Exploring rapidly along the way, the two of them encountered more and more hive buildings, but it was still the same as before. Neither of them stopped, but continued to go deeper.

A passage was quickly completed, and another three-way intersection appeared ahead.

This made Wang Cheng and Phantom King understand that the scale of this unexplored land was larger than they thought.

"Phantom King, do you choose to come with me, or explore a passage alone?" Wang Cheng didn't hesitate, he turned around and asked.

"Of course with you, King Wu Jian!" The Phantom King didn't hesitate, and she made her choice directly.

There are advantages to being alone, as she can monopolize the treasures, but facing the demon clan, it is too dangerous for her to be alone. The reason why she chose to cooperate with Wang Cheng is because she relies on the other party's strength, isn't it?

To separate now is to seek death!

"Then let's take the middle path!" Wang Cheng made a decision directly.

With the Phantom King accompanying him, he can know the movements of the demon kings in real time, which is of great benefit to him.

"The other two branches can be explored by the soul slaves!" the Phantom King suggested.

"Okay!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly, and then he waved his hand and released the two slaves.

These two slaves are Sikaya's soul slaves, and they are not very strong either. They are just ordinary immortals. However, if they just go to get some information, their strength is about the same.

As a soul master, the Phantom King also has no shortage of soul slaves. There are eighty-one immortals enslaved by her on the surface alone. Only she knows how many there are secretly!


After the Phantom King also sent out two soul slaves, the two quickly headed straight for the fork in the middle.

This time, the two of them didn't walk for long before they stopped completely.

"I'm afraid there is really an incredible treasure here!" The Phantom King looked at everything in front of him. They were also honeycomb buildings, but the largest one was more than a million miles in diameter, occupying almost one-tenth of the entire tunnel.

Around it, there are a dense pile of other hive buildings attached to the inner wall of the nearby tunnel.

The total area of ​​this hive building complex is ten thousand times larger than the hive buildings they had seen before. The people who once lived here were definitely big shots.

"The demon tribe is almost here, let's do it!" Wang Cheng said directly.

"Yeah!" Of course the Phantom King had no objection.


Wang Cheng did not hesitate, he flew directly towards the largest hive building.

After a slight hesitation, the Phantom King then chose a slightly smaller hive building next to it.

She also has ideas about the largest hive building, but she definitely can't compete with Wang Cheng. Although the two cooperate, they are also competing. After all, the treasure cannot be divided equally, and whoever gets it will naturally get it.


Wang Cheng's size seemed very small in front of a huge oval building with a diameter of more than a million miles.

He was not in a hurry to find the entrance, but grabbed the opportunity as usual.

Although the building area of ​​this hive is large, two chance points at a time are enough to cover the entire area.

However, no one can always be lucky. Wang Cheng grabbed it seven or eight times in succession, but he couldn't find anything that satisfied him.

Although Wang Cheng was slightly disappointed in this regard, he did not force it.

Seizing by chance is just a matter of luck. It’s great if you get it, but it doesn’t matter if you don’t get it!


"But where is the entrance to this thing?" Wang Cheng walked around the huge building, but found nothing. The entire building was a whole, with no entrance at all.


Wang Cheng tried to teleport, but failed!

Normally, teleportation can ignore any obstacles and directly enter another space.

For example, a normal spaceship, no matter how hard its shell is, is useless to those who master teleportation. Using teleportation, you can enter and leave whenever you want!

If you want to restrain teleportation, you must either use a palace-like treasure like the "Demon King's Palace" or seal off the space in another space.

Valley gourd

Wang Cheng felt that the space inside the huge honeycomb building in front of him should be blocked.

Wang Cheng turned to look at the Phantom King, who had already released a king-level soul slave and was bombarding a hive building again and again.

The King-level attack was still quite terrifying. Although the hive structure was hard, it was still quickly blasted with a hole.

"It seems like this is the only way!"

Wang Cheng thought, and at the same time he also ordered Sikaya to release the God Eye King.


Soon, the Divine Eye King in black robe appeared in front of Wang Cheng.

"Master Wu Jian Wang!" The Divine Eye King saluted respectfully.

"It seems that you are recovering well!" Wang Cheng looked at the Divine Eye King and said lightly.

"Thanks to the treasure given by Lord Wujian King, my divine body has recovered more than 80%!" The Divine Eye King said quickly.

"Yes!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly. He did not hesitate anymore, but directly ordered: "Go and blast a hole in the hive building below!"

"Yes!" The King of Divine Eyes glanced at the huge building. He did not hesitate and took out a sledgehammer, turned it into a stream of light, and smashed it down with a bang.

This large hive building seemed to be much harder than the one attacked by the Phantom King. The Divine Eye King hit it with all his strength at the peak of his kingship, and only a dent appeared, which was still a long way from opening a hole.

However, Wang Cheng was not in a hurry. He just waited slowly. If he couldn't open it once, he would try a few more times. Sooner or later, he would be able to open it.

Anyway, unless there is no other way, Wang Cheng will not take action himself!

The hive buildings in these unexplored places definitely contain unknown crises. Previously, Wang Cheng and the Phantom King just moved forward and ignored the hive buildings along the way. Now the journey was peaceful.

Now start exploring in depth, it will be different, danger may come at any time!

In this case, it is naturally safer to let the soul slave explore.

Although Wang Cheng is confident, he is not arrogant. What's more, he is not immortal yet, and if something unexpected happens, it will be irreversible!


While Wang Cheng was waiting, finally, a big hole was punched out on the surface of the smooth honeycomb building. Wang Cheng looked at it intently and saw that it was pitch black inside. With his eyesight, he couldn't see much clearly.

"Shenyan, go in and take a look!" Wang Cheng ordered again.

"Yes!" The Divine Eye King agreed immediately.

In fact, the God Eye King was also a little uneasy, but Wang Cheng's order could not be violated, so he naturally entered directly at this moment.

And at the moment when the Divine Eye King entered, Wang Cheng's heart suddenly jumped violently.

A terrifying energy is erupting...

next moment--


A silver-blue energy beam rushed out from the hole blasted by the Divine Eye King. The terrifying energy beam instantly reached the inner wall of the tunnel far away from the Divine Bee's Nest, and left an approximate mark on it. A hole dozens of feet deep.


Wang Cheng's eyes widened in an instant. The inner walls of the tunnel of the Divine Bee's Nest are so tough that the immortals who wander here know it well. Even the king can hardly leave many traces on it.

But now, it was blasted by a beam of energy into a hole dozens of feet deep...

"What a terrifying blow!" Wang Cheng sensed the aura of the Divine Eye King, and as expected, it completely disappeared.

After asking Sikaya, it turns out that the God Eye King is gone!

This was a soul slave at the pinnacle level of a king. He was lost in an instant. Even Wang Cheng felt heartbroken.

According to what Wang Cheng thought, the strength of the Divine Eye King should be able to help him explore a lot of dangers, but who would have thought that the other party would die as soon as he entered.

"What's in here?" Wang Cheng looked at the still dark entrance of the cave and couldn't help but feel a little wary.

PS: I originally wanted to update four times today, but something suddenly needed to be dealt with tonight, so I’ll owe you one more time. I’ll make up for it later!

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