Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 255: Void Evolution and Complete Space Laws

Think again and again, try again and again.

Even with the help of a terrifying treasure like the "Tree of Time", it took Wang Cheng three full months to crack the third game.

In the past three months, although Wang Cheng was not under the "Tree of Time" all the time, he was in it for nearly a month.

In other words, it took Wang Cheng nearly ten thousand years to pass the third game.

After breaking the third game, Wang Cheng was not in a hurry to break the fourth game. He was thinking.

"This chess game seems to be more than just a chess game!" Wang Cheng felt something inexplicable hovering in his heart. The chess game seemed to be nothing during the process of cracking, but when the crack was completed, Wang Cheng recalled the entire cracking process, It was as if I saw some mysterious and unfathomable truth hidden in it.

But this is just a feeling. When Wang Cheng wanted to go into details, he found that those things were like flowers in the mirror or the moon in the water, and there was no way to start.

After thinking for a long time, but still finding nothing, Wang Cheng simply stopped worrying!

"Continue!" Wang Cheng no longer hesitated and started the fourth game directly.


Compared with the third game, the difficulty of the fourth game soared again.

Wang Cheng used the Tree of Time and it took ten years to finally crack it.

In the past ten years, Wang Cheng spent about a year under the light of the tree of time thinking about strategies to break the game. In other words, it took him a full hundred thousand years to break the fourth game.

This is a very long time. Fortunately, there is the existence of the "Tree of Time", otherwise Wang Cheng would never have the patience to waste it here.

In the fifth game, Wang Cheng spent ninety-six years!

The sixth game, one thousand and thirty-one years!

In the seventh game, just give up!

"It's time to give up!" Wang Cheng sighed.

He understood that if he was willing to spend time, he could hope to crack it in the seventh game, but it would be an extremely long time, and Wang Cheng was not interested in spending a lot of time here.

"Besides, after passing three games, I cracked six games, which should be considered good, right?" Wang Cheng thought, and suddenly, the chess game in front of him began to break down.

The entire starry sky began to shake violently.

"The Tactics of the Void, completed, rated A-grade as good!"

The voice of the rabbit-like life before sounded in the void, and it continued: "Triers can watch the 'Void Evolution'!"

"Void Evolution?" Wang Cheng knew in his heart that this was the reward.

At this time, the starry sky had collapsed to the extreme. Suddenly, a black spot appeared in the starry sky, and then bloomed with endless light.


Wang Cheng's eyes were instantly attracted by that light, and without any hesitation, he took out the Tree of Time.

Under the acceleration of 100,000 times, Wang Cheng stared at the ray of light intently!


At this time, the starry sky had disappeared, Wang Cheng was in a completely independent space, and the ray of light broke out of the chaos.

At this moment, Wang Cheng only knew that this light contained infinite mysteries, but he could not understand what these mysteries were.

Under the acceleration of time a hundred thousand times, Wang Cheng tried his best to memorize these mysteries. He knew that this was an opportunity that could only be encountered but not sought. He remembered it now, which would definitely be of great help to his practice in the future.

Gradually, some familiar laws appeared in Wang Cheng's eyes.

Gold space, wood space, water space, fire space, earth space...

These are the laws of fusion. Although Wang Cheng himself has not mastered the laws of fusion, he has fought against King Feng who has mastered these laws.

Of course, the fusion laws mastered by those Feng Wang were very simple, but now these laws are complete.

In addition, Wang Cheng can only distinguish a small part of the fusion laws.

Wang Cheng's guess for the rest is that it may be light space, thunder and lightning space, wind space, etc. It may also be that multiple lower laws are integrated with space laws at the same time...

I don't know how long it took for the various fusion laws to separate again. Except for the law of time, the other nine laws were fully displayed in sequence.

This time, Wang Cheng understood it completely.

At this time——

"This..." Wang Cheng suddenly widened his eyes as if he had discovered something.

At this moment, Wang Cheng finally understood what the indescribable feeling in his heart was when he solved the chess game!

The chess game, on the surface, is a chess game, but in fact it incorporates many laws into it.

Wang Cheng was able to break through every chess game, and he was also thinking about many legal difficulties.

"In the first six games, the complete laws of space have long been integrated into it. When I cracked the endgame of the six games, I was actually thinking about the laws of space!" Wang Cheng understood clearly in his heart, but he was also a little shocked at the same time.

There are complete space laws in just the first six games, but what about the rest?


A month passed in a blink of an eye, and Wang Cheng was once again teleported to the extremely huge square. However, this time Wang Cheng did not move forward in a hurry. He sat down cross-legged directly on the spot.

Instead of using the tree of time to speed up, Wang Cheng just sat quietly.

It took about a month before he finally opened his eyes.

"I have mastered the complete laws of space!" Wang Cheng felt neither sad nor happy. After a thousand years of cracking the endgame, and watching the evolution of the void, he was greatly touched. Mastering the laws of space was just normal.

"I can control both time and space. As long as there is a little opportunity, I will be the master of the universe!" Wang Cheng sighed in his heart.

The path of time and space is the path that most masters of the universe will take, and now he has also reached the end of this path.

Of course, just the understanding of the law has come to an end.

In terms of the use of time and space, there is still a big gap between Wang Cheng and the Lord of the Universe like the Lord of Chaos City.

Take the secret method as an example. The secret method at the Lord of the Universe level from weakest to strongest is the peak secret method, the ultimate secret method, the strongest secret method, and the fusion of the strongest secret method!

The Lord of Chaos City undoubtedly masters the most powerful secret method of fusion, but Wang Cheng...he doesn't even master the peak secret method of Lord of the Universe!

Of course, it is not difficult for Wang Cheng to create the ultimate secret method of the Lord of the Universe. It is estimated that only the ultimate secret method of the Lord of the Universe can make it slightly more difficult for him.

"I previously tried to create the ultimate secret method for the Overlord of the Universe but failed. Now my goal has changed and it has to become the ultimate secret method for the Lord of the Universe!" Wang Cheng smiled. In a situation like his, I am afraid that the entire original universe may not be able to find it again. There is an example.

Even before the secret method of the Universe Venerable level has been created, the understanding of the law has reached the level of the Lord of the Universe!

Really outrageous!

However, it is impossible for the life in the original universe to have such an opportunity as Wang Cheng!

Wang Cheng first drew the "Tree of Time", from which he obtained the inscrutable inheritance of the "One Way of Time". Then he came to this place of inheritance, watched a wave of "Void Evolution", and saw the complete space from it. The law evolves.

Wang Cheng originally realized the three major killing moves of time and space separately, but failed to integrate them.

I also obtained a heaven-defying opportunity through the opportunity capture system, and completed the last two steps. It can be said that there is nothing surprising at all...

PS: Two updates first, there will be more in the evening.

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