Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 257: The Lord of the Universe

Wang Cheng's transition into immortality is naturally different from ordinary realm masters' transition into immortality.

Ordinary world masters only need a little divine power to transform their divine bodies into immortality, but Wang Cheng is different. Based on Wang Cheng's understanding of the law, when he enters immortality, he naturally needs to condense the most perfect immortal divine body.

This kind of immortal divine body can enter the realm of the Universe Venerable at any time!

If it is a life with twice the genetic level, then the basis of its perfect immortal divine body should be 100,000 times the peak power of the world lord. However, Wang Cheng's genetic level is 10081 times, so the basis of his divine body after entering immortality should be 100,000 times. One hundred and eighty-one million times.

This is just a qualitative change. The real size of Wang Cheng's current body is 90,000 kilometers high. In the original universe, except for a few special beings such as the "Blood Sea" and many true gods, no one can compete with Wang Cheng in the size of his divine body!

For such a huge body to be transformed into a divine body with ten thousand times the genetic level, the energy required is naturally extremely terrifying!

Therefore, as soon as Wang Cheng broke through at this time, endless source power naturally surged in to help him transform his divine body.


With the help of the boundless power of origin, Wang Cheng's divine body was transformed very smoothly. The immortal body was easily achieved, and the perfect immortal divine body was quickly formed.

At this time, in the starry sky outside, Wang Cheng had already appeared as a 90,000-kilometer-long divine body, and his terrifying divine power spread across hundreds of millions of miles. Every move made by Wang Cheng felt like the sky was shattering and the starry sky was overturning.


Wang Cheng reached out and drew, and instantly, a huge crack appeared in the starry sky. Without hesitation, Wang Cheng went straight into it.


The space where ordinary life lives is actually the surface of space, and in the deep space, there is actually an extremely vast interlayer of space. The alien assassinated Wang Cheng's clone before, and the mysterious treasure that absorbed Wang Cheng's clone was exiled to this deep space. within.

The space mezzanine contains endless space fragments. Generally speaking, the world masters who break through immortality come back here to establish the Kingdom of God.

The Kingdom of God is the foundation of immortality. As long as the Kingdom of God exists, immortality has the hope of continuing to progress. If the Kingdom of God is gone, immortality will no longer be able to make even half a step forward.

Therefore, for any immortal, the security of the Kingdom of God is extremely important.

It is precisely because of this that all immortals choose to build the Kingdom of God within the boundless space mezzanine.

As for the space mezzanine, the deeper you go, the more dangerous it becomes. When you first enter the space mezzanine, the world lord can survive, but when you go deeper, the universe lord may die.

According to the general classification of immortals, the space mezzanine is divided into space debris layer, divine kingdom layer, space torrent layer, etc... Generally, immortals will choose to place the divine kingdom in the divine kingdom layer.

However, Wang Cheng is not an ordinary immortal. After breaking through immortality, he has become a truly strong man. Naturally, he will not be satisfied with just placing the Kingdom of God on the superficial level of the Kingdom of God.


Wang Cheng went all the way deep, and soon, he came to the space torrent layer. Gradually, space debris with extremely terrifying speed and huge size began to appear around him. These space debris, even if the Lord of the Universe was hit, It will probably be completely destroyed.

Wang Cheng continued to go deeper, until even he felt a little tired, he finally stopped.

"It's really deep here!"

Wang Cheng felt the extremely fast space fragments around him, and he felt a little emotion in his heart.

After searching for a long time, Wang Cheng finally found a large space fragment that was dozens of light years long and wide. Without any further hesitation, Wang Cheng decided to make this place the base of his Kingdom of God!


Wang Cheng came to the super large space fragment. Soon, with a thought, a huge world shadow appeared from his body and slowly moved towards the space fragment.

The two, one virtual and one real, soon merged together.


Endless roars came from inside the space debris, the illusory world quickly disappeared, and the real world was completely formed within the huge space debris!

Wang Cheng's body flashed and he entered it instantly.

With a thought in his mind, a magnificent palace rose up in the center of a world trillions of miles in diameter.

Of course, the palace is just a facade, but this is actually the core of the Kingdom of God and is extremely important!

Immediately afterwards, Wang Cheng turned his mind to other places.

Mountains and rivers! river! land! swamp! Breeze! Sun and moon!

Everything is manifest and harmonious!

I don’t know how long it took, but the Kingdom of God was finally successfully established!

"My divine kingdom is extremely stable. Although it has just been established, it surpasses most of the universe's venerables!" Wang Cheng was quite confident.

First of all, the world inside his body is already extremely huge, and its foundation is so powerful that it cannot be compared to ordinary immortals.

Secondly, Wang Cheng had watched "Evolution of the Void" before and had some experience in the opening up of the Kingdom of God. Now if he imitates it a little bit, it will naturally instantly bring the stability of the Kingdom of God to a higher level!

The combination of the two naturally makes Wang Cheng's kingdom more stable than the kingdoms of most cosmic lords.

. . .

Wang Cheng observed the Kingdom of God for a while, and without much hesitation, he sat down cross-legged... He was ready to break through to the Lord of the Universe!

To break through to the Master of the Universe, several conditions need to be met, including mastering the complete laws of time or space, the divine body reaching perfection at the immortal level, and the will also reaching the standard...

Wang Cheng met all of these conditions, and he clearly felt the opportunity for a breakthrough, so he naturally chose to break through without any hesitation at this moment!


The Kingdom of God that had just stabilized once again roared, and above Wang Cheng's head, a colorful vortex with a diameter of nearly 10 billion kilometers appeared.

Wang Cheng's newly greatly improved divine body once again broke through the shackles, and his foundation instantly rose to the level of the peak power of hundreds of billions of world masters.

And basic improvement naturally requires a large amount of energy as a supplement.

call! call!

From the colorful vortex above, infinite energy pours out to help Wang Cheng fill this gap.

At this time, Wang Cheng did not dare to neglect at all. He frantically took the initiative to absorb the energy from the origin of the universe.

When a life breaks through immortality, the original universe will provide infinite energy to any life, allowing its divine body to reach the extreme at once, but there is no such benefit when breaking through the Universe Venerable and the Lord of the Universe!

After most people break through to the Lord of the Universe and the Lord of the Universe, their divine bodies are empty, and the remaining energy needs to be slowly replenished by themselves over endless years.

Therefore, a breakthrough at this moment is also an opportunity, and you can absorb as many opportunities as you can!


A huge amount of energy poured down crazily, and Wang Cheng's 90,000-kilometer tall divine body was like a terrifying black hole, absorbing as much as it came.

Wang Cheng also used the original treasure "Heart of Ice Sea" as an aid, and even more crazily sucked in the seemingly endless energy of the original place of the universe.

But unfortunately, this kind of arrival would not last long. After just a moment, everything had dissipated.

"Thirty-two percent transformation of the divine body?"

Wang Cheng felt his situation and nodded slightly. The conversion rate was not low.

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