Seeing Wang Cheng nodding his head without hesitation, King Guangling understood that Wang Cheng was not joking, he really wanted the secret technique of divine power amplitude in the skill level.

However, although it is difficult to successfully practice this kind of secret book to become a king, it is actually extremely precious.

The reason why it is difficult to successfully practice to become a king is because this kind of secret book requires too high control of divine power, and few people can achieve it. On the contrary, it is easier for the Universe Venerable to practice because his divine body is stronger.

Wang Cheng naturally understands this truth, but what he needs now is this secret book, and he is not short of any other treasures.

After all, he has almost collected all the treasure sets there, and there really aren't many treasures that can tempt him!

"King Wujian, give me three days, and I will give you an answer then!" King Guangling said directly.

"Oh? Prince Guangling, do you have any idea?" Wang Cheng was a little surprised. He just said casually, could Prince Guangling really get him such a secret book?

"We will find out in three days!" King Guangling didn't mean to say more. He just agreed with Wang Cheng to meet again in three days, and then he left in a hurry.

. . .

For Wang Cheng, three days passed by in a flash. Soon, he came to Hongmeng City again where he met King Guangling.

At this time, King Guangling was waiting for him. Judging from his face, it seemed that he had succeeded.

"King Guangling, was it successful?" Wang Cheng was not polite and asked directly.

"I have an excellent secret book on the amplitude of divine power in my hand, called "The God of the Underworld". This is a pure skill-based secret book. It is divided into nine turns. Each time you complete one turn, you can increase the amplitude of the divine power eight times!" King Guangling introduced.

"A secret book that can increase your strength seventy-two times after practicing to Dacheng?" Wang Cheng was slightly surprised. After practicing to Dacheng, he could increase his strength seventy-two times. It seems that it is still far from the limit of 100 times, but in fact, this This kind of secret book is already quite precious!

After all, the power of "Original World" only increases by 27 times after reaching great success, and the amplitude is 72 times, which is more than 2.5 times that of "Original World"!

What's more, this secret book is also a skill-style secret book, which is even more rare!



King Guangling nodded directly and said: "Except for the ninth rotation, which I can't do anything about, I can make the decision for the other eight rotations! As long as King Wujian agrees to help me, I can give you the training methods for the first four rotations first, and then After the fourth turn, I will hand it over to you immediately!"

"There aren't many secrets like this, right? What's more, it was taught to me directly! Can I ask King Guangling where you got it?" Wang Cheng asked curiously, although King Guangling said he had no idea about the ninth turn. method, but the first eight turns alone are amazing enough.

You know, some cheats have strict restrictions on teaching them. Just like the cheats Wang Cheng bought from the Virtual Universe Company, they are strictly restricted from being taught to others. Once discovered by the Virtual Universe Company, the consequences will be serious!

"The creator of "Underworld" is my teacher!" King Guangling only said one sentence, and Wang Cheng understood instantly.

King Guangling is the king of the Giant Ax Arena. Wang Cheng has never heard of his teacher, but he should be a certain cosmic lord in the Giant Ax Arena.

This is a secret book created by the Master of the Universe, so it is understandable.

As the creator, he can naturally decide at will whether this secret book can be passed on to others. As long as King Guangling asks his teacher, there will be no problem!

Of course, if King Guangling went to ask his teacher, his teacher might not agree. But to get his teacher to agree, King Guangling must have paid a lot.

It can be seen that he really wants to kill the King of Vengeance!

Regardless of whether King Guangling wanted to kill King Ji Chou because of hatred or something else, Wang Cheng only knew that King Guangling had given him what he wanted, so it didn't hurt for him to help.


Wang Cheng agreed to King Guangling's matter, and he immediately said:

"I have investigated the information about King Ji Chou in the past three days. In addition to possessing a treasure like the 'Aurora Shuttle', King Ji Chou is also very powerful. He is considered a strong one among the high-ranking kings, and is even close to the king. Wang Dingfeng, it’s not that easy to kill him!”

"Of course I know this!" King Guangling nodded and said: "In addition to Brother Wujian, I will also invite other friends to help me. When the time comes, King Ji Qiu will have no way to go to heaven and no way to enter the earth!"

"Yeah!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly.

"Brother Wujian, will it be okay for us to gather outside the Ninth God Bee's Nest ten years later?" King Guangling asked.

"Okay!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly. He was now in the Seventh Divine Bee's Nest. As long as he didn't get lost in it, it wouldn't take long to leave the Seventh Divine Bee's Nest.

For him, ten years can be said to be quite generous!

"Brother Wu Jian, please don't enter the Ninth God Bee's Nest in the past ten years, so as not to scare the snake!" King Guangling asked again.


Wang Cheng also nodded directly. The demon clan camp also knew that he had a special treasure. If King Ji Qiu became vigilant after hearing the news that he had entered the Ninth God Bee's Nest, it would only increase the number of variables!

. . .

After bidding farewell to King Guangling, Wang Cheng then returned to his palace on Thunder Island in the virtual universe. Not long after, someone delivered a metal box to the palace.

""The God of the Underworld"?" Wang Cheng opened the metal box, and four thick books were lying inside.

These are exactly the first four turns of the "Underworld Turn" promised by King Guangling!

"I want to see what's so difficult about this secret book!" Wang Cheng picked up the book recording the first turn and read it carefully.

Time passed slowly, and Wang Cheng quickly understood the characteristics of the magical amplitude secret book of this technique!

This kind of secret book has little to do with a person's talent.

If you have high talent, you can understand it in half a day; if you have low talent, you can understand it in half a year, and that’s it!

In fact, for the king, is there any difference between half a day and half a year? no difference!

The level of talent only determines how long it takes to understand the secret book, but it does not determine whether you can master the secret book, because you do not need talent to master the secret book. What it requires is the ultimate control of your own power!

Therefore, it can be said that it has nothing to do with talent!

"Try it!" Wang Cheng asked his avatar in the Seventh God Bee's Nest to try to practice this secret book. As a result, a month later, there was not much progress.

Wang Cheng immediately understood that it was simply unrealistic to rely on clones to practice this secret technique.

So he asked his deity, who was far outside the human realm, to try, one day, two days, three days...eight days!

The progress of the original deity far exceeded that of the clone. After practicing for eight days, the original deity completed the first turn of the "Underworld Turn" and gained an eightfold increase in strength.

"The experience of the master is transferred to the clone, and it will be much easier for the clone to practice these skills!" Wang Cheng was slightly excited. His previous guess was indeed good. The perfection gene is quite conducive to practicing this secret technique.

Although the clone is very far away from the perfect gene, with the successful experience of the original, the speed will certainly be much faster than before!

PS: The fourth update is over.

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