Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 256 Return and Breakthrough

Wang Cheng didn't sigh for too long, and quickly looked towards the temple in the distance.

"It's been more than a thousand years, are you still going on?" Wang Cheng pondered secretly in his heart.

Even if calculated based on actual time, it has been more than a thousand years since Wang Cheng came here. If he continues, he doesn't know how long it will take to go back.

When Wang Cheng first came to this "permanent secret realm", he never thought of staying here for so long. You know, he realized that his body in the original universe could not protect itself when he came here. Although he ordered No. 1 to control the spacecraft Wandering in the universe, usually nothing will happen, but this kind of thing is just in case...

It’s okay if the time is short, but if the time is long, who knows what will happen!

"However, we have already made it here. It would be a pity to quit here!" Wang Cheng frowned slightly.

In fact, if he leaves now, he can still come back next time, and due to the characteristics of a permanent secret realm, he will still be in this place next time he comes.

However, this place is different from the battlefield outside the territory.

Wang Cheng knew that someone in this inheritance place should be watching him. He suddenly disappeared and then reappeared. Who knows what the owner of this inheritance place thought?

"It's a bit risky to continue to keep my body in the original universe, but unless I'm extremely unlucky, the risk won't be too great! And if I leave, my future attempts to obtain the inheritance here may be in trouble... "

Wang Cheng thought carefully and finally decided to take a middle approach.

He continues to move forward, but he will stay for another hundred years at most. After a hundred years, he will leave anyway and deal with the unattended affairs of the outside world.

. . .

After making a decision in his heart, Wang Cheng immediately stopped hesitating and accelerated directly towards the palace.

As Wang Cheng advanced, the coercion in the distance became stronger and stronger.

Gradually, Wang Cheng's expression became serious.

Before, he only considered that the later levels might consume a lot of his time, but he forgot about the increasingly terrifying pressure.

According to the current situation, it is hard to say whether he can reach the next level...


Time continued to pass. I don’t know how long it took before Wang Cheng finally stopped.

What Wang Cheng was worried about had indeed come true. At this time, the pressure had reached the limit that he could bear. This pressure had definitely reached the level of the top Lord of the Universe.

Although Wang Cheng has mastered the complete laws of time and space, and his will has been tempered when he accepted the inheritance in the "Tree of Time", his own foundation is still a realm master after all, and his foundation is too low. , it is indeed difficult to resist the pressure of this top Lord of the Universe!

You must know that this pressure is not only aimed at the soul and will, but also has great oppression on the body.

"That's it for now!" Wang Cheng didn't try again.

This pressure can sharpen his will, but Wang Cheng's foundation cannot be sharpened by pressure. He has to break through to truly improve his foundation.

Moreover, relying on strong pressure to sharpen his will may not be very effective for Wang Cheng now.

The so-called spiritual will, if the spiritual realm is high, the will will naturally be sharpened, otherwise, it will only get twice the result with half the effort!

The reason why Luo Feng's will progress is so rapid is that, in addition to his own talent in the direction of soul will, his spiritual realm is also the key!

Luo Feng has gone very far in the realm of "mind is like a mirror, heart is like a knife". He uses various means to sharpen his will and naturally makes rapid progress!


In fact, after the previous "Tree of Time" incident, Wang Cheng realized that his soul probably also had the characteristics of earthlings, and he was quite talented in the aspect of spiritual will.

I don’t know exactly how high it is, but it’s better than ordinary life.

"It's time to go back. This time when I go back, I will break through first, improve my foundation, and then focus on my spiritual realm, and then come back!" Wang Cheng made a decision in his heart.


"It's time to break through. He won't be able to get through without breaking through!" At this time, in the palace in the distance, the giant rabbit-like being was also looking at Wang Cheng.

But the next moment, it suddenly froze.

Wang Cheng suddenly disappeared on the spot. It had absolute control over this inheritance place, but even so, it had no idea how Wang Cheng disappeared.

"This guy..." The rabbit-like being's eyes widened.

. . .

On the other side, within a certain starry sky in the original universe——

After a period of trance, Wang Cheng opened his eyes again.

Looking at the familiar alloy room around him, Wang Cheng breathed a sigh of relief.

"This time, the harvest is not small!" Wang Cheng sighed. Not to mention the most powerful and precious armor, he also mastered the complete laws of space.

This is true transformation!

"It's time to go back!" This thought flashed through Wang Cheng's mind.

This is also a matter of course... Wang Cheng has mastered the complete laws of time and space, and has completely grown up. Many of the worries in the past have now disappeared.

Therefore, Wang Cheng naturally decided to let him go back and inherit the identity of the clone.


"However, before returning, we should break through first!" Wang Cheng made a decision in his heart.

For Wang Cheng, now that he continues to stay at the World Lord level, his only role is probably only one, that is, he only needs 100 chance points each time he enters the "Permanent Secret Realm" at the World Lord level.

If he breaks through, it will cost him a lot to enter the permanent secret realm in the future!

However, the pressure in the "nameless inheritance place" is extremely strong, and Wang Cheng cannot advance based on his current foundation, so he must break through!

The biggest advantage of the World Lord level is the understanding of the laws, but Wang Cheng has already mastered the complete laws of time and space. It really makes no sense for him to continue to stay at the World Lord level!

"When this breakthrough is over, I will be the real strong man!" Wang Cheng thought in his heart, and he did not hesitate.


Wang Cheng arrived outside the spaceship in an instant, and then put the spacecraft into the world ring. He himself quickly teleported away from the place.

Mastering the complete laws of space, Wang Cheng can teleport a thousand light years every time.

He also masters the complete law of time, so he can complete hundreds or thousands of teleportations in a very short period of time.

Under this situation, Wang Cheng's speed was naturally astonishingly fast.


After some searching, Wang Cheng came to a deserted starry sky.

Wang Cheng has explored millions of light years around this starry sky. There is no sign of life at all. He can safely make a breakthrough here.

Wang Cheng stood in the starry sky. At this time, his consciousness was immersed in the world inside his own body.

Since Wang Cheng's clone returned 1,400 years ago, Wang Cheng's inner world began to expand again. Wang Cheng came with the help of the source treasure to draw the power of the source, and his inner world had already reached an exaggerated trillions of kilometers.

"Let's break through immortality with the Law of Wind as the core!"

Standing above the inner world, Wang Cheng made a decision in his heart.


The Law of Wind and the Law of Thunder and Lightning have not been understood by Wang Cheng for a long time, but those laws are only one step away from being fully mastered. Wang Cheng watched the evolution of the void before, and passed a time under the acceleration of 100,000 times. He directly and completely mastered the laws of moon, wind, and lightning.

Wang Cheng's attainments in the rest of the lower laws are not low at this moment. As long as he is willing to spend a little time, mastering them all is only a very simple matter.

However, breaking through immortality only requires one law, and Wang Cheng decided to use the law of wind as the core.



After a roar, Wang Cheng's inner world instantly communicated with the original place.

The law of the origin of wind came instantly, and the endless power of the origin of wind crazily poured into Wang Cheng's inner world...

PS: Three updates.

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