The location of the Bee God Statue is already at the core of the unexplored land. No one who can come here is simple. At this moment, several people who have noticed Wang Cheng are at least at the peak of the title of king. They They come from various camps, even from the human camp.

However, Wang Cheng ignored these people's intentions. After he made sure that there was no ambush outside, he left here without hesitation.

After Wang Cheng left, several figures who saw Wang Cheng leaving the "Bee God Statue" had similar thoughts in their minds. Without hesitation, they quietly approached the God of Conferred Statue and began to search. .

In fact, they had searched and studied this extremely conspicuous statue of the Bee God before, but found nothing.

Originally, a few people took it for granted that the Bee God statue was just an ordinary statue, but now that they saw Wang Cheng leaving with their own eyes, they immediately realized that this statue was not simple.

Wang Cheng could guess the movements of several people, but he didn't care.

At this time, he directly contacted the Phantom King.

"King Wujian, are you leaving?" Phantom King asked in shock.

"Yes, I want to leave!" Wang Cheng said without hesitation: "What are your plans?"

"Did something happen?" Phantom King asked cautiously.

"It's nothing, it's just my personal reasons!" Wang Cheng said.


After the Phantom King thought for a moment, she continued: "I understand, King Wujian, be careful!"


Wang Cheng nodded lightly and said nothing more.

He contacted the Phantom King just out of morality. After all, the two of them came here together, so it was really inappropriate for him to sneak away quietly.

It was within Wang Cheng's expectation that the Phantom King chose to stay. This unexplored land had just been developed, so it would be a shame to leave now!

Moreover, a large number of immortals are pouring in here at the moment, and there are many kings from the human camp. The Phantom King has lost his ally, and it is not difficult to find a few more allies!


Wang Cheng didn't say much, he quickly flew towards the outside world on the "Demon Emperor's Palace".

There were a total of more than ten hive buildings in the unexplored land. Wang Cheng flew out all the way and encountered more than ten fights or pursuits between immortals along the way.

There are indeed a lot of treasures in these hive buildings, enough to make many immortals fight for them!

However, although many people were fighting madly, they quickly got out of the way after seeing the Demon Emperor's Palace where Wang Cheng was riding.

Any immortal who comes here must have heard about the "Infinite King".

In addition, the characteristics of the Demon Emperor's Palace are very obvious, so Wang Cheng will be instantly recognized wherever he goes, and with his invincible strength, naturally no one dares to cause trouble.

"King Wu Jian actually left?"

"King Wu Jian was the first strong man to come here, and he was able to repel all the twenty feudal kings from the demon clan. He left all the treasures to his own hands. He must have made a lot of money! "

"Tsk, I wonder what treasure King Wu Jian found?"

"Stop guessing, it's useless even if you guess!"


Along the way, many people who saw Wang Cheng were talking. Of course, they were just talking. Few people had the courage to attack Wang Cheng.

And even if you have the courage, there is actually not much need!

Wang Cheng, who possesses palace-type treasures, can be said to be invincible from the beginning. Unless he can be completely defeated, it is almost impossible to snatch the treasures from him!


However, just when Wang Cheng himself thought that he would leave the Seventh Divine Bee Nest smoothly, an accident happened.

Wang Cheng controlled the Demon Emperor's Palace to fly outwards through space at a high speed. At one time, when he expected to travel tens of billions of miles, he only traveled a distance of more than two billion miles, and a large space in front of him was covered. It is blocked, and the method of blocking is extremely clever. Even the Demon King's Palace can't travel far through the void at one time. This is not like the space blockade of ordinary kings.

Gu Zhao

"It's not the blockade of the Space Lord!"

Wang Cheng observes the outside world and has been entangled with Terrence for so long. Wang Cheng still knows a little about the space blockade used by the Space Master!

"It should be the effect achieved through some kind of treasure!" Wang Cheng guessed in his heart. At this time, a silver stream of light roared over.

The silver light dissipated, and a figure wearing silver armor with a huge green bronze tripod slowly rotating on its head appeared in Wang Cheng's eyes.

"King Shending?" Wang Cheng asked calmly.

"King Wujian, I've been invited to stay and fight with me!" King Shending, who had a huge cauldron above his head, laughed loudly.


Wang Cheng didn't hesitate at all and left directly from the Demon Emperor's Palace.

At the same time, the "God Bee Wings" are activated instantly!

Wu Jian-Bee God! !

Two bright rays of light appeared, and King Shending's expression instantly became extremely serious.

"It's exactly what that person said. This guy is very scary. In a normal fight, I'm afraid I'm no match for him!" This thought flashed through King Shending's mind, and without any hesitation, he directly burned his divine body.

clang! !

The light flashed across the void, and the trembling bells instantly resounded for millions of miles around.

"The burning divine body makes me feel like I can't stop it!"

At this time, feeling the tremor of his own divine power, King Shending was shocked. Although he had gained a body shape, he really didn't expect that King Wujian was so strong!

Much stronger than the normal King of Invincibility!


While King Shending was thinking, Wang Cheng's attack came again. The attack was so fast that King Shending had no chance to dodge, and could only rely on the "giant cauldron" above his head to resist.

The impact after impact caused the divine body in King Shending's body to tremble continuously. Fortunately, he burned the divine body, otherwise he would never be able to block the attacks again and again!

"King Shending, I have long heard that you are a turtle shell. Today I have seen it. I will ask you for advice tomorrow!" Wang Cheng's voice sounded, and the next moment, he disappeared in a swish.

King Shending did not pursue him. The speed that Wang Cheng showed just now was frightening. He knew that it was impossible for him to catch up.

"After all, after blocking it for a while, those treasures are not in vain!" King Shending shook his head. He was glad that Wang Cheng didn't burn his divine body to deal with him, otherwise he would have run away like crazy just now.

"This King of Infernal Affairs is comparable to those monsters from the Ancestral God Sect!" King Shending didn't think any more. He turned around and headed towards the depths of the Seventh Divine Bee's Nest.

The God Cauldron King, a long-established and invincible king in the Machine Clan camp. This time he came to the Seventh God Bee's Nest. He was originally heading for the unexplored land, but someone suddenly invited him to stop him. King Wu Jian, and paid a lot of treasures.

King Shending naturally did not hesitate, he came directly!

Now that the blocking mission is over, King Shending naturally continues to prepare to go deep into the nest of the God Bee!

As for the escaped King Wu Jian, King Shen Ding no longer wanted to get to the bottom of the matter. His intuition told him that the matter was very deep...


On the other side, Wang Cheng continued to use "Infinite-God Bee" to fly out of the space blockade at the fastest speed, then took out the Demon Emperor Palace again and quickly headed towards the outside world.

King Shending took action and made Wang Cheng understand.

Terrence's true self should be from the Machine Tribe camp, and most likely he is from a race affiliated with the Machine Tribe.

After all, the Machine Tribe has no means of giving birth to clones. The Machine Tribe does not even have a soul before becoming immortal, and it is impossible to take away other lives that can give birth to clones. Therefore, Wang Cheng speculated that Terrence himself is from a subsidiary race of the Machine Tribe. people.

"The venerable members of the Mechanical Tribe's subordinate races dare to violate the agreement of the four peak races and come to the battlefield outside the territory?" Wang Cheng thought in his heart.

PS: Two updates first, there will be more in the evening.

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