside the territory, the day lilies will be cold!

"We can only rely on opportunities to try our luck..." Wang Cheng secretly shook his head.

There is indeed hope of catching the secret book he needs by chance, but it would be too much of a test of luck. Wang Cheng has made many chance grabs over the years, but he has never caught a similar cheat book once.

"If it really doesn't work, we can only think of other ways!" Wang Cheng thought secretly in his heart.

. . .

Wang Cheng left Wanhui Hall. He had nothing to gain and was about to leave Hongmeng City. But at this moment, a hoarse voice suddenly called him.

"Is that the King of Infernal Affairs in front of you?"

Wang Cheng turned his head, and a bald man who looked very similar to an Earthling was looking at him. This was the same person who had just spoken.

It is quite rare for a king to look like an earthling, and Wang Cheng quickly recognized this person.

"King Guangling?" Wang Cheng looked at him.

"It's me!" King Guangling nodded slightly, and then asked, "Can we chat?"


Although Wang Cheng was a little confused, he still agreed directly and had a good chat.

"Come with me!"

King Guangling didn't say much, he took Wang Cheng and walked in another direction.


After a while, the two came to sit on both sides of a stone table.

"King Guangling, is this the first time we have met?" Wang Cheng asked doubtfully.

"Although this is our first meeting, your name, King Wujian, has been known to me for a long time. I have been waiting for you in Hongmeng City for a long time!" King Guangling said without hesitation.

"Wait for me?" Wang Cheng was confused.

"I heard that King Wujian has a treasure that can ignore the space blockade and forcibly travel through the void?" King Guangling asked.

"It's a spaceship!" Wang Cheng admitted directly.

Wang Cheng knew that this matter had been spread among all the major camps, and the versions circulated widely. Some people even suspected that the spaceship was a heavy treasure disguised as a treasure.

It has to be said that the more outrageous the rumor, the more true it is. After all, Wang Cheng's Demon Emperor's Palace is not just a treasure, it is a treasure!

"Great!" A hint of excitement appeared on King Guangling's face, and he said directly: "King Wujian, I want to ask you for a favor!"


Wang Cheng smiled and didn't say much. In fact, he guessed from the fact that King Guangling asked him about the treasure just now that King Guangling probably wanted something from him. But whether he wanted to help him or not depends on what King Guangling asked him to do. Can King Guangling pay a sufficient price?

"I have a mortal enemy named King Ji Chou. He is the king of the Sanling Tribe, a race affiliated with the Monster Tribe..." King Guangling said slowly, and Wang Cheng quickly understood.

King Ji Chou, the sworn enemy of King Guangling, is also the king of the Sanling Tribe, a race affiliated with the Monster Tribe.

King Ji Chou is a spiritual master and is good at space blockade. In addition, King Ji Chou also has a treasure called "Aurora Shuttle". The speed of the Aurora Shuttle is extremely fast. Once activated, it can accelerate to the speed of light in just over two seconds. It's faster than Wang Cheng's peak secret skill "Wu Jian - Meteor" that he just created.

The space blockade and the Aurora Shuttle make King Ji Qiu's life-saving ability extremely terrifying. If he wants to run away, few of the feudal kings can stop him!

King Guangling had always wanted to kill King Ji Chou before, but the opponent's ability was too disgusting. No matter what method he prepared, King Ji Chou would run away.

Originally, King Guangling was about to give up, but now Wang Cheng suddenly appeared. A treasure that could forcibly travel through space during the space blockade was the absolute nemesis of King Ji Chou!

No wonder King Guangling had been waiting in Hongmeng City for him to show up after learning about Wang Cheng...

"I wonder where King Ji Chou is?" Wang Cheng asked.

"In the Ninth God Bee's Nest!" King Guangling said the location of King Ji Chou in one breath.

"The Nest of the Divine Bee? Such a coincidence?" Wang Cheng frowned slightly.

"King Wu Jian, you don't have to think too much. The reason why he is in the Divine Bee's Nest is because his Aurora Shuttle can exert its greatest advantage in the Divine Bee's Nest!" King Guangling quickly explained.

"Huh? That's true!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly, agreeing with King Guangling's statement.

"As long as King Wujian is willing to help me, you can make whatever conditions you want, and I will help you complete it even if I risk my life!" King Guangling said excitedly.

"Why would I want your life?" Wang Cheng smiled and said, "But now I need a skill-level divine power amplitude secret book. I wonder if you, King Guangling, can do anything about it?"

"The secret book of the divine power amplitude of the skill stream?" King Guangling looked at Wang Cheng with some surprise. Although the practice of that thing does not require resources, it requires countless efforts to practice successfully. Generally, only the venerables of the universe are interested. Feng Wang doesn't practice much. Even if there are people who practice, not many can achieve it. It's just a waste of time!


Wang Cheng nodded slightly.

PS: Three updates first, and one more in the evening.

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