Wang Cheng brutally tortured the arrogant Nightmare King for a while. At this time, the other party had given up struggling, because struggling was useless.

"You can investigate Luo Feng as you please, but one thing is the same. If you just arbitrarily attack the geniuses of my Virtual Universe Company without evidence, do you really think that our Virtual Universe Company is all dead?" Wang Cheng glanced at the remaining four envelopes indifferently. The four people's hearts were slightly agitated when the king glanced at him. They had realized the tyranny of King Wujian.

"It was my fault that I acted in excitement just now!" Wang Cheng then said: "I will pay full compensation for the damaged materials, and I will accept the punishment given to me by the higher-ups!"

"There aren't many things. King Wu Jian, you can only compensate dozens of Hunyuan units!" King Long Jue forced a smile.

Wang Cheng's power control just now was extremely exquisite, and it did not cause much damage to the environment. It only needed a little repair.

As for high-level punishment?

If King Wu Jian really killed King Nightmare Candle, then it would be a big deal indeed.

But looking at King Wu Jian's attack just now, King Nightmare Candle didn't even lose any of his divine body. In other words, King Nightmare Candle wasn't even injured. Seriously, King Nightmare Candle was just humiliated!

In other words, the most culpable thing that King Wu Jian is responsible for is violating the rules and taking action in the Wuku Star Territory!

For such a crime, the top management probably won't punish a "Wudi" very much, and King Wu Jian is nominally acting for the Virtual Universe Company. If King Wu Jian's background is a little tougher...

All in all, the four kings knew that this matter would probably go unsolved.


Wang Cheng didn't know what King Longjue and the others were thinking. After he finished speaking, he let go of the Nightmare Candle King. After feeling the pressure from Wang Cheng disappear, the Nightmare Candle King suddenly moved the treasure between his eyebrows. Teleported directly away from the palace.

Being so humiliated by Wang Cheng, he naturally has no shame in staying here anymore!

"Guys, let's talk about business!" Wang Cheng's evil spirit disappeared, and he looked at King Longjue and others with a smile.


Naturally, these people had no reason not to agree.

. . .

Nightmare King was humiliated by Wang Cheng, and Luo Feng's matter soon came to an end.

Luo Feng was naturally not guilty as the top management spoke.

After Luo Feng expressed his gratitude to Wang Cheng, he then went on a treasure hunt in the Wuku Star Territory arranged by King Longjue. This treasure hunt was originally regarded as compensation for Luo Feng, but Wang Cheng knew that in this treasure hunt, Luo Feng The peak is of great significance.

Because Luo Feng will find treasures such as "soldier armor" and "general armor" here that can greatly enhance his strength!

Of course, although he knew this, Wang Cheng had no intention of getting involved. The water here was very deep and he couldn't get involved now.

As for Wang Cheng's punishment... In addition to compensating dozens of Hunyuan units, he also received the punishment of going to Chaos City to "face the wall and think about his mistakes."

This punishment is almost nothing to Wang Cheng.

After creating the ultimate secret skill, Wang Cheng has temporarily reached the end of his secret skill.

Before mastering the deeper laws, Wang Cheng would have almost no chance of creating a stronger secret art unless he found another way to follow other schools such as "Micro Pattern Style".

In terms of treasures, Wang Cheng’s new acquisition of the Wings of the God Bee is not lacking.

So there is only one thing he has to do now, and that is to understand the law!

As for comprehending the laws, it takes time to slowly refine them. Chaos City is a good place to comprehend the laws!

Wang Cheng was originally planning to go to Chaos City, but now he is asked to go to Chaos City to "think about his mistakes". Isn't that exactly what he wants?

So of course this punishment is almost nothing for Wang Cheng!

Gu Sui


Of course, before heading to Chaos City, Wang Cheng still needs to finish his affairs in the Wuku Star Territory.

However, Wang Cheng needed too many Zerg corpses, and the interests involved were too great, so he had to wait for a while.

Time flies, and half a month passes in the blink of an eye.

"What? Do you need me to pay a deposit first? Why didn't you tell me before?" Wang Cheng looked at King Long Jue and asked with a frown.

"Prior to King Wujian, you brought out a large amount of treasures as evidence and signed a contract. Logically speaking, it's OK!" King Longjue explained.

The total value of the Zerg corpses purchased by Wang Cheng is 50 billion Hunyuan units. Among them, the purchase of World Lord-level Zerg corpses costs about 10 billion, while the immortal-level Zerg corpses cost more than 40 billion Hunyuan units!

Very few people can take out such a large amount of cash directly. After all, most of the wealth of the strong comes from various treasures.

You may have cash, but in the end it will only occupy a small part of your wealth!

And a strong man like Wang Cheng, who has only been around for a short time, has no cash at all. What he has on his body are all treasures!

Wang Cheng had previously produced the treasure as proof and signed the contract, so it should be enough.

After all, Wang Cheng's reputation as the king and the treasures he took out were enough to guarantee the cash, and with the contract as a constraint, no one would worry about him defaulting on the payment.

But at a critical moment, someone raised objections, saying that such a large transaction required a deposit as a guarantee.

This proposal seemed reasonable, so the deal was stuck!

"Is this person King Nightmare Candle?" Wang Cheng asked calmly.


King Longjue smiled awkwardly. King Nightmare Zhu was actually very cooperative in many of the previous steps. King Longjue thought that the incident would just go away, but he did not expect King Nightmare Zhu to do something like this again at the critical moment.

"How much is the deposit?" Wang Cheng asked.

"Twenty percent!" King Longjue said.

"Give me a few days and I will sell a batch of treasures as soon as possible!" Wang Cheng said lightly.

Originally, Wang Cheng planned to sell the treasures slowly and repay the arrears of the 50 billion Hunyuan units, but now, he had to sell some of the treasures quickly.

If the treasure wants to be sold quickly, it must be sold at a reduced price. If Wang Cheng wants to collect 10 billion Hunyuan units in a short time, the loss may exceed 3 billion Hunyuan units.

However, Wang Cheng is very wealthy and doesn’t care much about this!

But Nightmare Candle King... The reason why Wang Cheng took action before was actually secondary to Luo Feng. The main reason was that Wang Cheng himself did not like Nightmare Candle King. Wang Cheng would not hesitate to beat him up if he had the opportunity.

Originally, after the fight, Wang Cheng had no intention of continuing to pay attention to the Nightmare King. After all, in Wang Cheng's view, he was just a clown, and there was no need to worry too much.

But this guy actually dared to jump out and die on his own!

"Master Eclipse Fire, I can't protect you for long!" Wang Cheng silently wrote down what King Nightmare Candle did.

Wang Cheng has no intention of beating the Nightmare Candle King again. That would be too advantageous for him. Next time he finds a chance, he will have to let him stay in the cosmic prison for at least trillions of years.

. . .

Wang Cheng sold treasures in the virtual universe to raise cash. In the blink of an eye, another half month passed. Before and after, Wang Cheng had already stayed in the Wuku Star Territory for more than a month!

At this time, in the starry sky about hundreds of thousands of light years away from the Wuku Star Domain, three beings from different directions met quietly...

PS: This is the third update.

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