If the mother queen of the Zerg is only regarded as the Zerg, the population of the huge Zerg is a bit pitiful, far less than one trillionth of the human race and the monster race.

But if all kinds of Zerg warriors and Zerg queens are regarded as Zerg, then the number of Zerg will be huge, and they are no less good at reproducing humans and monsters!

The Zerg's use of territorial resources is also different from that of the human race and the demon race. The humans and demons rely on the endless territory to reproduce, while the Zerg engages in large-scale exploitation.

Of course, within the territory they occupy, the Zerg will not conduct destructive mining, but will mine in a planned manner!

If someone is lucky enough to visit the Zerg territory, he will find that the huge Zerg territory is like an orderly factory. Each Zerg Queen is the team leader in the "factory", and a large number of ordinary The Zerg are the workers.

The factory is running, and massive resources are being manufactured and mined every moment!


It is precisely because the Zerg territory is so special that Wang Cheng was cautious after sending a clone into the Zerg territory.

After all, he alone is too conspicuous in the Zerg territory. Once he shows up somewhere with Zerg warriors, or is detected by a detector deployed by the Zerg, his whereabouts may be immediately exposed.

"However, as long as I stay in the dark universe and don't go out, the possibility of being discovered is not very high!" At this time, Wang Cheng's clone, who was staying in an F-class spaceship, was thinking secretly.

Over the years, Wang Cheng has killed hundreds of immortals in foreign battlefields, and he still has quite a lot of F-class spaceships in his hands.

Previously, Wang Cheng himself went to the battlefield outside the territory to meet his clones and brought these spaceships back.

These spaceships are not needed by Wang Cheng's clones on the battlefield outside the territory, but they are still very much needed for the clones he has separated to prepare for opportunity capture.

Not to mention other things, the speed of F-class spaceships is generally much faster than that of E-class spacecraft. In the huge Zerg territory, if Wang Cheng wants to take an E-class spaceship to travel to various places, it will probably take more than ten times the time!

"Sikaya told me that there are ten core places of the Zerg race in total. Those seven secret realms are undoubtedly the ten most useless to me. The remaining three places are the Heritage Hall, the Desolate Land and the Queen's Nest... ." Wang Cheng pondered in his heart.

The Secret Realm of the Universe is easily comparable to a star field, and even more exaggerated, it is not even smaller than a Universe Country. Moreover, Wang Cheng has not been able to enter it to seize it by chance. His hope of obtaining the treasures in it is relatively small, so he naturally feels that The seven secret realms are the most useless to him!

Of course, it is useless only relatively speaking. Wang Cheng will definitely not let go of those seven secret realms, but their priority must be placed last!

"First go to the Heritage Hall, then to the Desolate Land, then to the Queen's Nest, and finally to the seven secret realms!" Wang Cheng made a decision in his heart.

. . .

Wang Cheng had a plan in mind, and then he turned the spacecraft directly and began to approach the location of the Zerg Heritage Hall.

At this time, the Zerg were not aware of the danger at all.

Until one year later, the undercurrent within the Zerg began to surge. Two years later, the undercurrent within the Zerg began to escalate and became more turbulent. Three years later, the Zerg Queen became furious, and many core places in the Zerg territory were under martial law.

Eight years later, a Zerg patrol team discovered a suspicious spaceship outside a certain secret realm. However, when they occupied the spacecraft, they found that there was no one inside...



At this time, countless light years away from the Zerg territory, Wang Cheng, who was in retreat to meditate on the laws, suddenly opened his eyes.

"It was actually discovered. Sure enough, the power of the peak race cannot be underestimated!" Wang Cheng sighed slightly.

He was committing crimes a hundred thousand light-years away, so he could be discovered. It has to be said that the Zerg are indeed quite amazing!

But unfortunately, Wang Cheng only went there in a clone. The moment he was discovered, he let the clone dissipate on its own. Of course, the Zerg couldn't even catch a single hair.

"However, the Lord of the Zerg Universe should reverse time and space to see..." Wang Cheng thought for a moment, then shook his head.

Wang Cheng has long known about the Master of the Universe's method of reversing time and space, so naturally he has been on guard!

Wang Cheng's clone is disguised, and reversing time and space can only reproduce the previous scene without the ability to see through the disguise. This is not a cause for concern.

Of course, if the Zerg are patient enough and can continue to follow the footsteps he left and reverse time and space to investigate, then there is probably hope of finding something!

However, the footprints left by Wang Cheng in the Zerg territory exceed one trillion light-years. Even if several masters of the universe continuously reverse time and space to investigate, it would probably take a hundred years or more to trace back to the source. .

Moreover, after tracing to the end, Wang Cheng estimated that the Zerg would go crazy.

Because his clone teleported part of the way to the Zerg territory, this meant that when the Master of the Zerg Universe found the place where Wang Cheng's clone teleported, the originally coherent clues would be suddenly interrupted.

Reversing time and space for hundreds of years, but in the end it was all in vain. Who can feel at peace?

"However, the Zerg may really let a few universe masters reverse time and space to investigate!"

Wang Cheng sighed in his heart. He had no choice but to do it, and he didn't know whether it was because of his luck or other reasons. This time, the Zerg tribe's wool was gathered a little too harshly.

Not to mention a bunch of other gains, Wang Cheng got two pieces of treasure from the Zerg alone.

That's right, Wang Cheng touched two treasures this time!

An offensive treasure "God Emperor's Halberd" and an origin treasure "Heart of Ice Sea".

Even in the inventory of the peak race, there are definitely countless treasures. It is a case of giving out one piece less. These treasures, some of the most powerful queens of the Zerg tribe can only look at these treasures with eager eyes, but suddenly they Being taken away by Wang Chengshun, it would be strange if the Zerg didn't go crazy!

"However, the God-Emperor Halberd cannot be used openly in a short period of time, otherwise once it is recognized, it will be hunted down by the Zerg in minutes. However, the 'Heart of Ice Sea' is of great use to me, and the World Lord level is of great use to the origin. The induction is already clear enough, and with the blessing of the 'Heart of Ice Sea', it is even more powerful!" This thought flashed through Wang Cheng's mind.

In fact, the "Heart of Ice Sea" is the treasure that Wang Cheng touched five years ago, and he has been using it for five years now.

Wang Cheng can be said to have a deep understanding of its effect.

Wang Cheng had also captured materials that could make the original treasure before. Although that stuff was of great use to Wang Cheng, it was far behind compared to the serious original treasure.

The heart of the ice sea is worthy of the name of the most precious treasure.

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