Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 216: Invitation from the Phantom King

Virtual universe, Thunder Island.

Wang Cheng met a man named "King Micheng" who had huge ears, whom Wang Cheng had met at the barracks base.

"Micheng, why are you suddenly asking for me?" Wang Cheng didn't hesitate and asked directly.

King Micheng did not speak immediately. After hesitating for a moment, he immediately asked: "Wujian, the Divine Eye King of the demon clan fell into your hands and was enslaved by you?"


Wang Cheng was stunned for a moment. How could King Micheng know this? You know, it was only a little more than three days since Sikaya enslaved the God Eye King!

"The Phantom King told me this!" King Micheng asked in disbelief: "Is it true?"


Wang Cheng nodded and admitted. Since the other party had already said it, there was no point in denying it. Besides, there was nothing to deny.

"King of Divine Eyes is at the pinnacle of kingship. Wu Jian, you are amazing!" King Micheng gave a thumbs up.

"What I want to know more now is how the Phantom King knew about this!" Wang Cheng asked with some confusion.

Wang Cheng is no stranger to the Phantom King. He has dealt with him before because of the "Hong" matter, but not as the "Infernal King". Therefore, strictly speaking, both the Infernal King and the Phantom King have She has never been in contact with him, so the question arises, how did she know such a secret thing.

"I don't know either!" King Micheng shook his head and said:

"However, the Phantom King said that he wants to meet you. I'm just here to convey a message this time!"

"If it's so troublesome to meet, just tell her to make an appointment and meet immediately!" Wang Cheng said without hesitation.

It wouldn't matter if the Phantom King simply knew about Wang Cheng's enslavement of the Divine Eye King. The key point was that the Divine Eye King was also involved in the unexplored areas within the Divine Bee's Nest.

The Phantom King asked King Micheng to send him a message, and he probably knew something. In this case, of course Wang Cheng had to talk to him.


King Micheng nodded immediately.

. . .

The Phantom King is the crowned king who belongs to the Universe Mercenary Alliance. She usually lives in a plane exclusive to the Universe Mercenary Alliance in the virtual universe, which is similar to the Thunder Island of the Virtual Universe Company.

At this time, the Phantom King was standing in front of his palace, thinking with a serious expression.

Behind the Phantom King, a group of pretty maids stood respectfully, as if waiting for something.

Suddenly, two figures came from the front.

"King Wujian, welcome!" The Phantom King smiled and greeted him.

As a king who specializes in soul desires, every move of the Phantom King can ripple people's hearts. At this time, she took the initiative to greet him, and the effect was naturally even greater.

However, Wang Cheng had a stereotype of the Phantom King and thought she was an old woman. Moreover, Wang Cheng's understanding of the law was extremely high and his will was naturally not weak, so he was not affected by it at all.

"You're welcome!"

Wang Cheng glanced at the Phantom King and the crowd of maids behind her who came out to greet him. He instantly understood that the Phantom King knew a lot of things. Otherwise, how could he be so polite to him?


A moment later, Wang Cheng and King Mi Cheng were greeted by the Phantom King and entered her palace. King Mi Cheng knew that Wang Cheng had something to discuss with the Phantom King, so he took the initiative to go somewhere else for a stroll.

Naturally, the Phantom King immediately arranged for his maid to lead the way.

"King Wu Jian, do you have any doubts?" After King Micheng left, Phantom King no longer hesitated and asked directly.


Gu Hao

Wang Cheng didn't say anything, he was just waiting for the Phantom King's explanation.

"I have a soul slave lurking in the demon clan. He has never been known to others. He told me the news!" said the Phantom King.

"Soul slave?" Wang Cheng was a little surprised, but he nodded slightly.

The Phantom King is still very powerful in terms of souls. Although her strength is only at the peak level of the King, but relying on the special soul illusion, she has a status comparable to the King's limit!

On the surface, there are two king-level slaves controlled by the Phantom King, and it’s not surprising that there are more secretly!

In particular, it is very inconvenient to spread news about the demon clan. Even if some powerful demon clan members are enslaved by others, it is difficult for the demon clan to know. For example, this is the case with the three people including the extremely revengeful king and the mad wolf king who were secretly enslaved by Sikaya. !

This leads to the fact that the number of spies within the Monster Race far exceeds that of the Human Race, Zerg Race, and Machine Race.

Of course, the demon race can become a peak race and has disadvantages in terms of intelligence. They naturally have their own advantages, such as the large number of powerful demon race...

"Is it the Five Willow King? The Heavenly Bull King? Or the Extreme Wolf King?" Wang Cheng asked again.

These three people were all demon kings who discovered the unexplored land with the God Eye King, so Wang Cheng naturally thought of them immediately!

"None of them!" The Phantom King shook her head, and she continued:

"One of these three people has been crowned a peak king, and two have been crowned high. After knowing the news that you, King Wujian, enslaved the King of Divine Eyes, how could they still dare to pocket those benefits? They couldn't compete with you, so they began to look for helpers. !”


Wang Cheng nodded slightly.

It's not surprising that the three Wuliu Kings would find Wang Cheng as a helper. The power that the combination of him and Sikaya can exert is really terrifying, so Wang Cheng didn't worry too much about this before.

The only thing that Wang Cheng didn't expect was that among the helpers the three were looking for, there were actually human "spies"!

It was already obvious that after the King of Divine Eyes was enslaved by Wang Cheng, the three people including King Wuliu from the demon clan knew that the three of them alone would not be able to compete with Wang Cheng, so they began to look for more kings to help resist. Wang Cheng’s power.

And in the process, a certain monster king who had been controlled by the Phantom King happened to be pulled over by them, so things became like this.

The information about Wang Cheng's soul-enslaving God Eye King and the unexplored land should be quite secret, but now they are all known to the Phantom King, the king of the human race who was originally out of reach!

"Wu Liuwang and the others are really useless!" Wang Cheng shook his head secretly. The more people who know about this kind of thing, the more troublesome it becomes. A few people looking for help can find the spy. It's incredible!


"As far as I know, King Wuliu has found a lot of helpers this time. Although King Wujian is strong, you may not be able to handle a bunch of monster kings at the same time, right?" Phantom King asked.

"Haha!" Wang Cheng smiled faintly, and immediately asked: "Don't talk nonsense, just tell the truth. Do you want to have a hand in this matter, Phantom King?"

"The opportunity is right in front of me, of course I'm interested!" The Phantom King naturally wouldn't deny it.

"How much information can your soul slave provide?" Wang Cheng asked.

"Everything!" The Phantom King smiled.

"Yes, you are qualified to cooperate with me!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly.

"So, King Wu Jian, you agree?" Phantom King asked, but she didn't think Wang Cheng was too arrogant.

The Phantom King now basically knew all the information that the Divine Eye King had passed on before he was enslaved, which naturally included Wang Cheng's strength.

An existence that can forcibly enslave the peak of King Feng is very likely to be the invincible King of Feng!

And Feng Wang Wudi is certainly qualified to say this!

"Before I agree, you have to promise me something first!" Wang Cheng said.

"King Wu Jian, please tell me!" Phantom King nodded slightly, and at the same time, she was also thinking secretly about what King Wu Jian wanted her to do.

"This is just a small thing for you..." Wang Cheng smiled, and then he spoke out his request.

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