tread! tread! tread!

Wang Cheng walked into the hall unhurriedly. At this time, Luo Feng finally stopped his angry voice and turned his head to look over.

The other four kings also each discovered Wang Cheng's arrival.

"King of Infernal Affairs!"

King Longjue and the other two feudal kings were slightly shocked, while the handsome and handsome Nightmare King frowned at Wang Cheng.

"Why is King Wujian here?" King Longjue asked.

"King Wujian needs a large number of Zerg corpses, and I can't decide by myself!" King Yinge explained.

"We will naturally deal with this matter after we deal with Luo Feng!" King Nightmare Candle said, but unfortunately, Wang Cheng ignored him at all.

Wang Cheng came to Luo Feng and asked with a smile: "You are the genius of Virtual Universe Company. Which class are you from?"

"The company I joined in the last genius battle!"

Luo Feng felt a little confused, but he still answered.

"What a coincidence, so am I!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly.

"Um...Senior is the leader of my Virtual Universe Company?" Luo Feng asked.

In fact, what Wang Cheng meant was that he was also a genius of Luo Feng's generation, but of course Luo Feng couldn't think that way, so he naturally interpreted Wang Cheng's words to mean that Wang Cheng was also a genius of Virtual Universe Company before. .

The genius before is now a strong man!

In fact, not only Wang Cheng, but also King Longjue and others also thought so. How could a strong man like King Wujian be the genius of the last genius competition? joke!

"Yes!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly, and he immediately said: "You don't need to trouble Lord Ming An with your affairs, let alone alarm the Lord of the Heavenly Eclipse Palace!"

"Senior?" Luo Feng was confused.

"Watch!" Wang Cheng didn't say much. After saying something lightly, he went straight to King Nightmare Candle.

"King Wujian, this is a matter within our Wuku Star Territory, do you want to interfere?" King Nightmare Candle reminded lightly.

King Nightmare Candle's father is Lord Eclipse Fire. Of course, he doesn't have much fear of Wang Cheng. Wang Cheng himself understands this.

"Luo Feng is a member of the original secret realm of my virtual universe company. I am not qualified to interfere?" Wang Cheng asked lightly, and then he asked:

"I heard that Lord Eclipse Fire is your father?"

"Not bad!" The Nightmare Candle King raised his head and could not see the pride on the faces of the man and woman.


Wang Cheng sneered, and almost without any warning, he slapped him.

This slap was so fast that King Nightmare Zhu didn't even have time to react. He was directly slapped heavily on the face. King Nightmare Zhu was not injured, but there was heartbreaking pain on his face.


King Nightmare Candle was suddenly slapped against the wall of the palace, and then fell heavily.

"You dare to take action?" A fierce look flashed in King Nightmare Candle's eyes, and the treasure between his eyebrows lit up, but the next moment, a black shadow suddenly appeared in front of him, and he stepped on it at the same time.


Nightmare Candle King's head was crushed hard in an instant, and he quickly sank into the alloy floor.

"Venerable Eclipse Fire is still far from being able to cover the sky with one hand in the human race. The domineering power you want is still far away!" Wang Cheng said lightly, and then he stepped down again.

Wang Cheng's speed was so fast that Nightmare Candle King had no time to react and was stepped down again in an instant.


Not far away, King Longjue and King Yinge all stared wide-eyed. Their hearts were filled with disbelief. They never expected that Wang Cheng would suddenly take action.

You know, this is within the Wuku Star Territory, and hands are strictly restricted!

What's more, the one who was beaten was the Nightmare Candle King.


Just as "King Wu Jian" said, King Nightmare Candle's father is Lord Eclipse Fire!


"This senior is too strong. I'm afraid this is what the Universe Master is like, right?"

Luo Feng finally reacted at this time. After all, he was only the Territory Lord. Everything happened too fast. By the time he saw clearly, the Nightmare Candle King was already lying on the ground, and his head was covered by a man wearing black combat boots. The big feet stepped on tightly, without any resistance at all.

They are both crowned kings, why is the gap so big?

At this time, Luo Feng still knew too little, and he obviously couldn't understand it!

. . .

Wang Cheng stepped down one foot after another, and each foot was able to resolve the resistance of the Nightmare Candle King very accurately. Gradually, the Nightmare Candle King no longer resisted.

Of course, at this time, his heart was also filled with endless anger.

King Nightmare Candle has only one thought at the moment, revenge. No matter what method he uses, he must take revenge on King Wujian!

Of course, Nightmare Candle King may still have a trace of fear in his heart, but he may not even be aware of this fear yet!


"King Wu Jian, please calm down!" At this moment, King Long Jue, King Ying Ge and others were also admonishing Wang Cheng.

All he can do is give lip service to him. Although King Nightmare Candle relied on treasures to be crowned king, in any case, he still has the ability to be crowned king.

A crowned king is like a child under the feet of the "King of Infernal Affairs", with no ability to resist at all.

All we can say is that King Wu Jian is indeed as terrifying as the rumors say!

No, maybe it’s even scarier than the rumors!

In this case, who dares to take action rashly?


Of course, King Longjue and the others were a little strange at this time.

There is a Universe Venerable in the Wuku Star Territory. The five of them are called management, but in fact they are only responsible for the management of foreign trade. The one who is really responsible for guarding this place is the Universe Venerable!

King Wu Jian just made a move. Although the power was controlled extremely delicately, it was still a battle. Logically speaking, the Venerable could sense it.

No matter what the reason for King Wu Jian's action was, if he did it, it would be wrong!

As a one has come forward yet.

"Is there something standing behind King Wujian that makes His Holiness unwilling to take care of things here?" Several people pondered in their minds.


On the other side, Lord Darkness is also watching everything here secretly.

Wang Cheng's sudden attack was somewhat beyond his expectation.

However, this is not incomprehensible!

Lord Ming An naturally knew that King Wu Jian was actually Wang Cheng, and Wang Cheng had a close relationship with Luo Feng.

As the Lord of the Universe who was responsible for the last genius battle, Lord Darkness knows many things that other senior officials don't know. Among the conclusions drawn within the Virtual Universe Company, some people even think that Luo Feng and Wang Cheng have some mentors and disciples. Including affection.

Although the two were geniuses in the same class, according to the investigation, Wang Cheng did give Luo Feng a lot of help, which allowed Luo Feng to rise quickly!

The two have a special relationship. Now that Wang Cheng saw Luo Feng being bullied, it was normal for him to take action in anger!

Moreover, Lord Ming An also quite agrees with Wang Cheng's approach. Although Luo Feng's talent is not as exaggerated as Wang Cheng's, he is now far ahead among the group of geniuses, and the talent he shows is getting more and more terrifying!

Now Luo Feng is definitely the core of Virtual Universe Company.

A Nightmare King who relies on his elders wants to imprison Luo Feng in a cosmic prison. Does he really think that Virtual Universe Company is easy to bully?

PS: Two updates first, there will be more tonight!

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