Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 341 Confrontation and Discovery

After King Shending, Wang Cheng never encountered an interception again.

In fact, it's not surprising. The King of Invincibles is already rare. It happens that there were almost none before the King of Invincibles in the Divine Bee's Nest. The King of Divine Cauldron appeared here because he was attracted by the unexplored land.

In addition, although Feng Wang Wudi is not the Universe Venerable, his status is not much lower than that of the Universe Venerable. Under normal circumstances, not everyone can let Feng Wang Wudi do things!

. . .


The journey went smoothly, and Wang Cheng soon arrived outside the Seventh Divine Bee's Nest.


Wang Cheng was sitting in the Demon Emperor's Palace, and at the same time he was looking around.

Behind him is the huge Seventh God Bee Nest, and in the distance are other behemoths. It is shocking to see them up close.

When the Due tribe was able to build these nine behemoths, they must have put in a lot of effort!

However, at this moment, an inexplicable wave flashed through. In an instant, the originally loose space around the Demon Emperor's Palace suddenly became as hard as alloy. Across the Demon Emperor's Palace, Wang Cheng instantly felt a terrifying sound coming from the outside world. pressure.

"The opponent still managed to catch up, but does the Venerable who just broke through have this strength?" Wang Cheng didn't panic, after all, Venerable Darkness was watching him.


There was a sudden tremor in the void, and the next moment, a fortress shrouded in thunder suddenly appeared above the Demon Emperor's Palace.


Without even saying hello, nine thunder balls fell instantly and headed straight for the Demon Emperor's Palace.

"Can't escape!"

Wang Cheng's heart suddenly sank. The nine thunderballs seemed to be scattered, but in fact there was a very high mystery brewing among them. No matter how he dodge, he would eventually be hit by the thunderballs.

But fortunately, Wang Cheng is not alone.

laugh! !

The void trembled, and a black light that seemed to cut the world in half crossed the void. The nine thunder balls disappeared into thin air the moment they came into contact with the black light.

"Lei Guang, do you dare to take action on the battlefield outside the territory?" A question came, and the next moment, a figure holding a black knife appeared in front of Wang Cheng's Demon Emperor's Palace.

"Hmph, Ming An!"

A cold snort sounded, and the next moment, a naked mechanical being appeared outside the lightning fortress.

"He's actually the venerable member of the Machine Tribe?" At this time, Wang Cheng was hiding in the Demon Emperor's Palace, looking at the mechanical being from the outside with some surprise.

According to his speculation, Terrence's true self should be the venerable of a race affiliated with the machine race. Why did a venerable machine race come here now?

Could it be that the other party asked for help?

However, this is a top treasure. Even if it is a race affiliated with the Machinery Clan, it is impossible to just ask the Master of the Machinery Clan for help, right?

Isn't Terrence himself afraid that the treasure will fall into the hands of the mechanical tribe?


Wang Cheng was confused, but he had no intention of leaving the Demon Emperor's Palace.

Judging from the appearance of the Dark Lord, the strength of the Lord from the Machine Tribe is probably extremely terrifying. He cannot bear the aftermath of the battle between two top Lords.

Hiding in the Demon Emperor's Palace, relying on the dual protection of the Demon Emperor's Palace and the Wings of the Divine Bee, Wang Cheng felt a little safer.


Wang Cheng watched in the Demon King's Palace, while the Lord of Darkness and the Lord of the Machine Tribe were confronting each other for a while. The atmosphere between the two sides became increasingly serious, and a fight was about to begin.

Suddenly, the venerable Mechanical Tribe frowned slightly, said a harsh word, and then ducked into the Thunder Fortress behind him.


The Thunder Fortress instantly merged into the void and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Gone?" Lord Ming An was also a little surprised.

But he didn't think much about it. This was not a place for fighting, especially since there was Wang Cheng behind him who needed his protection. If a fight really broke out, Wang Cheng's safety could not be guaranteed.

If one thing goes wrong, the Lord of Chaos City will have to be alarmed again.

Unless absolutely necessary, Lord Darkness is not willing to alert the Lord of Chaos City!

Gu Zhen

At this time, Wang Cheng also left the Demon Emperor's Palace.

"Junior brother!" Lord Ming An nodded slightly.

"Thanks to Third Senior Brother this time!" Wang Cheng thanked him.

"That's nothing!"

Lord Ming An shook his head slightly. He had watched Wang Cheng grow up from a weakling, and he was not dissatisfied at all for escorting Wang Cheng back to Chaos City.

The fight between Wang Cheng and Shending King just now was witnessed by all the Dark Lords.

He is just a world lord, but he can exert a strength that is close to that of a normal universe lord. The most important thing is that it only took less than five hundred years for Wang Cheng to go from a star level to this step!

Wang Cheng is not only extremely talented, but also has no shortage of opportunities. Lord Ming An has a vague premonition that Wang Cheng's achievements in the future may exceed his imagination!

Lord Darkness didn't think much, he immediately asked: "Junior brother, do you have anything else to do? If you have nothing to do, just follow me back to Chaos City!"

"I enslaved a Zerg queen. In the previous fight, the Zerg warriors under this Zerg queen lost a lot. I am going to go to the garbage star field to get some Zerg corpses to supplement the Zerg warriors!" Wang Cheng said.


Lord Darkness nodded slightly. He knew about Wang Cheng's enslavement of the Zerg Queen. After all, the "King of Infernal Affairs" was now well-known, and it didn't take much time to go to the garbage star field. Naturally, he had no objection.

"However, junior brother, the Zerg warriors you need are immortal-level Zerg warriors, right? You can't create immortal-level Zerg warriors just by purchasing Zerg corpses from the garbage star field!" Lord Darkness reminded him.

"Of course I know this!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly.

The Zerg Mother Queen can produce large numbers of Zerg warriors, which seems incredible, but it is based on burning resources. Moreover, the more powerful the Zerg Mother Queen is, the more terrifying the resources it consumes to create Zerg warriors.

Like the Zerg Universe Master, he usually controls the top universe overlord-level Zerg warriors to fight.

Create a Zerg warrior of the Master of the Universe series? That's almost like a dream!

Although the immortal-level Zerg Mother Queen is far from reaching that level, it cannot be satisfied with just random resources, and many rare resources cannot be bought in the garbage star field.

However, rare resources cannot be bought, but some basic resources are still fine. To create immortal Zerg warriors, not only do you need to cherish resources, but basic resources are also in great demand!

. . .

Lord Ming An didn't say much to Wang Cheng. After chatting for a while, the two of them left the continent where the Divine Bee's Nest was located at the same time.

And on the other side——

In the huge fortress of the Machine Clan Lord Thunder Light, Lord Thunder Light was communicating with a huge being that was on all fours but had thousands of eyes on its head.

"Mengzhen, although the human Ming An is not weak, I am not afraid of him! You don't want the treasure, so you just give it up?" Lord Lei Guang asked with some doubts.

"Brother, of course I am not willing to accept it. After all, it is a treasure that I have been planning for hundreds of millions of years, but it was intercepted by that despicable villain!" The huge being said something unwillingly, and he immediately said:

"But brother, the human race's Dark Lord is also at the level of the overlord of the universe, and it is an extremely ancient existence. No one knows what methods he has. If we really fight, regardless of the support of the human race, it will just rely on you and me, the clones who have just broken through." , the hope of grabbing the treasure is probably very small, King Wujian himself is not weak, if he keeps hiding in his palace-like treasures, he will be like a turtle!"

"Giving up now? It's not like your style!" Lord Lei Guang shook his head.

"Brother knows that my clone is derived from a special life called 'Haechi'!" said the huge life.

"Yeah!" Lord Lei Guang nodded slightly.

"This avatar of mine has a natural talent called 'breaking illusion', which can see through many illusions!" The huge being said slowly.

"What did you find?" Lord Lei Guang frowned.

The huge being didn't hesitate, he said directly.

"What did you say?" Lord Lei Guang was slightly startled.

The huge being repeated what he had just said, and Lord Lei Guang was sure that he had heard it correctly.

"Are you sure?" Lord Lei Guang asked.

"Although the opponent's palace treasure is separated, I am only 60% sure!" Da DaSheng said.

"Sixty percent?"

Lord Lei Guang thought for a moment and said instantly: "If it is true, you have made a great contribution this time!"


Huge Life said nothing more.

PS: It’s only the third update. This plot is finally over...

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