It took eight days for the original person to learn the first level of "Underworld Transformation", and it took one month for the clone to learn the first level through the experience of the original person.

It took twenty-three days for the original person to learn the second level of "Underworld Transformation", and it took one year and three months for the clone to learn the second level with the help of the original person's experience.

The original master learned the third level of "Underworld Transformation" in half a year, and the clone learned the third level with the help of the original experience, and it took eight years!

It took three years for the original master to learn the fourth level of "Underworld Transformation", but the fourth level of the clone is just the beginning...


In the blink of an eye, ten years passed.

At this time, Wang Cheng left the seventh divine bee nest as promised and came to wait near the ninth divine bee nest. Not long after, he received news from King Guangling.

Wang Cheng drove the Demon Emperor's Palace disguised as a spaceship and quickly arrived at a certain space above the Ninth God Bee's Nest.

"Haha, Brother Wujian, you are finally here!" King Guangling saw Wang Cheng coming off the spaceship, and he laughed and greeted him.

"King Guangling!" Wang Cheng smiled, and at the same time he looked at the other two people behind King Guangling.

Of these two people, one has a single horn on his forehead, wrinkled skin, and a somewhat ferocious face. The other is petite, but his face is obscured by an invisible force and appears a little blurry.

"King Nuzheng, King Huanxin?" Wang Cheng asked.

"Guangling said that he has a killer weapon, but it turns out to be you, King Wujian!" King Nuzheng, who has a horn on his forehead, laughed and said: "Given the specialness of your treasure, King Wujian, King Ji Qiu may not be able to escape even if he gets his wings!" "

"Thank you!" Wang Cheng smiled.

"Without further ado, let's set off quickly!" The fuzzy-faced Huanxin King obviously didn't mean to say more, so she said directly.

"Huan Xin, please be patient!" King Guangling shook his head and said, "These are all the helpers I invited. There are some things that need to be explained first!"

"Say it!" King Huanxin said directly.

"I am now certain that King Ji Chou is in the Ninth God Bee's Nest, and I can locate him through a special method!" King Guangling said directly:

"That is to say, as long as we enter the Ninth God Bee's Nest, we will soon find the Extreme Vengeance King!"

"Can you locate it?"

Including Wang Cheng, the three of them were slightly shocked.

Being able to locate a king, no matter what method is used, is extremely impressive. According to what they thought before, King Guangling invited them here. Before officially taking action, they would probably have to go through a long search to find the other party.

But if you can position it, it would be much simpler!

"The bad news is that once I enter the Ninth God Bee's Nest, King Ji Qiu will immediately know that I am coming!" King Guangling said again.

"I see!"

Wang Cheng nodded slightly, and King Nu Zheng and King Huan Xin did the same thing. As for what the three of them were thinking, only they themselves knew.

"So, we must not give King Ji Chou too much reaction time, and it is best to reach his location as quickly as possible!" King Nu Zheng said, and he looked at Wang Cheng:

"Brother Wu Jian, your spaceship can travel through the void under space blockade. When the space is not blocked, the distance through the void should be longer, right?"

"Yeah!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly.

"Then how about troublesome brother Wu Jian to take us there?" King Guangling asked.

"Okay!" Wang Cheng nodded again. He had taken advantage of King Guangling, so he naturally had to do things for him now. This little thing was not a big deal.

"Then after meeting King Ji Chou, I know a lot about his methods. Brother Nu Xi, when we meet, you will immediately burn your divine power and attack with all your strength..." King Guangling is also making arrangements. The matter between King Nuzheng and King Huanxin.

What surprised Wang Cheng was that King Guangling had no idea what benefits he had promised to King Nuzheng. After King Nuzheng heard King Guangling's plan to directly burn his divine body and attack with all his strength, King Nuzheng didn't even object at all!

You know, unless the battle between the kings is a life-and-death battle, no one will take the initiative to burn the divine body. Once the divine body is lost too much, it will be extremely difficult to replenish it, but King Nuzheng does not hesitate. accepted!

After arranging things for King Nuzheng, King Guangling then arranged things for King Huanxin. King Guangling also asked King Huanxin to burn his divine body from the beginning and attack with all his strength, similar to King Nuzheng. King Huanxin He also agreed without hesitation.

After arranging everything, there was a hint of excitement and expectation on King Guangling's face. However, after all, he was the king. King Guangling quickly calmed down. He looked at Wang Cheng and the other three and said at the same time:

"Three of you, let's go!"

"Everyone get on my spaceship!" Wang Cheng said directly.


The appearance of the Demon Emperor's Palace can change, and the interior can also change naturally. Wang Cheng changed the interior of the Demon Emperor's Palace into the appearance of an ordinary spaceship, so the three of them could not see anything unusual.

Soon, the spacecraft started up and entered the ninth divine bee nest with a flash of light.

At this time, under the guidance of King Guangling, Wang Cheng continuously controlled the Demon Emperor's Palace to shuttle through the void.

Although the space in the Divine Bee's Nest is suppressed, the distance between the Demon King's Palace and the shuttle space is still extremely far. Of course, because the internal environment of the Divine Bee's Nest is extremely complex, Wang Cheng does not dare to use his full strength every time he shuttles through, otherwise If you accidentally get lost, that would be terrible!

However, even so, after traveling hundreds of times, a hint of excitement quickly appeared on King Guangling's face.

"It's close here!"

King Guangling sensed it and then said: "Brother Wujian, travel a billion miles to the left passage!"


Wang Cheng nodded in agreement, and he directly controlled the Demon Emperor's Palace to change direction and shuttle again.

However, the original plan to travel a billion miles was hindered when it traveled more than 900 million miles, and the spacecraft squeezed out of the void ahead of schedule.

"The space here is blocked!" Wang Cheng said, and King Guangling instantly realized that this should be done by his target, King Jiqiu.

"Brother Wujian, there are thirty million miles ahead!" King Guangling said instantly.


Wang Cheng nodded again. When the space is blocked, it will be very difficult for the Demon Emperor's Palace to travel through space. It is only 30 million miles away and needs to be traveled in two times.

However, even so, it is much faster than flying.

In just one thousandth of a second, the two shuttles were completed directly. When the Demon Emperor's Palace appeared from the void, an accelerating figure appeared in the eyes of the four people through the simulated projection of the spacecraft.

"It's King Jiqiu!" King Guangling looked at King Nuzheng and King Huanxin, and he quickly said: "As we agreed before, I'm sorry to bother you two!"

"Haha, it's finally my turn!"

King Nuzheng laughed loudly, and then he jumped out directly from the spaceship channel opened by Wang Cheng. Then there was a terrifying burst of energy, and King Nuzheng directly turned into a burning god.

Although Huanxin King didn't speak, her movements were not slow. She also jumped out directly and burned her divine body.

"Brother Wujian, from now on you keep an eye on King Ji Qiu. Once he wants to run away, stop him immediately!" King Guangling said.

"Don't worry!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly.


King Guangling didn't say anything more. He burned his divine body directly and left the spacecraft.

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