The soul is still in pain, but because the original universe blocks all knowledge above the "true god level", Wang Cheng's consciousness is free at the moment.

With nothing to do, he simply began to study the inheritance of those at the "true god level" and below.

“It’s vast and incredible!”

This was the only thought that flashed through Wang Cheng's mind.

The knowledge now passed down by Wang Cheng is the "line of the past" in the Way of Time.

This inheritance is very detailed and has detailed guidance on how to understand the "past" of time.

Of course, Wang Cheng is not capable of seeing this now. According to Wang Cheng's estimation, the realm of the Lord of Chaos City may be just right for him to start to understand.

Wang Cheng's realm was far inferior to that of the Chaos City Lord, so naturally he couldn't even comprehend the beginning.

All he can comprehend are some "leftovers"!

But even some scraps made Wang Cheng excited.

Wang Cheng quickly became immersed in these "leftovers", and even the unbearable pain in his soul temporarily put aside.

As time accelerated, ten thousand years passed quickly, and Wang Cheng could no longer count how many times his soul faced collapse.

The good news is, that cool energy always appears at critical moments and never fails!


On this day ten thousand years later, another vast knowledge suddenly appeared.

"Future Lineage" uses time, light, wind, thunder...

Infinite knowledge once again occupied all of Wang Cheng's consciousness, making him lose the ability to think again.

It was not until more than a hundred years later that the will of the original universe came into play again, blocking all knowledge inheritance higher than that of the "true God".

At this time, Wang Cheng regained his thinking ability again!

"First is the past, and then is the future. In other words, there are three channels of present, consciousness, and reality that need to be passed on?" This thought flashed through Wang Cheng's mind, but he didn't think much about it. This inheritance gave him no room for resistance. He can only accept it!

. . .

Just as Wang Cheng thought, after accepting the inheritance of the "future lineage", the inheritance in the three directions of "present", "consciousness" and "reality" also arrived one by one.

After more than 50,000 years, the inheritance has finally come to an end!


In the original universe, in an ordinary F-class spacecraft, Wang Cheng, who had been sitting cross-legged motionless for more than five years, finally opened his eyes.

Fifty thousand years have passed under the acceleration of time ten thousand times, and the time of the original universe is only five years.

Although it was only five years, Wang Cheng's changes were earth-shaking.

Before, he was less than a thousand years old, but now, seriously speaking, he is over 50,000 years old!

With more than 50,000 years of inheritance, Wang Cheng spent most of his time experiencing painful reincarnations of soul collapse. At the same time, he was also comprehending many scraps of this inheritance.

"The will has transformed, and at the same time, the complete law of time has been naturally mastered!" Wang Cheng thought silently in his heart.

The inheritance of the Tree of Time is the inheritance of the "Way of Time", in which the "Law of Time" is the foundation of the foundation. Wang Cheng continued to comprehend the knowledge in it, and naturally mastered the complete Law of Time without even realizing it. .

It can be said that he can break through and become the Lord of the Universe at any time now!

As for will... In the past, Wang Cheng's will was not outstanding, but even an ordinary will should have undergone a substantial transformation after fifty thousand years of hard work!

What's more, the more profound the laws a person masters, the higher his will will be.

After 50,000 years of enlightenment, Wang Cheng has naturally mastered the complete law of time. The complete law of time plus the three unique skills of the law of space that Wang Cheng has already realized. In terms of understanding of the law, there are few sages in the universe who can. Comparable to him!

Although Wang Cheng's body is a little weaker, his understanding of the law is so advanced. He should have a will no less than the level of the universe sage based on the law alone. Coupled with fifty thousand years of training, his will is at least as good as the overlord of the universe, and even It is not impossible to reach the level of the Lord of the Universe.

"In my current state, it should be no problem to identify the Main Star Tower!" Wang Cheng thought of this and shook his head with a smile.

The Star Tower is indeed powerful, and it is more than enough as the main weapon of the God King.

But that thing involves "mountain visitors", and Wang Cheng has no interest in getting involved.

Moreover, the "Tree of Time" that Wang Cheng just acquired is actually not simple at all!

Thinking in his heart, Wang Cheng suddenly thought, and the next moment, a small crystal tree emitting a misty light appeared in his hand.

This is naturally the "Tree of Time". As Wang Cheng has passed on the endless knowledge, the Tree of Time has naturally recognized its owner.

This is an auxiliary treasure, and its function is to accelerate time.

The Tree of Time can achieve the effect of "accelerating time ten thousand times" just by the light it naturally emits.

Of course, this is an acceleration of consciousness, which is different from directly accelerating time within a certain range.

Among the inheritance of the "One Path of Time" that Wang Cheng received, there is a line of "consciousness", and the main content is this aspect!

"Consciousness" acceleration actually has more advantages than simple range-based time acceleration. It consumes very little energy. As long as the state is enough, time can be greatly accelerated.

In addition, if Wang Cheng activates the "Tree of Time", the acceleration in consciousness will be terrifying. It is possible to reach a million times, tens of millions times, a hundred million times or even billions of times!

Of course, it is only possible. It requires Wang Cheng to have achieved something in the 'Way of Time' and to have some understanding of the Tree of Time.

Now, Wang Cheng can only roughly activate the "Tree of Time", which can accelerate time a hundred thousand times at most.

"Speaking of which, although this Tree of Time is only an auxiliary treasure, it is definitely the 'most powerful treasure'. After all, no one in the original universe and the cosmic sea can harm it even half a hair!" Wang Cheng thought in his mind. Thinking.

The "most powerful treasures" mentioned here in the original universe are actually weapons of true gods and weapons above true gods.

Because there is no existence beyond the True God in the original universe and the cosmic sea, there is not much difference between the weapons of the True God and weapons above the True God.

Even the "Star Tower", a weapon of the God King, is always called the most powerful treasure...


Without thinking too much, Wang Cheng quickly shook his head and began to think about the matter in front of him.

"Although I almost lost my life this time by chance, the harvest was also terrifying. The tree of time, the complete law of time, the will to transform, and... an unfathomable inheritance!" Wang Cheng thought silently.

"Do you want to continue grabbing?" Wang Cheng looked at his remaining opportunities.

Before, he only consumed 30,000 opportunity points. Now, he still has more than 170,000 opportunity points left!


Wang Cheng was determined.

Although the "Tree of Time" almost took him away just now, it was because he was too careless.

The opportunity itself is not wrong, but Wang Cheng himself is wrong!

"No matter what opportunity I get next, I will be careful, careful, and no matter how careful I am, I don't believe something will happen again!" This thought flashed through Wang Cheng's mind.

It is necessary to catch it by chance. He cannot stop eating because of choking!

PS: Two updates first, there will be more in the evening.

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