The Nest of the Divine Bee becomes more and more complicated as you go deeper. Even with the route of the Divine Eye King, it took Wang Cheng a long time to finally find the unexplored land.

This is an inconspicuous seven-way intersection, and the seven passages are extremely deep.

"The place God Eye King and the others found was to enter through the middle passage and keep going forward! There is an unexplored honeycomb building inside, and they finally determined that this is an unexplored land!" Disguised in the Demon King's Palace In the spaceship, Wang Cheng said something to the Phantom King.

"Yes!" The Phantom King nodded slightly, and she also asked: "Shall we go in directly?"

"Before that, we have to deal with one person first!" Wang Cheng suddenly said.


The Phantom King was slightly startled. The next moment, Wang Cheng suddenly left the Demon Emperor's Palace. The next moment, a gray trace spread far and wide in the void.


A scream was heard, and immediately after, a vague shadow appeared in the void.

As the terrifying power contained in the gray traces burst out, the blurry shadow quickly completely evaporated.


Wang Cheng teleported back to the Demon Emperor's Palace.

"Were those sent by the Five Willow Kings just now to keep an eye on this place?" The Phantom King was not stupid, so she naturally understood everything immediately.

"It should be!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly. This is the only way to the place for exploration. It is not surprising that King Wuliu sent people to keep an eye on it.

Everyone knows the principle of first come, first served. After knowing that there is a huge competitor like Wang Cheng, how could Wuliu Wang and others not be on guard?

"If you hadn't found out about it, King Wu Jian, I'm afraid he would have hidden it from you!" The Phantom King sighed slightly.


Wang Cheng smiled and said nothing. This person's concealment skills were indeed very powerful. Under normal circumstances, it would be difficult for Wang Cheng to find him.

But he was overconfident and wanted to get close to the Demon Emperor's Palace.

There is an exploration area in the Demon Emperor's Palace. Although it is not large, the precision is quite high, which cannot be concealed by ordinary immortals.


Wang Cheng would naturally not be proud of killing a bastard. After thinking for a moment, he immediately said: "It's useless for me to kill this person. Once King Wuliu and the others know that this person is dead, I'm afraid they will know immediately. We're already in!"

"In fact, King Wuliu and the others already know!"

King Huanxin said with a serious face: "My soul slave just sent me the news. King Wuliu and the others decided not to wait for the demon clan who have not yet arrived to be crowned kings. They have already rushed here quickly. !”

"How long will it take to arrive?" Wang Cheng asked.

"Half a day!" King Huan Xin said.

"Let's go!" Wang Cheng did not hesitate. He directly activated the spaceship disguised by the Demon Emperor's Palace, and the two of them quickly headed towards the interior of the passage.

After traveling for tens of millions of miles, they soon saw something different from the same honeycomb tunnels.

"These are the hive buildings?" The Phantom King also looked at everything in front of him in surprise.

Different from human buildings, these hive buildings are all oval-shaped, and they are not built on the ground, but are attached to the surrounding tunnel walls like protrusions.

These oval-shaped buildings range in size from large to small. The large ones are more than ten thousand miles in diameter, and the small ones are not even as big as ordinary human houses.

There is a layer of barrier on the surface of these hive buildings, and the detector cannot penetrate deep into them at all.

"It's also my first time seeing you!"

Wang Cheng said something, and at the same time he was secretly surprised.

Gu Huo

Although this was the first time he saw this honeycomb building, he had seen similar things before.

Wang Cheng's first kill in the Seventh God Bee Nest was a few ordinary immortals. Although those ordinary immortals were inconspicuous, Wang Cheng got a special token from them. Through that token, Wang Cheng Cheng can cling to the inner wall of the tunnel in the God Bee's Nest and prop up an energy shield that is nine times similar to these hive buildings.

Moreover, this is only a small part of the function of the token. Wang Cheng was able to do this after comprehending about 10% of the secret patterns on the token!

At that time, Wang Cheng also felt that there might be other secrets on the token, so he spent his time to understand all the secret patterns on the entire token.

But unfortunately, I don’t know if there are any missing conditions. Later, although Wang Cheng understood all the secret patterns of the entire token, the effect after activating it was still similar to the beginning, that is, it could form on the tunnel inside the Divine Bee Nest. It's just an energy shield with a little bit of concealment ability!

Later, Wang Cheng no longer paid attention to the token. He threw it directly into the World Ring warehouse to eat ashes!


"That token is obviously the creation of the civilization that once built the Divine Bee Nest. These buildings are also left by that civilization. It's not surprising that there are similarities!" This thought flashed through Wang Cheng's mind, but at this time, in his mind Pay attention too, that token may actually have some miraculous effects.

"This building has already been explored by King Wuliu and others. Even if there are some treasures left, it is of little significance!" The Phantom King said directly:

"There's no need for us to waste time here!"


Wang Cheng nodded slightly.

An unexplored land is usually very big, and this building is just one of them. There is really no need to waste time here!

. . .

Wang Cheng and the Phantom King continued to move forward. After a while, another honeycomb building appeared in front of them.

After a little discussion, the two of them immediately agreed. After all, the demon clan would catch up soon, and they still shouldn't waste time here!

This building is not large in scale, and there may be treasures there, but the chance of finding treasures that catch their eye is very slim. There is no need to stay here!

However, what the Phantom King didn't know was that while passing by the building, Wang Cheng quietly seized several opportunities.

The scale of that hive building is almost as big as the earth, and Wang Cheng can completely cover it by spending one chance point.

Originally, it was just casual, but after catching it four times in a row, Wang Cheng really caught something good.

[Name: A bottle of Shenfeng Jade Dew]

[Function: Quickly restore the divine body, one hundred grams can restore 10% of the ultimate divine body of the King]

"God Bee Jade Dew, tsk tsk!" Wang Cheng secretly thought that he was lucky. After hanging out in the God Bee's Nest for so long, of course he also knew several unique treasures in the God Bee's Nest.

Shenfeng Yulu is one of them!

This thing has miraculous effects when used by the Lord of the Universe. Therefore, if any of the immortals are lucky enough to get the Divine Bee Jade Dew, they usually will not use it themselves, but will choose to sell it.

"A bottle of Divine Bee Jade Dew should weigh one kilogram, which is enough for five sleeping kings to replenish their divine bodies! In addition to its special characteristics, if it is sold, it can sell at least hundreds of billions of Hunyuan units. !" Wang Cheng was calculating in his mind, and at the same time he also understood why the unexplored land was extremely attractive to the kings.

Hundreds of billions of Hunyuan units, Feng Wang Wudi may have this net worth, but it is probably difficult to get it all at once!

If an ordinary king gets this kind of treasure, he will definitely become rich overnight!

"If the Phantom King knew that I got a bottle of Divine Bee Jade Dew in this building, I wonder if he would regret it to death..." Wang Cheng thought in his heart, but he had no intention of saying more.

Wang Cheng could not explain the source of his intelligence, and, under normal circumstances, these ordinary-looking hive buildings were indeed unlikely to contain any good treasures.

Their current advantage is that they arrived here half a day earlier than the demon clan. In this case, it is right to directly choose to find the most precious treasure!

If the most precious treasure here can be collected before the demon clan arrives, everyone will be happy indeed!

"However, this place may really be the core of the Seventh God Bee's Nest, otherwise there wouldn't be a treasure like a complete bottle of God Bee Jade Dew in a seemingly ordinary hive building!" I thought. , Wang Cheng began to look forward to it unconsciously.

The core place of a divine bee nest is indeed very attractive to Wang Cheng!

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