Wang Cheng originally thought that this Terrence might be a "blank slate". After the actual fight, Wang Cheng discovered that the opponent was not just a blank slate. There are no telekinetic weapons.

However, this is not surprising.

The holy land world of the Du'e tribe is so big. When the outside world underwent great changes, the Du'e tribe might not have had time to transfer all their treasures in. Although Terrence was the king and hegemon in this world, with limited resources, he Not having a suitable weapon is normal.

This telekinetic weapon is a defective product. It is conceivable that this Terrence must be the Lord Baiban among the Lords Baiban!

As for Feng Wang Wudi, he is the weakest opponent of the Universe Lord. He is said to be able to escape and even survive in the hands of the Universe Lord. Wang Cheng uses "Infinite Dark Light" to cooperate with the Demon Emperor's Palace, and the attack power is still ordinary. Feng Wang Above invincibility.

The two are combined, so it is not surprising that Wang Cheng still has the upper hand in the head-on collision with Terrence!

In fact, if Terrence had a little bit of background, it would be difficult for Wang Cheng to compete with him, and he could only rely on the Demon Emperor's Palace to save his life. But unfortunately, Terrence not only broke through in a short time, but also broke through in this resource-poor world. He really has no background at all!

. . .

At this time, Wang Cheng was hiding in the Demon Emperor's Palace, rapidly refining the "Wings of the Divine Bee" while observing the reaction of Terrence from the outside world.

After being ridiculed by him, Terrence looked furious for a while, but he didn't do anything irrational. It only took a moment for the other person to calm down.

"Have the wings of the Bee God fallen into your hands? Did you go to the Bee Temple to find the blood of the Bee God?" Terrence suddenly asked.

"This guy actually knows about the Bee God's blood?" Wang Cheng was a little surprised. Ji Gusi told him that the Bee God's blood was a secret and Terrence should not be aware of it.

However, thinking about Terrence's previous behavior of blocking the Bee Temple, he may have known about it through some channel!

"What do you think?" Of course Wang Cheng would not admit it, he responded with a sneer.


Terrence's breath became unconceivably disordered, and Wang Cheng guessed that he must be angry at this moment.

However, it is not incomprehensible. Terrence has been lurking in this world for countless years for the Wings of the Bee God. Now that he has broken through and become the Lord of the Universe, it stands to reason that the Wings of the Bee God will definitely be in his possession. It's strange that he's not angry now that Wang Cheng has intercepted him!

"Ahhhhh!!! Go to hell!"

As if to vent his anger, Terrence roared, and for a moment——

boom! boom! boom!

The telepathy weapon "Hundred-layered Blade" that had just been thrown away rose again and changed rapidly again. In an instant, it transformed into a black firebird again.


The black firebird once again charged towards the Demon Emperor's Palace with turbulent aura.

"Aren't you still determined to give up?" Wang Cheng sneered in his heart. Without any hesitation, he once again used "Infinite Dark Light" to control the Demon Emperor's Palace to greet them.

After a fierce collision, as expected, Wang Cheng once again had the upper hand.


After knocking the black firebird away, Wang Cheng didn't hesitate at all. He directly controlled the Demon Emperor Palace and crashed into Terrence.

"Seal it to me!"

Terrence stretched out his hand directly and used the "space blockade" move.

Terrence has not yet created a cosmic master-level secret skill, and he does not have many methods at his disposal, but he is very good at using the three tricks of teleportation, space blockade, and space strangulation.

Moreover, it is also a "space blockade", and the power used by the Master of the Universe is indeed extraordinary.

That huge binding force, even the terrifying power of the Demon Emperor's Palace combined with "Infinite Dark Light" was greatly affected, and at the moment when the Demon Emperor's Palace was affected by the "space blockade", Terrence In a teleportation, he disappeared directly from the spot.

"It's really difficult to deal with!" Wang Cheng missed it, and he was not surprised.

Grain leather

The Master of Space can crush Wang Cheng in the realm. It is not difficult for Wang Cheng to tangle with him, but if he wants to hurt the opponent, his current strength is not enough.

To put it simply, Wang Cheng's strength is not enough to break the law with force!


While Wang Cheng was thinking, Terrence once again controlled the Hundred Blades as if unwilling to do so, forming a terrifying fire bird and bombarding Wang Cheng.

"It's useless!" Wang Cheng naturally greeted him without hesitation.

The two collided again and again, and soon the entire holy city of the Due tribe was destroyed. The Due tribesmen who survived in it were lucky enough to be far away at first and were able to escape, but if they were not lucky, they were naturally submerged in it. Amidst the aftermath.

There was nothing that could be done about it. Even if he relied on the Demon Emperor's Palace, the strength gap between Wang Cheng and Terrence was not big, and he would not be able to control the aftermath of the battle.

Although Terrence appears to be a Due tribe, in fact he is not, so he naturally doesn't care what happens to the Due tribe's holy city.

In this case, the destruction of the Holy City is also doomed!


Terrence seemed to be crazy. Although he was at a disadvantage time and time again, he attacked Wang Cheng again and again, as if he would not stop until Wang Cheng was killed!

boom! boom! boom!

Collisions occurred again and again, and the battle between the two became more and more intense.

In this collision, Wang Cheng initially thought that Terrence was venting his anger. Wang Cheng didn't feel anything about it. He was refining the "Bee God's Wings" quickly at the moment, waiting for him to use the Bee God's Wings. The Wings of God have been completely refined, and with the help of the two treasures of "Bee God's Wings" and "Demon King's Palace", Terrence is no longer his opponent!

But gradually, Wang Cheng noticed something was wrong!

Terrence is not a fool. He should be able to easily see that no matter what means he uses now, he will be unable to win over Wang Cheng.

But he insisted on taking action all the time, with no intention of stopping at all.

If it was really about venting anger, it would have taken so long to finish venting it, right?

Besides venting his anger, there is only one possibility. Terrence wants to hold Wang Cheng back!

"Is he waiting for his true self to come?" This thought flashed through Wang Cheng's mind.

The world of the Due tribe is very special. Without the use of the "reception order", ordinary cosmic lords cannot force their way in from the outside. However, Terrence's true self does not come in, but he can stay outside. Once Wang Cheng appears, , then he can take action at any time!

Just because Terrence's clone couldn't do anything to Wang Cheng, it didn't mean that the same was true for his true self.

If Terrence was only the peak king before his breakthrough, then after his breakthrough, he could only be an ordinary venerable in a short period of time. But what if he was the invincible king before his breakthrough?

Then Terrence's strength is somewhat unpredictable. He may be an extremely powerful among the elementary venerables, he may be an intermediate venerable, and there may even be a hint of a high-level venerable.

Whether it is a middle-level venerable or a high-level venerable, they can pose a great threat to Wang Cheng.

"Although it is said that the Venerable is not allowed to enter the battlefield outside the territory, this guy should have determined that the Wings of the God Bee have fallen into my hands. Facing the temptation of the treasure, what is a mere rule?" This thought flashed through Wang Cheng's mind, At the same time, he became increasingly certain that Terrence was stalling for time.

"Hmph, you can call me, but I can't call others?" Although Wang Cheng was not 100% sure that Terrence was waiting for me to arrive, Wang Cheng was ready to call someone without hesitation.

Of course, Wang Cheng had no intention of calling me over.

In terms of strength, Wang Cheng's original self is stronger than Bi Shen, especially when Wang Cheng himself can use the third stage of the giant transformation. However, even if he is strong, he is not much stronger than Bi Shen. Wang Cheng himself comes over, Not safe!

Therefore, Wang Cheng went directly to Thunder Island in the virtual universe and found the Lord of Chaos City!

The fight for a treasure is enough to alarm the Lord of Chaos City!

The Bee God's Wings are still the topmost treasure among treasures. Even the Lord of Chaos City cannot ignore such a treasure!

PS: The bad news is that I can’t write anymore, so I’ll just do the third update today, and the fourth update tomorrow.

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