As his body continued to expand, Wang Cheng had actually left the planet.

I don't know how long it took, but the surging energy finally stopped. Wang Cheng's size finally reached an exaggerated height of 90,000 kilometers. The planet he was on just now was probably about the same size as Wang Cheng's head at this moment. .

"This is what I really look like!" Wang Cheng felt his current situation and sighed secretly in his heart.

An extremely large body shape is something that all beings with a genetic level of 10081 times will have. This is true no matter what race they are, no matter what kind of life they are!

"It feels like the world inside me can expand again!"

Wang Cheng secretly felt in his heart that when he was at the first level of World Lord, the world inside his body was 100 million miles in diameter. Now at the ninth level of his world master level, the world inside his body has reached a diameter of 900 million miles!

Originally, this was exaggerated enough, but now, Wang Cheng clearly felt that the world inside his body could still expand, and it was far from the limit.

The conditions for expansion are not complicated. Even if Wang Cheng does nothing, the world inside the body will slowly absorb energy and expand on its own. If Wang Cheng provides it with massive energy, it will probably expand extremely fast!

"This is the perfect gene!" Wang Cheng sighed slightly.


Without thinking much, Wang Cheng then tried using the "Clone Technique" again.

Still the same as before, Wang Cheng can now create up to 10,081 clones, and each clone carries his power and soul.

The difference is that if Wang Cheng's total power and soul were 1 before, the total power and soul carried by each clone would not be greater than 1, but now, his power and soul have become 1 Billion, the total amount of power and soul carried by each clone can naturally easily exceed 1!

The body size expanded from the size of ordinary humans to the size of 90,000 kilometers. The essence of power and soul did not change, but the total number was much greater.

This resulted in Wang Cheng's clone carrying more power.

"I am the Realm Lord now, so I can't see anything yet, but once I break through and become immortal, it will be very difficult for others to kill me!" Wang Cheng sighed secretly in his heart.

How much divine power does an immortal body the size of an ordinary human have? And how much power does the immortal body 90,000 kilometers high have? Incomparable!

Even if an ordinary human being is about the same strength as Wang Cheng, if the two of them hurt each other, then when Wang Cheng hacks him to death, he probably won't be able to hurt Wang Cheng.

It's so exaggerated...


Wang Cheng then did many more experiments. After feeling that it was almost done, he then thought about it, and his huge body began to shrink rapidly.

Of course, this is not a real reduction, just a change.

Now, the form that really makes Wang Cheng comfortable should be a body with a diameter of 90,000 kilometers. If he is forced to shrink, he will only feel restrained.

If you really want to reach the state of "size comes from the heart", you should reach the genetic level of 90,000 times. At that time, no matter how big or small you become, it will be the most comfortable form.

But it's a pity that the genetic level of 90,000 times is not what Wang Cheng can think of now. That is already another realm!

However, Wang Cheng is not used to living with a huge body of 90,000 kilometers, so he naturally has to shrink!

. . .

Wang Cheng returned to the spacecraft. Soon, the spacecraft took off again and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Wang Cheng was thinking about what happened before.

The assassination of the clone was indeed something Wang Cheng did not expect. Fortunately, he was not afraid of the assassination at all!

After all, it is just a clone, and it is a clone whose soul is separated from the original body. No matter what methods the aliens use, it is impossible to defeat him!

The alien race dispatched three venerables at once. Wang Cheng understood that just because of his identity as the "King of Infernal Affairs", he would never get this treatment. Only he, Wang Cheng, had the qualification to be killed by three cosmic sages who were good at assassination. Assassination!

Now that his identity was exposed and his clone was killed, Wang Cheng naturally had no intention of returning to the human race.

Now Wang Cheng is preparing to devote himself to understanding the laws. It is not very meaningful for him to send a clone back to the human race. It is better to make the alien races mistakenly think that he is dead as he is now, and then give them a big surprise after he develops in a wretched way. .

"My identity was exposed most likely because of 'Terrence' or the Master of the Universe from the Mechanical Tribe!" Wang Cheng knew in his heart that there were not many opportunities for him to be exposed. Moreover, the foreign race did not choose to assassinate him on the battlefield outside the territory. Assassination in the more dangerous human territory, there is only one possibility——

Gu Yan

The time when the alien race truly discovers his identity will only be during the short period of time before he leaves the battlefield outside the territory.

During that short period of time, Wang Cheng only came into contact with Terrence and Lord Lei Guang of the Machine Tribe.

Therefore, Wang Cheng determined that these two people must have seen through his disguise!

"Terrence, Lord Thunder, Machine Tribe..."

Wang Cheng muttered, although his assassination could only be said to be a near miss, it was an assassination after all, and Wang Cheng would never let it go.

But now he is too weak and can only keep these in mind.

In the future, when he is strong enough, he will definitely find his place!


On the other side, in the original universe of the human race.

Lord Darkness arranged for Sikaya to live in Chaos City. At this time, the Lord of Chaos City was also secretly checking Sikaya's situation.


A smile appeared on the face of the Chaos City Lord. He personally checked Sikaya's soul and found that the other party was indeed an enslaved person.

In this way, the last trace of worry in his heart can finally be let go!

Sikaya told the truth. Wang Cheng did not fall into the trap!


After a while, Lord Darkness came to visit the Lord of Chaos City and asked him what to do next.

"Wang Cheng has a big secret. He chooses to hide it temporarily, so let him hide it!" The Lord of Chaos City said slowly:

"I have a hunch that when Wang Cheng appears again, he will give us a surprise!"


Lord Darkness nodded.

. . .

Wang Cheng's true self is still drifting in the universe. At this time, he has no other thoughts and is only focused on understanding the laws.

In the blink of an eye, another three hundred years passed.

"Time deceleration, space strangulation...have also been mastered!" A smile appeared on Wang Cheng's face.

In less than a thousand years, all the contents of the two laws of time and space have been fully understood, leaving only two major thresholds.

The first is to integrate the three unique skills of space law into a whole.

The first is to integrate all three tricks of the law of time into a whole.

After taking these two steps, Wang Cheng can rival the Lord of the Universe in terms of law understanding. It is only a matter of time before he breaks through and becomes the Lord of the Universe!

But unfortunately, these two short steps are also the two most difficult steps. The two natural chasms have blocked many talented people!

"It's still very difficult to cross these two steps through hard work!" Wang Cheng knew it well.

He needs a chance!

As for the source of opportunity, one is to search for it in the original universe. With luck, he may be touched and make a breakthrough!

Another thing is to rely on chance!

"After more than eight hundred years of accumulation, it's time!" Wang Cheng made a decision in his heart.

PS: Three updates.

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