Over eight hundred years, although Wang Cheng also consumed a lot of opportunity points, he still saved most of them.

By now, Wang Cheng's total chance points have exceeded 200,000!

"With so many opportunities, even if I am extremely dark-faced, I still have to get a powerful treasure, right?" Wang Cheng thought to himself, and immediately, without hesitation, he directly chose to seize the opportunity.

The first grab is just to test the waters and consume 30,000 chance points!


Although it was just a test of the waters, except when he grabbed the "Primal Embryo" for the first time, Wang Cheng had never consumed so many opportunity points at once. As the opportunity points were consumed rapidly at this moment, the invisible The fluctuation left the original universe in an instant and spread towards the endless depths of the cosmic sea.

Soon, this chance grab came to fruition.

[Consumption of 30,000 chance points, chance capture successful! 】

[Opportunity Category: Treasure]

[Chance name: Tree of Time]

[How to use opportunities: refining, inheritance]



Wang Cheng looked at the result of his chance grab. At this time, he had already felt that in the space connected to his consciousness, there was already a large crystal-like tree about a hundred kilometers high.

The big tree was suspended in mid-air, with misty light emanating from around it. After Wang Cheng's consciousness entering this space came into contact with these lights, he instantly felt that his consciousness in the outside world had become extremely slow.

No, it’s not that the consciousness of the outside world has become slower, but that the consciousness that comes into contact with those lights has become faster.

"Time accelerates!" Wang Cheng was instantly sure of this matter.

He now also masters "time acceleration", but he can only accelerate it by a limited number of times in a short period of time. According to Wang Cheng, even a true god can only maintain ten thousand times acceleration by relying on his own universe.

Moreover, people who enter time acceleration must not be too strong, otherwise even the true gods cannot afford it.

"Just where these rays of light shine are accelerated ten thousand times!" Wang Cheng thought in his mind, and at the same time he continued to move towards the big tree.

Since it is a treasure, it should be able to be refined!


Wang Cheng's consciousness touched the crystal-like tree. Inexplicably, he sensed the core of the tree, and then his consciousness penetrated inside.


There was a roar in his consciousness.

In a daze, Wang Cheng saw a figure with three faces, holding a scepter, and wearing a gorgeous robe. This figure was shrouded in light, as if he had said something.

However, there was an invisible force blocking it, causing the figure's words to dissipate directly in Wang Cheng's consciousness.

Immediately, the figure disappeared, and the next moment, endless information began to penetrate into Wang Cheng's consciousness.

The path of time can be divided into five channels: past, present, future, consciousness, and reality, and each channel can reach the ultimate.

The past lineage starts from the ten laws of time, light, thunder and lightning, wind, metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. It first understands fluctuations and matter, and then...

The vast influx of information plunged Wang Cheng into a terrifying whirlpool of knowledge. One after another mysterious information continued to pour into his consciousness, causing all the thoughts in his mind to disappear in an instant, leaving only Accept this knowledge instinctively.

But Wang Cheng's consciousness was limited, and the knowledge was too vast. Gradually, he felt powerless.

However, unknown forces are affecting Wang Cheng, making him unable to extricate himself.

Under the acceleration of time ten thousand times, time passed very quickly, and ten years passed in the blink of an eye. At this time, Wang Cheng felt that his soul had reached its limit.

If this continues, the consequences are unpredictable, including soul collapse and direct death.

But unfortunately, Wang Cheng couldn't break free from it. Under the transmission of vast knowledge, he didn't have the extra consciousness to think too much, let alone do unnecessary things.

"Hold on!" This thought arose deep in Wang Cheng's soul.

Soul collapse? die?

Wang Cheng didn't have the consciousness to think about this at this time, let alone the consequences. He only knew one thing in his heart, and that was to hold on.

There is no reason, no reason, Wang Cheng only knows that he must hold on!

Hold on, hold on, hold on!

Time flies, it’s another thirty years!

Endless knowledge is still being transmitted. Wang Cheng only feels that his consciousness has become blurred and his soul has reached the edge of collapse. This is the limit of the soul. The external conditions are insufficient, and no matter how strong the inner will is, it is useless!

At this time——


A cool force suddenly poured into Wang Cheng's consciousness, like a dead tree blooming with spring. After a sudden surge of energy, Wang Cheng suddenly woke up.

However, before he could think about it, a vast amount of knowledge once again occupied his consciousness.


Knowledge is transferred, the soul reaches the edge of collapse, cool power pours in, knowledge is transferred again... The same process is repeated about ten times.

Hundreds of years have also passed in time acceleration.

Finally, an unknown power came, and the knowledge transmitted to Wang Cheng's consciousness instantly became blurry.

Wang Cheng, who has been occupied by a large amount of knowledge, finally has the ability to think!


This was Wang Cheng's first feeling. The pain from his soul made him a little confused, but in the past few hundred years, Wang Cheng had actually been experiencing this kind of pain, and he quickly suppressed it.

"This time, it's really big!" This thought flashed through Wang Cheng's mind.

He understood that he had just walked on the edge of life and death. No, it should be said that he was not out of danger yet!

This "Tree of Time" contains the inheritance of a certain powerful person, and the knowledge contained in it is endless. Naturally, Wang Cheng, a small realm master, cannot carry it.

As a result, his soul came to the edge of collapse time and time again. Fortunately, that kind of cool energy pulled him back time and time again.

Now, this knowledge inheritance is far from over. The reason why Wang Cheng can think consciously at this moment is purely because he is lucky to be in the original universe at this moment.

The will of the original universe does not allow beings within the scope of its will to read the inheritance of knowledge above the True God.

And now the inheritance has reached the stage above "True God", so Wang Cheng naturally cannot read.

In other words, it is the original cosmic will that helps block this knowledge.

The current situation is that this knowledge is still filling Wang Cheng's soul, but Wang Cheng cannot read this knowledge, so he can think consciously.

Of course, although he can think, Wang Cheng's soul strength is there. With the continuous influx of knowledge, his soul will still collapse again and again.

"I hope that cool energy is enough!" Wang Cheng thought silently in his heart.

Wang Cheng really has no choice at the moment. He can only wait silently for the inheritance to end. The vast power coming from the Tree of Time is beyond his control!

The previous opportunities were so smooth that Wang Cheng forgot that he could not just take advantage of any opportunity!

In the introduction to Seize the Opportunity, it was clearly mentioned that the Tree of Time has the function of "inheritance", but Wang Cheng just didn't care.

"Every time you take a step, you will gain wisdom. If you seize the opportunity in the future, you must not be so reckless again!" Wang Cheng sighed secretly.

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