Of the seven secret realms Sikaya told Wang Cheng, there are actually two secret realms that Wang Cheng has not been to until now.

However, at this moment, the clone was suddenly discovered, and Wang Cheng had no intention of going again. He couldn't be too greedy. This time he was ruthless enough to pluck the Zerg tribe's fleece, and he might not be able to gain much if he continued.

Moreover, for the current Wang Cheng, no matter how many treasures there are, they are of little use. The most important thing to him is the improvement of his strength!

When Wang Cheng has reached this stage, if he wants to make a fundamental improvement, then the only thing left is to comprehend the laws. And comprehending the laws, even if Wang Cheng has excellent conditions, cannot be achieved overnight.

But Wang Cheng is not in a hurry, he has plenty of time, so just take your time!


Wang Cheng's true self is still wandering outside the territory of the human race, and makes a wave of opportunity grabs whenever there is an opportunity, while Wang Cheng's clone continues to hone himself on the battlefield outside the territory.

Wang Cheng's goal is to create the ultimate secret skill, so he naturally needs a lot of fighting.

Therefore, once he encounters a suitable opponent, Wang Cheng usually does not use the increase brought by the "assimilation" secret technique first, and only relies on his own strength to fight.

Wang Cheng wouldn't suddenly explode until he felt it was almost done.

Over time, many kings in the battlefield outside the territory have come to know that the human race's Infernal King has the strength of a high-level king or even close to the peak of the king under normal conditions. Once it breaks out, it will have the ultimate strength of the king!

At the beginning, many people thought that Wang Cheng's explosion was a special method of burning the divine body. Although Wang Cheng's strong increase in strength after "burning the divine body" was a bit abnormal, it was not incomprehensible.

But over time, many people understood that it was definitely not a burning divine body!

Although burning the divine body can be regarded as one of the most powerful means of immortality, which can instantly increase the foundation by thousands of times, the price paid by burning the divine body is also unimaginably high. No king can Burning the divine body at any time and place without caring, no king can burn the divine body for a long time, not even the richest kings are invincible!

In this case, King Wu Jian can erupt anytime, anywhere, and for a long time. Naturally, others have ruled out the possibility that every time he erupts, he will burn his divine body.

Being able to reach the ultimate level of kingship without burning his divine body, the reputation of King Wujian naturally became louder in the battlefield outside the territory.

Among the many superpowers remembered by foreign races, there is also the name "King of Infernal Affairs"!

For Wang Cheng, this is actually not a good thing. After all, with his fame, many kings will hide away when they see him, which makes it even more difficult for him to find opponents.

Even in the Divine Bee's Nest, where battles break out very frequently, if Wang Cheng wanted to have a quick fight, he would have to wait a long time before he had the chance!

Of course, fighting will be accompanied by risks. Everyone has the possibility of dying in the fight. It does not mean that strong people will definitely win!

You know, in the battlefield outside the territory, many kings have terrifying trump cards in their hands. Once some trump cards explode, it may not be difficult to take away the king directly!

With Wang Cheng's Realm Master level body, once his defense is breached, there is no way to escape!

Of course, Wang Cheng's physical strength is not good, but he also has his own life-saving means!

The mother queen of the Zerg, Sikaya, has been following Wang Cheng's clone. With Sikaya's secret protection, Wang Cheng's soul, which was originally considered a weakness, instantly became his advantage.

Gu Hao

On the battlefield outside the territory, there should be very few people who can hurt Wang Cheng's soul, which is protected by Sikaya!

In addition, Wang Cheng also has the Demon Emperor's Palace. As long as he is not killed instantly, he can immediately enter the Demon Emperor's Palace. With the power of the Demon Emperor's Palace, Wang Cheng can fight and leave whenever he wants. People can hurt him through the Demon Emperor's Palace, at least on the battlefield outside the territory!

It is precisely because of these two layers of protection that Wang Cheng can always be safe and sound, frantically looking for opponents to fight on the battlefield outside the territory.

. . .

While Wang Cheng was practicing and fighting, time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, two hundred years passed.

At this time, in addition to teleportation and time acceleration, Wang Cheng also mastered "space blockade"!

More than ten years passed after Wang Cheng mastered the space blockade, and then he mastered the "time suspension" of the law of time!

At this point, Wang Cheng's understanding of the law has exceeded 99% of immortality!

The reason is very simple. There are very few immortals who take both the law of time and the law of space at the same time. They are so few that they can be ignored. However, if they only take one path, whether it is time or space, they are at most three unique tricks to master the higher laws.

Either teleportation, space blockade, or space strangulation!

Either time is suspended, time is accelerated, time is accelerated!

But Wang Cheng now has mastered four unique skills. It is certainly true to say that his understanding of laws exceeds 99% of immortals!

There are only a few extreme kings or invincible kings who can rival Wang Cheng.

These kings are very special. They have long mastered all three directions of a superior law, but they have been unable to integrate them into one. If they cannot integrate these three directions into one, they cannot master the complete superior law. .

One of the conditions for breaking through from immortality to becoming a cosmic master is to master the complete laws of time or space. Those kings have reached the limit on one road, but they are stuck because they cannot integrate it, so some people I will turn my head and understand another higher law in order to draw parallels!

It is precisely because of the existence of such a person that Wang Cheng does not feel that his understanding of the law surpasses all immortals, but only surpasses more than 99% of immortals!

Of course, when it comes to the stage of becoming a king, what determines the strength of a person more is the unique skills a person masters.

Although Wang Cheng masters a large number of laws, as long as he does not transform these laws into stronger secrets, his strength will not change much. At most, he will be slightly stronger than before.

"However, there are four kinds of unique skills, and the 'law materials' are already abundant. I feel that the ultimate unique skill is not far away from me anymore!" Wang Cheng thought silently in his heart.

For more than two hundred years, Wang Cheng's clone has not stopped fighting on the battlefield outside the territory. At the same time, his clone has also been studying the "ultimate secret skill".

The long-term fighting, superb talent, and increasingly abundant "law materials" gradually gave Wang Cheng, who was originally confused about the "ultimate secret skill," some ideas.

Perhaps, in a little while, he will truly be able to create his own ultimate secret!

"This day may not be long yet!" Wang Cheng had a vague premonition in his heart.

PS: There are only two updates today, and four updates will be added tomorrow.

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