Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 230: Falling out and the truth

"I have hidden the 'God Bee Wings' in an underground cave a million miles away. Messenger Dormo, you will soon be able to see our clan's treasure!" The two left. After the palace, Jigus said with a smile.


Wang Cheng nodded calmly, and at the same time, he and Ji Gusi flew out of the mountain range.

And the moment the two of them flew out of this mountain range——

An extremely terrifying virtual power suddenly came from Wang Cheng's world ring, and it invaded Ji Gusi's sea of ​​consciousness in an instant.


Jigusi screamed, and he fell directly from the sky.

Infinite - dark light! !

Wang Cheng displayed his ultimate skill in an instant, and as an extremely clear dark trace appeared in the void, Ji Gusi's divine body that had just fallen and had not yet woken up was directly exploded.

In an instant, his divine body lost more than fifty percent, and it was still being consumed.

"So weak!" Wang Cheng muttered secretly. This Ji Gusi probably has the strength of a high-level king.

"Sikaya, quickly, enslave him directly!" Wang Cheng ordered.

"Master, I'm taking action!" Sikaya replied, and after a moment, Sikaya's voice came again:

"Master, it's successful!"


Wang Cheng nodded slightly, he was not surprised at all.

Two invincible kings teamed up and made a sneak attack to deal with a high-ranking king. If they couldn't defeat each other, then he and Sikaya could really go home to feed themselves!


Wang Cheng moved, and he rescued Jigusi from the trace of "Infinite Dark Light". After another moment, Jigusi slowly recovered from Sikaya's first soul attack.

That is to say, Wang Cheng told Sikaya not to use all his strength in the first wave, otherwise looking at him like this, the possibility of being directly killed by a soul attack is not small!


Ji Gusi's eyes were a little confused, and Sikaya's voice rang in his heart, making him understand everything.

"I've met Lord Wu Jian Wang!" Ji Gusi saluted respectfully.

"Take it to restore your divine body!" Wang Cheng waved his hand, and several drops of white jade-like liquid filled with endless vitality appeared in front of Ji Gusi.

"God Bee Dew?" Ji Gusi looked at these drops of liquid with a complicated expression. He did not hesitate, opened his mouth and sucked all the God Bee Dew into his mouth.

Wang Cheng looked at it with an indifferent expression. He had previously obtained thousands of kilograms of divine bee dew from a certain palace, and it was an easy matter for a high-ranking king to restore his divine body.

"Ji Gusi, you have discovered that I am not the messenger, right?" Wang Cheng asked.

"Yes!" Jigus nodded.

"How did you find out?" Wang Cheng asked.

"I didn't have any doubts at first, but as we chatted, I felt something was wrong! Because I had some doubts in my heart, I just spoke to test it out!" Jigusi said:

"Lord Divine Bee has actually died a long time ago. I deliberately said that Lord Divine Bee was just trapped somewhere, just to see your reaction! If you echoed my words, it proves that you are false!"

"So, you're talking nonsense about the Divine Bee Wings in your hands?" Wang Cheng asked with a frown.

"That's true. It's even true that I want to take you, Lord Wu Jian Wang, to see the Wings of the God Bee!" Ji Gusi said.

"Oh?" Wang Cheng looked at Ji Gusi in surprise.

The reason why he felt that Ji Gusi had seen through his disguise was because Ji Gusi agreed so happily to him to visit the Nest of the Divine Bee!

A normal person, no matter how stupid he is, would not reveal a treasure like the Wings of the God Bee to others easily, so Wang Cheng naturally became suspicious of Ji Gusi.

Wang Cheng had originally planned to attack Ji Gusi, but now he had doubts again, so naturally he no longer hesitated.

Wang Cheng's attack on Ji Gusi has only two results. One is that he enslaves Ji Gusi, and the other is that Ji Gusi directly explodes himself.

If he could enslave Ji Gusi, then everything would be over, and Wang Cheng could know everything he wanted to know.

And if Jigusi blew himself up, there would be nothing he could do. Wang Cheng would have no choice but to find another way out.

Fortunately, Ji Gusi was extremely weak. He was only at the high level of King of Confession, and his resistance to soul attacks was even weaker. Wang Cheng took him down without much effort.

I just heard Ji Gusi say that he already knew that Wang Cheng was fake after mentioning "Lord God Bee". Wang Cheng thought that what he said about God Bee Wings was all made up, but he didn't. Thinking that this guy actually wanted to take him to see Wings of the God Bee.

It is impossible for Jigusi to lie at this moment, after all, he is already a soul slave!


"Knowing that I'm fake, you still take me to see Wings of the God Bee?" Wang Cheng looked at Ji Gusi and asked a little strangely.

"The Wings of the God Bee can store a super large-scale indiscriminate attack every once in a while. Immortal has almost no chance of surviving in it. I brought you, Lord Wu Jian Wang, to get rid of you with the help of the Wings of the God Bee so that I can take it back." 'Acceptance order'!" Jigusi said.

"Oh? This treasure still has this ability?" Wang Cheng was surprised, and he immediately asked: "Do you know that the 'Acceptance Order' is in my hands?"

"I can see that Lord Wu Jian Wang, you are indeed from the outside world, and if you want to enter the Holy Land from the outside world, you can only use the guidance order!" Ji Gusi explained:

"So I judge that the order of reception must be in your hands, Lord Wu Jian Wang."

"That's it!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly, and immediately asked: "Did you say before that the Bee God left behind three great treasures to suppress the clan?"

"Yes!" Jigus nodded and said:

"Before his death, Lord God Bee left his three most precious treasures to us. They are the Wings of God Bee, which were made by Lord God Bee himself, the 'Nine Spirit Wood' obtained by Lord God Bee from his adventures outside, and the God Bee's wings. The 'Wind Clear Stone Armor' obtained by Master Feng from killing the enemy!"

"All in your world?" Wang Cheng asked.

"Our Holy Land is only responsible for preserving the Wings of the God Bee!" Ji Gusi said: "After all, our Du'e tribe originally had nine major forces. It is good for our Holy Land to get a treasure that can suppress the clan!"


Wang Cheng nodded slightly.

He had forgotten that there were nine Divine Bee Nests. No matter how he thought about it, it was impossible for all three treasures to be in one of the Divine Bee Nests.

"After all, it is a treasure left by the God Bee, who is suspected to be the master of the universe. The God Bee Wings are probably a treasure!" Wang Cheng thought secretly in his heart.

In this case, it is understandable that Terrence lurked here for countless years, and it was not until he broke through the Universe Master that he finally showed his fangs.

In fact, the attraction of a treasure is too great, and if it is not absolutely certain, then Terrence will probably not take action!

The only pity is that Terrence probably never expected that Wang Cheng would suddenly arrive in the Due tribe's holy land that had not been visited for hundreds of millions of years.

If it weren't for Wang Cheng, with Terrence's strength, no matter where Ji Gusi was hiding, he would be found out sooner or later.

But now that Wang Cheng is here, everything is different!

"Treasures are obtained by those who are destined to get them!" Wang Cheng secretly sighed. He didn't think much and said directly to Ji Gusi:

"Okay, take me to where the Wings of the God Bee are!"


Jigus immediately agreed.

ps: The fourth update is over.

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