Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 242: An encounter in the Wuku Star Territory

In the human race, there are nine garbage star regions. Wang Cheng first chose to retire from the battlefield outside the territory, and then, together with Lord Darkness, he came to Wuku Star Region, one of the nine garbage star regions.

The two of them were teleported directly through the Kingdom of God, so the speed was very fast!

Of course, Lord Ming An did not come forward. After all, just as King Wu Jian, it was not enough to allow Lord Ming An to accompany him.


The news that Wang Cheng had palace-type treasures had spread, so Wang Cheng simply stopped hiding it and rode directly into the Wuku Star Territory in the Demon Emperor's Palace.

After a period of flight, a large group of palaces soon appeared in Wang Cheng's eyes.

There are a bunch of black-armored guards outside the palace complex. Moreover, there is a warning and defense system near the palace complex. Wang Cheng did not deliberately hide it. Therefore, after his arrival, he quickly aroused the attention of the guards in the Wuku Star Territory. Notice.

After all, this is within the territory of the human race, and Wang Cheng still abides by the rules.

After his auxiliary intelligence received the news from inside the palace complex, he then responded.

Just for a moment...


A figure that looked similar to a human on Earth instantly appeared in the distance.

"But King Wu Jian?" the figure asked from a distance.


Wang Cheng left the Demon Emperor's Palace, his wings behind him shook, and he was in front of the figure in an instant.

"King Ying Ge? I thought it would be King Long Jue coming to pick me up?" Wang Cheng said with a smile.

There are a total of five kings who sit in the Wuku Star Territory, and they come from the five major forces of the human race, including the Giant Ax Arena and the Virtual Universe Company. Among them, King Ying Ge is from the Universe Mercenary Alliance, and King Longjue is from the Virtual Universe Company. Become a king.

Wang Cheng is the king of Virtual Universe Company. Normally, it is normal for King Long Jue to receive him.

"King Longjue is delayed for something, and I am the fastest, so naturally I am here!" King Yinge said with a smile, and at the same time he was secretly sighing at Wang Cheng's speed just now.

It can only be said that Wu Jianshi has a great reputation. The reputation of Wu Jianwang is really not small at this moment. Now it seems that there is a reason for that! The King of Infernal Affairs in front of him just moved at will, and the speed was so fast that he couldn't see it at all. It was really terrifying!


Wang Cheng nodded slightly. He came to the Junk Star Territory just to buy some Zerg warrior corpses. As for who received him, it didn't really matter.

"King Wujian, this is not the place to talk. Please come with me!" King Yinge made a gesture of invitation.


Wang Cheng nodded.


After a while, Wang Cheng and King Yinge quickly arrived at the most magnificent palace. After someone brought some misty drinks to Wang Cheng, King Yinge asked:

"King Wujian, I heard that you killed the aliens in the Divine Bee's Nest in the first outer battlefield. Why did you suddenly return to our human territory?"

"Because of some things, I retired!" Wang Cheng took a sip of the drink and felt that it was a bit sweet and that it was top quality.

"Haha, with your strength, King Wujian, it really doesn't make much sense to continue to stay on the battlefield outside the territory!" King Yinge smiled. He knew that there must be a deep secret in this, but it was only the first time that the two met. He had no intention of asking any more questions.

"What you said makes sense!" Wang Cheng put down his drink, he no longer hesitated, and immediately said: "I need a lot of Zerg corpses when I come to the Wuku Star Territory this time. I hope you, King Ying Ge, can help!"

"Zerg corpse?" King Yin Ge was slightly startled.

"Is there a problem?" Wang Cheng asked with a frown.


"No, no problem!" King Ying Ge shook his head quickly and said with a smile:

"It's a coincidence. Just now, a little guy from Virtual Universe Company came over to buy Zerg corpses, and the amount was quite large. King Long Jue can't get away now, and it's also because of him!"


Wang Cheng nodded slightly, feeling there was some coincidence in his heart.

The kid from Metaverse? Come to buy Zerg warrior corpses?

Wang Cheng was thinking in his heart, but he didn't rush to ask.

At this time, King Yinge asked: "How many Zerg warrior corpses does King Wujian need?"

"I want as many immortal-level Zerg corpses as I want!" Wang Cheng didn't hesitate. He said directly: "I need eighty to one hundred billion Zerg corpses at the pinnacle of World Lord level!"

"You want all the corpses of the Immortal-level Zerg, 80 billion of them at the peak of the World Lord level?" King Yin Ge was confused for a moment.

"It's a lot, but I believe that as one of the nine garbage star regions of our human race, the Wuku Star Region should have these stocks, right?" Wang Cheng asked.

"We should be able to collect the corpses of the world lord-level pinnacle Zerg, but I can't make the decision alone. I need four other managers to sign a contract with me. As for the corpses of the immortal-level Zerg, there are not many in the entire Wuku Star Territory. King Wujian, you If you want it, you will need additional approval!" King Yin Ge explained.

"Where are the other four senior executives?" Wang Cheng asked.

"They are all in another hall!" King Yin Ge said with a bitter smile:

"To be honest, not long before you arrived, King Wujian, an accident happened in our Wukuo Star Territory. A little guy was assassinated while searching for treasures in the garbage mountain of Wukuo Star Territory..."

As King Yin Ge explained, Wang Cheng suddenly asked after listening for a while: "Is it because King Long Jue didn't come to see me because that little guy is from Virtual Universe Company?"


King Yin Ge nodded directly. Something happened to the genius of Virtual Universe Company. As the management of Virtual Universe Company in the Wuku Star Territory, King Longjue must be present. Otherwise, no one knows what will happen.

"What's that little guy's name?" Wang Cheng asked.

"It seems to be called... Luo Feng?" King Yin Ge thought for a while before naming a name.

He originally didn't care much about this matter, so he naturally didn't pay much attention to it.

"How about we go take a look?" Although Wang Cheng asked, he had already stood up directly, and his meaning was self-evident.

King Yin Ge felt strange when he saw this, but he still nodded.

Although this is an internal matter in the Wukuo Star Territory, it involves the geniuses of the Virtual Universe Company after all, and this King of Infernal Affairs is also a strong man belonging to the Virtual Universe Company, so there is nothing wrong with going and taking a look!

. . .

Under the leadership of King Longjue, Wang Cheng quickly arrived at another main hall.

As soon as he entered here, Wang Chengxuan heard a feminine voice.

"From the beginning to the end, you have been the one making excuses!"

"Come here, escort Luo Feng directly to the First Star Prison! When he gets to the First Star Prison, he will have to recruit anything!"

"Nightmare King!" Another angry voice sounded.

"Shut up, you have no business talking!" The feminine voice did not hesitate.

"I came to your Wukuo Star Territory to buy goods and was assassinated... I haven't asked why your Wukuo Star Territory failed to protect you, but you have blamed me again and again." That anger. The voice said again:

"I really think that my Virtual Universe Company is easy to bully. I will immediately report this matter to my teacher, King Zhenyan, as well as the Lord of Darkness and the Master of Heavenly Eclipse Palace..."

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