Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 217 Wang Cheng’s request

After a while, Wang Cheng made an appointment with Phantom King to meet up in the Nest of the Divine Bee, and said hello to King Micheng, and then he left directly.

King Micheng was a little curious about what Wang Cheng was talking about with the Phantom King, but since the two didn't want to talk about it, he had no intention of delving into it. This time, he helped the Phantom King matchmaking, and he still got some benefits.


Shortly after Wang Cheng left, the Phantom King summoned one of her disciples.

The Phantom King ordered some things, and her disciple was slightly confused.

"Teacher, why is this?" the Phantom King's disciple asked with some confusion.

"Just do what I ask you to do. If you can't do it well, don't come to see me!" The Phantom King obviously didn't want to say more, so she waved her hand impatiently.


When the man saw that the Phantom King was in a bad mood, he quickly shut up and left the place.

After his disciples left, the Phantom King sat in the main hall and frowned.

Wang Cheng's last request was indeed nothing to the Phantom King, but it was extremely strange, at least in the eyes of the Phantom King!


Wang Cheng knew that the Phantom King had been secretly tracking down the whereabouts of Ji Qing and Hong. The Phantom King was actually very domineering. Her disciples violated her orders and ran away with others. How could she give up?

Although Wang Cheng used the power of Virtual Universe Company to help the two cover up their traces, over time it was inevitable that there would be omissions.

So Wang Cheng took this opportunity to ask the Phantom King to give up the matter.

After all, if the Phantom King really finds the two of them, who knows what will happen, maybe Hong's abnormal talent will be directly exposed!

Of course, Wang Cheng not only asked the Phantom King to give up searching the two people, he also asked the Phantom King to show that he was searching the two people.

Wang Cheng didn't want Hong and Ji Qing to be caught by the Phantom King, nor did he want them to show up without any scruples after knowing that the Phantom King had given up searching for them.

This piece of raw jade Hong has not yet shined. For the time being, find a secluded place to live with Ji Qing in peace and contentment!


"How could Ji Qing come into contact with a powerful person at the level of 'King Wu Jian'?" The Phantom King was filled with doubts. It would be strange if Wang Cheng, as King Wu Jian, suddenly made such a request.

After all, one is a king whose strength has probably reached the level of invincibility, and the other is just a cosmic-level couple who are still on the run... No matter how you think about it, there is no way that the two are connected. .

"I heard that King Wu Jian had been practicing in seclusion in Chaos City before. Could it be that Ji Qing had contact with King Wu Jian when he went to Chaos City before?" This thought flashed through the Phantom King's mind.

In her opinion, it seemed that this was the only possibility!

As a core member of the Universe Mercenary Alliance, Ji Qing has also been to the original universe. Although the possibility of coming into contact with King Wu Jian there is negligible, it is not impossible!

At this moment, the Phantom King never considered that "King Wu Jian" made this request because of Hong!

At this moment, Hong is still an ordinary cosmic level in the eyes of the Phantom King!

From the Phantom King's point of view, it was already unbelievable that Hong could make Wang Cheng, who had been accepted as a direct disciple by the Lord of Chaos City, take action before. How could there be another powerful person at the level of "King Wu Jian" to help him?

As for the fact that Wang Cheng is the King of Infernal Affairs... the Phantom King has never even thought about it!

She couldn't possibly have such thoughts, after all, how could that be possible?

The direct disciple of the Lord of Chaos City is undoubtedly a genius, but no matter how talented you are, there must be a limit!

Coty, the former genius disciple of the Lord of Chaos City, was also amazingly talented when he was the Lord of the Realm, but when the opponent was the strongest, he only had the power of a junior king.

There is a huge gap between the Novice King and the Invincible King!

It is impossible for the Realm Master to achieve the invincible strength of the King!



"Forget it!" The Phantom King shook his head. The truth of the matter was actually unimportant to her.

The important thing is that this matter is really a trivial matter to her. Being able to exchange such a trivial matter for the opportunity to cooperate with King Wu Jian, the Phantom King feels that he is not at a loss.

If King Wu Jian doesn't cooperate with her, then she will have to find someone else to cooperate with her.

It is not easy to find other people to compete with King Wujian and those from the Monster Clan, unless they are the King of Invincibles.

Then you must find a large number of talents!

There are countless treasures. If there are more people, there will naturally be less to share. Of course, the Phantom King is not willing!

And how can it be so easy to find collaborators for Feng Wang Wudi?

Those who can possess the invincible strength of the King are all old guys who are extremely close to the Master of the Universe. People with this kind of strength are almost cultivating quietly in some places, waiting for the opportunity to break through and become the Master of the Universe. There are not enough Few people are willing to run around for their own interests.

Although it is said that that secret place is probably the core of the Seventh Divine Bee's Nest, and the possibility of containing valuable treasures is not small, but possibilities are possibilities after all, and things that cannot be determined are very attractive to Feng Wang Wudi. Strength is really not certain!

. . .

The Phantom King set off quickly and teleported through the Kingdom of God. It didn't take long for her to arrive near the first extraterrestrial battlefield, the Divine Bee's Nest.

Wang Cheng received news from the Phantom King that the Wuliu King and others of the Demon Clan are currently waiting for the arrival of reinforcements. They have no idea of ​​​​entering that unexplored place first, so Wang Cheng is not so anxious. .

He was slowly waiting for the Phantom King inside the Divine Bee's Nest.

The Phantom King was also very fast. Wang Cheng waited for more than ten days before the other party entered the depths of the Divine Bee's Nest and saw Wang Cheng.


This was the first time Wang Cheng saw the Phantom King in reality, and he was very different from his image in the virtual universe.

She wore a set of dark silver armor that covered her whole body, with only a pair of dark purple eyes with a faint endless mist exposed.

"King Wu Jian, I've kept you waiting for so long!" The Phantom King's voice came from the sealed armor.

"It won't be long!" Wang Cheng shook his head slightly, and asked directly: "What's going on over there with the demon clan?"

"Including the three kings of Wuliu, the demon tribe has now gathered twelve kings deep in the Seventh God Bee's Nest, six of them are high-level kings, four are at the peak of the kings, and two are at the limit of the kings!" The Phantom King said directly.

"Two king limits?" Wang Cheng nodded secretly. The strength of the king limit also has high and low levels. The lower one is the ordinary king limit, and the high one may have special skills that can be close to the invincible level of the king!

"Didn't he become the invincible king?" Wang Cheng asked.

"They are not planning to find King Wudi!" The Phantom King said with certainty.

"Yeah!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly, he knew what he was doing.

It’s not surprising that King Wuliu and the others don’t want to be crowned King Wudi!

The rules of the demon camp are more naked than those of the human camp. The strongest of the three kings of Wuliu are the peak kings. If they find a king invincible, it is really uncertain how many treasures they will get in the end.

The demon camp and the human race are mortal enemies, and there may not be peace within them.

Besides, without the King of Invincibles, Wang Cheng might not be unable to deal with him. With several King of Kings in front of him, the siege of a bunch of King of Kings would still be quite terrifying!


It has to be said that with the soul slave of the Phantom King, Wang Cheng does have an advantage in intelligence. Wang Cheng now knows exactly what the demon clan has!

However, it is useless to have information alone. You have to take action. Therefore, after the Phantom King arrived, Wang Cheng took her and quickly headed towards the unexplored place...

PS: Two updates today, four updates tomorrow.

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