Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 229: Pretending to be a “Messenger”

While Wang Cheng was thinking, he soon felt a strong aura outside the palace, and then, a figure wearing a dark blue robe walked into the hall.

Wang Cheng looked at the figure, and the figure also looked at Wang Cheng.

"Elder Jigusi?" Wang Cheng asked.

"Messenger?" the figure also asked.

"Not bad!" Wang Cheng nodded very naturally.

"Ji Gusi, I've seen the envoy!" The figure, or Ji Gusi, saluted slightly excitedly.

"Believed so easily?"

Wang Cheng was a little surprised. The transformation ability of the Nine Illusion Armor was indeed very strong. He had never been seen through by others on the battlefield outside the territory for so many years. However, even if he appeared to be from the Due tribe, it did not necessarily mean that he was Ji Gusi. Those who have to wait...

Originally, Wang Cheng thought that it would take more effort for him to win the trust of the other party, but now it seems that Ji Gusi is convinced of his identity!

However, although Wang Cheng was surprised in his heart, on the surface he remained calm and without hesitation. Wang Cheng quickly stepped forward and lifted Ji Gu up.


"Elder Jigusi doesn't need to be polite!" Wang Cheng said quickly: "It's been too long. Elder Jigusi probably doesn't know me. I am 'Dormo' and I was ordered to come here this time!"

Wang Cheng's words seemed to be very clear, but in fact, he said nothing.

The name Wang Cheng used was a pseudonym. He said he was here on orders, but he didn't say whose orders he was on, and what he was here for...

When Wang Cheng said this, he naturally left a lot of room for maneuver. No matter what Ji Gusi asked him next, he could calmly respond to it.

Although Wang Cheng had a guess about the situation of the Due tribe, he was not sure that his guess was correct, so he naturally had to be more cautious at this time.

"Messenger Dormo, if only you had come one year earlier, the high priest would not have to die tragically at the hands of that thief Terrence!" Jigus said with a sad look on his face.

"I also heard some things on the way!" Wang Cheng, after thinking about it for a while, then asked: "Then Terrence has already broken through and become the Lord of the Universe?"

"Yes, that thief has become a venerable person!" Ji Gusi nodded.

"It's true!" Wang Cheng said in shock: "Master of the Universe, how difficult is it to break through? The birth of a Master of the Universe should be a great joy for our clan. Why has it reached this stage?"

Wang Cheng's conversation was reasonable and reasonable. Anyone would have doubts after knowing this matter. Therefore, Ji Gusi did not have any doubts. He directly gritted his teeth and said:

"That was what the high priest discovered accidentally. That Terrence is not a member of our race at all. He is actually a clone of a foreign race!"

"Alien clone?!" A flash of lightning flashed across Wang Cheng's heart.

In this case, nothing is surprising!

This world is really too small. Wang Cheng can't see where in this world there are the conditions for the birth of a Universe Master. Even if Terrence's talent is incredible, that's too outrageous!

And if it is the clone of a strong man, then there will be no problem!

The clone of the powerful man is in this world, while his true self is in the outside world. Although the clone's conditions are limited, the true self can be fully tempered in the outside world. It is not surprising that he can break through and become the Lord of the Universe!

"That alien didn't know how to sneak into our clan's holy land back then. His goal from the beginning was our clan's treasure, the 'Wings of the Divine Bee'!" Jigus said bitterly:

"In the past, due to the strength of the high priest, and because he had no way to leave the Holy Land, the thief never showed any abnormality, but a few years ago, the thief suddenly improved greatly in strength, and then he directly broke through and became the Lord of the Universe. .....hateful!!!"

"Do you know which tribe he is from?" Wang Cheng asked.

"I don't know!" Jigusi shook his head. Suddenly, as if he thought of something, he looked at Wang Cheng and asked, "Messenger, how is our clan doing now?"


Wang Cheng sighed heavily.

"What?!" Ji Gusi also became nervous.

"It took me so long to come here. Doesn't Elder Jigus have any guesses?" Wang Cheng asked.


Jigus didn't speak, and his expression became serious.

"Our home has now completely turned into a battlefield for the four peak races and their lackeys..." Wang Cheng briefly talked about the situation of the Divine Bee's Nest, and Jigusi's originally dark face was... It turned directly into blood red.

It seems that he is really angry!

"Where is Lord God Bee? Has Lord God Bee not come back for so many years?" Jigus asked.

"God Bee?"

Wang Cheng instantly thought of the statue of the strange beast, and at the same time he shook his head helplessly.

Wang Cheng didn't know what the so-called "Master Bee" was, but he was right to shake his head now.

Looking at Wang Cheng's appearance, Ji Gusi was slightly startled, and he immediately said: "If Lord God Bee is still here, even the four peak races may not choose to start a war in our homeland so easily!"


Wang Cheng seemed to feel the same way.

But at this moment, he also had a guess about the identity of the huge alien beast statue. It would be impossible for the Universe Master to make the four peak races worry about it.

There is a high possibility that that giant alien beast is the Lord of the Universe!

"Master Shenfeng must be trapped somewhere, I believe he will return!" Ji Gusi said: "And the three treasures that Master Shenfeng left behind must not be lost in our hands! "

"The treasure of the clan? Three pieces?" Wang Cheng's heart was slightly shaken.

If that "God Bee" is the Lord of the Universe, then the treasures he left behind must be extraordinary! And, there are three of them?

"How is the Wings of the God Bee?" Wang Cheng suppressed his thoughts and asked with concern.

"That fellow Terrence is going crazy if he wants the wings of the God Bee!" Ji Gusi said with a smile:

"But how could he have imagined that the ninety-nine treasure boxes that the high priest still brought out were all empty, and the real wings of the God Bee are actually still in my hands!"


Wang Cheng glanced at Ji Gusi, and he began to think about how to do it later.

Wang Cheng pretended to be a "messenger" before, but he was actually trying to get more information to avoid overturning.

Now that the information was obtained, what Wang Cheng didn't expect was that Ji Gusi was so unsuspecting that he directly told the news that the Wings of the God Bee were in his hands...

In this situation, Wang Cheng naturally wanted to take down Ji Gusi directly, and then take the opportunity to obtain the Wings of the God Bee.

With the combined strength of Wang Cheng and Sikaya, Wang Cheng doesn't think this Jigusi can resist it!

"Messenger Moldo, you haven't seen the Wings of the God Bee, have you? Come on, I'll take you to see it!" Jigus suddenly said with a smile.

"Huh?" A trace of doubt flashed in Wang Cheng's heart, but his face didn't show anything. Instead, he nodded very happily.

"Then it's up to you, Elder Jigusi!" Wang Cheng said with a smile.

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