Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 258 Breakthrough, Lord of the Universe

Most of the immortal breakthrough lords of the human race have a divine body transformation rate of around 90%. Occasionally, some people can achieve complete transformation.

In comparison, Wang Cheng only transformed 32%, which seems very small, but in fact, Wang Cheng absorbed much more divine power than other cosmic sages of the human race.

Wang Cheng is now basically a hundred billion times the peak power of the world lord, and his divine body is as high as 90,000 kilometers.

Wang Cheng can use 1% of his divine power at will, which is comparable in quantity to a group of ordinary cosmic sages. Wang Cheng has transformed 32% of his divine body. The amount of divine power he has absorbed is of course an incredible number.

"But, in the end, it's only 32%!"

Wang Cheng pondered for a moment, and then with a thought in his mind, a massive treasure with surging energy appeared in front of him.

These treasures are all Wang Cheng has accumulated over the years, and there are many treasures that can completely replenish the divine power of an ordinary cosmic lord in a very short period of time.

Although this kind of treasure is a consumable, in terms of value, it is more valuable than many heavy treasures.

But at this moment, Wang Cheng took out all these, and he was ready to use them all.

With Wang Cheng's genetic level and the size of his divine body, the amount of divine power he absorbs every moment is huge. Generally, a treasure that can quickly completely restore the divine body of a cosmic lord can only be said to be... better than nothing.

This kind of treasure will only be useful to him if there are a lot of it!


Normally, Wang Cheng does not need to rush to completely transform his divine body. The total amount of divine power stored in such a huge divine body is extremely terrifying. In battle, these divine powers are completely sufficient!

The fundamental reason why Wang Cheng was preparing to transform his divine power quickly was that he wanted to see if he could directly break through to the level of the Lord of the Universe.

Breaking through the Lord of the Universe also requires many conditions, including laws, divine body, will, etc., all of which are indispensable!

Needless to say, laws and will, Wang Cheng felt that he had passed the test.

Only the divine body...Wang Cheng has not even fully transformed his divine power. No matter how you think about it, he is unqualified!

Therefore, Wang Cheng naturally wanted to completely transform his divine power at this moment.


"The value of so many treasures is probably comparable to one treasure!" Wang Cheng looked at the treasures he had accumulated over the years without much heartache.

He opened his mouth and sucked it in. In an instant, a large amount of treasure was swallowed by him.

call! call! call!

The infinite treasure energy was released, and Wang Cheng's divine power began to slowly transform.

"It seems that the transformation cannot be completed in a short time!" Wang Cheng muttered. This divine body is too big, which is also a worry.

After thinking for a while, Wang Cheng took out the "Tree of Time".

To absorb treasures, you only need to separate a small part of your consciousness. Wang Cheng decided to take this opportunity to delve into the unique skills of the Lord of the Universe!

The law has been understood, but the secret technique has not yet been created. If it is not a treasure, strictly speaking, Wang Cheng does not have the combat power at the level of the Lord of the Universe at this moment. Even if he does, it is only the one with the most crotch. Batch, that is, almost the same as the top overlord.

Of course, if you count the treasure, that would have to be discussed separately.

Especially since Wang Cheng has the "Hundred-Cracked Sky Armor" in his possession right now, there are not many people in the original universe who can hurt him. It would be even harder to kill him!

However, one's own combat power is the foundation, and Wang Cheng doesn't want to rely on the treasure for everything!


The best way to create a secret method is to go out and fight and work behind closed doors. It's not that you can't create a secret method, it just takes a lot of time.

Before getting the "Tree of Time", Wang Cheng would definitely not have chosen this time-wasting approach, but now that he has the Tree of Time, he has no worries!

Under the acceleration of 100,000 times, Wang Cheng had a lot of time to waste!


In fact, Wang Cheng really has no worries now... In the past, Wang Cheng was just a realm lord, and he still had an end to his lifespan. If he stayed in seclusion for too long, there was a risk of sudden death.

After all, a hundred thousand times acceleration of time is indeed an extremely terrifying number!

But now, Wang Cheng has broken through the boundaries of "mundane" life and reached the immortal "spiritual" stage. He can rest assured that he will be in seclusion without any problems!

. . .

With a large number of treasures as a foundation, Wang Cheng spent thirty years and finally successfully transformed his own divine power.

But Wang Cheng did not stop. He continued to deduce with his eyes closed under the tree of time.

From time to time, Wang Cheng would reach out to practice.

Destructive forces of time and space continued to burst out. Fortunately, after Wang Cheng broke through the Universe Master, the Kingdom of God was further stabilized. Otherwise, it would be really dangerous for him to practice these moves here.

In the blink of an eye, another twenty years passed.

After a total of fifty years, Wang Cheng finally opened his eyes.


Wang Cheng took a step and instantly arrived outside the Kingdom of God.

Just at this moment, a huge piece of space debris in the distance, about several light-years long and wide, flew towards him at high speed.


Infinite golden light emerged from Wang Cheng's body, and in an instant, he flew directly over.


It was as if the sky was shattered, and the boundless power spread to the entire space fragments in an instant.

Tsk tsk tsk!

The extremely huge space fragments carrying boundless impact seemed to miraculously pause for a moment, and then completely turned into powder.

"This move should be regarded as the ultimate secret skill of the Lord of the Universe, right?" Wang Cheng turned around, a trace of satisfaction flashed in his eyes.

During the previous period of seclusion, he had created many masters of the master of the universe, but the power of one move was far incomparable. This move can definitely be regarded as the master of the master of the universe!

"Just call him Wujian-Tianqiong!" Wang Cheng made a decision in his heart. This unique skill draws on some of the dense patterns on the "Tianqiong Hundred-Cracked Armor", so it is naturally quite appropriate to call him this name!

"With my current divine body and mastery of the ultimate master of the universe master, even if I don't break through the master of the universe, I still have the strength of a normal master of the universe. Coupled with many treasures, I am not weak among the masters of the universe." , the life-saving ability is even more terrifying!" Wang Cheng was very satisfied.

During this long period of time, he has finally reached the top of the universe and is considered a truly strong man!

No one among all the races in the universe can easily embarrass him!



Wang Cheng flashed back to the Kingdom of God. When he came back, he was naturally ready to continue to break through!

That's right, after the transformation of the divine body was completed, Wang Cheng felt the opportunity for a breakthrough. He understood that he could break through at any time!

To be honest, breaking through to the Master of the Universe now does not bring much benefit to Wang Cheng. It only improves his foundation a hundred times, and can only be regarded as a small enhancement to his strength!

If there is no breakthrough, the benefits are not small!

For example, if Wang Cheng really dies, there is a hope that the true god can resurrect him. Of course, for a cosmic lord like him who is extremely defiant, it is probably very difficult for an ordinary true god to do that. He has to be a particularly strong true god. !

For another example, Wang Cheng, who is at the level of the Lord of the Universe, only needs 10,000 chance points to go to a permanent secret realm, but he who is at the level of the Lord of the Universe needs 100,000 points. Wang Cheng naturally understands the huge gap!

But no matter what he said, now that Wang Cheng was sure of a breakthrough, he still chose to break through directly.

After all, the Lord of the Universe is the Lord of the Universe, which is different from the Lord of the Universe.

“Let’s break through~~”

Wang Cheng sat cross-legged in the Kingdom of God, with a smile on his face.

The next moment, his divine body foundation increased crazily again.


The terrifying vortex that appeared fifty years ago once again appeared in Wang Cheng's kingdom, and this time the vortex was countless times more terrifying than before.

PS: Two updates first, there will be more tonight!

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