Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 236: Asking for help and refining

Virtual universe, Thunder Island, on top of the mountain.

Wang Cheng entered a grand palace and noticed Wang Cheng's arrival. At the top of the palace, the Lord of Chaos City, who had been closing his eyes, opened his eyes.

"Teacher!" Wang Cheng saluted.

"You have just realized the ultimate secret skill. Is there anything else that can trouble you on the battlefield outside the territory?" asked the Lord of Chaos City.

"This disciple has obtained a treasure called the Wings of the God Bee!" Wang Cheng did not hesitate and directly stated his intention.

"Wings of the Divine Bee?" The Lord of Chaos City suddenly looked at Wang Cheng.

"Teacher, do you know this treasure?" Wang Cheng asked in surprise.

"That is a famous treasure once used by the Lord of the Universe named 'God Bee', and it is also a treasure he specially created for himself!" The Lord of Chaos City nodded:

"I once fought with the 'God Bee', and I know a little about the power of the God Bee's wings!"


Wang Cheng was slightly shocked. The God Bee had fought with the Lord of Chaos City. Could it be that the Due tribe had enmity with the human race?

If this is really the case, then he will have to think extra about making the Due tribe a vassal of the human race!

"The Wings of the God Bee have been missing for countless years, but I didn't expect that they would fall into your hands!" The Lord of Chaos City sighed with emotion, and then asked:

"You came to me because there are still competitors?"

"A cosmic lord also discovered the wings of the divine bee!"

Wang Cheng did not hesitate. He directly told the Lord of Chaos City about how he unexpectedly received the "Introduction Order", then entered the Due Tribe's Holy Land, and finally intercepted the wings of the God Bee from "Terrence".

After hearing this, the Lord of Chaos City nodded slightly.

In the primitive universe, there were always some beings who had great opportunities. Not only did Wang Cheng get the order to receive him, but he also discovered the entrance to the Due tribe's holy land. There was no doubt that he was that kind of being with profound opportunities.

These wings of the God Bee should naturally belong to Wang Cheng!

"The Venerable is not allowed to enter the battlefield outside the territory!" Chaos City Lord said without hesitation: "If the other party dares to violate the rules, then naturally we, the human race, do not need to be polite!"

"Teacher's plan?" Wang Cheng asked.

"Your third senior brother will be here soon!" the Lord of Chaos City said.

"Teacher wants Third Senior Brother to take action?" Wang Cheng was slightly surprised.

He had been the direct disciple of the Lord of Chaos City for so many years, and he had vaguely heard that among his many brothers, the Dark Lord was definitely the strongest.

Lord Darkness is very likely to be the top overlord of the universe!

"Go and contact Ming An, and you will understand!" The Lord of Chaos City did not say much.

"Yeah!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly.



After leaving the Chaos City Lord, Wang Cheng then contacted the Dark Lord through the virtual universe.

At this time, Wang Cheng learned a bit of news that shocked him. It turned out that the Dark Lord had arrived at the first extraterritorial battlefield, even outside the Seventh Divine Bee's Nest.

As for the reason... Wang Cheng had previously said that he would retire from the outer battlefield and return to the original universe, so the Lord of Chaos City sent Lord Darkness to pick him up.

On Thunder Island in the virtual universe, the residence of Lord Darkness——

"Junior brother, you actually got such a treasure as the 'Wings of the Divine Bee', congratulations!" Lord Ming An looked at Wang Cheng with a smile.

"It's only half done, and I have to trouble my senior brother later!" Wang Cheng said with a smile.

"I will help you keep an eye on Terrence's true self!" Lord Darkness nodded: "Whether it is his true self or the helper he invited, junior brother, you don't have to worry!"

"Please help?"


Wang Cheng was slightly startled, but then he nodded.

Although Terrence is already the Lord of the Universe, no one can guarantee that he will not invite more powerful helpers just in case!

Just like Wang Cheng, he came directly to ask the Lord of Chaos City for help.

However, the words of Lord Darkness are indeed worthy of trust. With his strength as the top cosmic overlord, he can hold on for a while even if the Lord of the Universe comes.

Unless you are the top master of the universe, it is impossible for an accident to happen.

. . .

the other side--

In the holy land of the Due tribe, Wang Cheng was still controlling the Demon Emperor's Palace and the fight with Terrence was in full swing.

Wang Cheng separated part of his consciousness to go to the virtual universe for help, and also separated part of his consciousness to refine the wings of the God Bee. Therefore, he who could have suppressed Terrence a little was now almost on par with him.

However, Wang Cheng couldn't defeat Terrence in the first place, so there was no difference between a slight suppression and an even match!


And as time passed little by little, Wang Cheng became more and more perfect in mastering the wings of the divine bee, and finally——


A sharp wave flashed within the Demon Emperor's Palace.


The golden wings came behind Wang Cheng in a flash, and then disappeared into it.

next moment--

Two huge wings bloomed from Wang Cheng's back, and at the same time, a set of golden armor quickly solidified on the surface of Wang Cheng's body.

"Golden color is too flamboyant!" Wang Cheng muttered. The next moment, he thought. In an instant, the armor on his body quickly turned black, and at the same time, the wings on his back also quickly turned black.

"This is much better!" Wang Cheng nodded with satisfaction.


The appearance was just a trivial matter. After a slight modification, Wang Cheng then turned his attention to the power of the God Bee Wings itself.

Wang Cheng can only initially refine this treasure. Wang Cheng still needs time to slowly master the dense patterns on it. At present, Wang Cheng can only initially use some basic abilities of the "God Bee Wings".

For example, use the wings of the God Bee to accelerate, use the wings of the God Bee to cut, etc.

The most important thing is that the Wings of the God Bee also comes with a set of battle armor.

"Although this set of armor only comes as a bonus with the Divine Bee Wings, it may be comparable to high-level treasures!" Wang Cheng felt the strength of the armor on his body and nodded secretly in his heart.

The treasures are also divided into levels.

From low to high, there are five categories: ordinary treasures, high treasures, top treasures, pinnacle treasures, and most powerful treasures.

The power of treasures at different levels is naturally completely different!

Wang Cheng's Demon Emperor's Armor, Demon Emperor's Palace, and Demon Emperor's Pearl are all high-level treasures, but this "God Bee Wing" is a top-notch treasure!

The top treasure is already quite powerful, enough to be used as the main weapon by most masters of the universe!

Among the masters of the universe, there are only a few who can possess the pinnacle treasure.

The top lord of the universe like the Lord of Chaos City doesn't have many top treasures!

As for the most powerful treasure... the entire human race now doesn't have one!


It is precisely because of the "Wings of the God Bee" and even the top treasures that even the set of armor that comes with it has almost the defensive power of high-level treasures, almost comparable to the Demon King's Armor!

"I didn't have immortality before, so I didn't dare to leave the Demon Emperor's Palace to fight with Terrence, but now, it's different!" This thought flashed through Wang Cheng's mind.

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