Three years later.

The territory of the human race, the continent where the Virtual Universe Company is headquartered.

A spaceship that looked like a divine sword left the dark universe. After communicating with the reception signal from the interior of the continent, the spacecraft quickly headed toward the interior of the continent.

At this time, inside the spaceship, two immortals with extremely evil spirits all over their bodies were chatting.

"We are about to arrive at the headquarters. The value of the goods to be transported this time is not low!" One of the immortals sighed slightly.

"His Royal Highness Luo Feng is really rich for being able to purchase so many supplies at the realm master stage!" Another immortal smiled.

"I heard that His Highness Luo Feng has been valued by important people and accepted as a disciple. It is normal to have such wealth!"

"I heard he is the city lord of Chaos City?"

"It is indeed that adult!"

"Being able to guard Chaos City, that adult should be the pinnacle existence of our Virtual Universe Company and even the human race. If he can be accepted as his disciple, his future will be unlimited!"

"That's natural!"

"Speaking of which, I seemed to have heard not long ago that this great man had accepted another disciple?"

"You are quite well-informed! It is extremely rare to recruit two disciples in a short period of time... huh?"


The two immortals were chatting, and suddenly they were stunned.

Now the spacecraft was on location simulation, and just in front of them, a figure suddenly appeared in front of them.

The figure was a little blurry, and the exterior simulation system was completely unable to restore the other party's original appearance. They could only vaguely see that it was a human figure.

"What's going on? Isn't this channel temporarily assigned to us?" The two of them were slightly confused. This is the headquarters of Virtual Universe Company. The intelligent computing power here is extremely powerful. It is impossible for such a mistake to happen!

What's more, normally no one would come here in the flesh, right?

Just as the two of them were thinking about it, suddenly——


The void with a radius of hundreds of millions of miles was completely stagnant, and the next moment, three figures flew over from a distance at high speed.

"That is?"

The two immortals were in a daze, and then the exterior scene simulation system on the spacecraft suddenly became paralyzed, and the two of them were naturally plunged into darkness.


the other side--

Wang Cheng stood in the void, smiling as he waited for the three of them to approach.

"Are you...Wang Cheng?" The three of them looked at Wang Cheng in surprise.

"Venerable Qu Guang, Venerable Sanmu, and Venerable Xiaoying!" Wang Cheng nodded to the three of them.

"Why did you suddenly appear here, and..."

The three of them looked at Wang Cheng hesitantly. The headquarters of Virtual Universe Company was so close to Chaos City, so they naturally knew Wang Cheng, the disciple of the Lord of Chaos City.

But something wasn't right with Wang Cheng at this time.

He just appeared here suddenly!

This place is already close to the core of the Virtual Universe Company headquarters. There are technological means all around to block the void. It is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to teleport here!

Moreover, if Wang Cheng wants to return to the company headquarters, he only needs to follow the normal procedures. Why does he suddenly appear in a place like this?

The most important thing is... Although Wang Cheng did not deliberately show it at this time, the divine power faintly exuding from him was really terrifying.

The three venerables who appeared at this moment were all high-level venerables, but when they faced the faint divine power blooming from Wang Cheng, they could not help but tremble in their hearts.


Naturally, the three venerables didn’t know about Wang Cheng’s assassination. According to their impressions, Wang Cheng should have not yet broken through the realm master-level Tongtian Mountain, and he didn’t know where he was wandering or cultivating in the realm. Only the Lord!

A realm lord, but his body faintly exudes an aura that makes their hearts tremble? What a joke!


"The reason is very complicated. The equipment I used to log into the virtual universe, my tokens, etc. have all been temporarily lost. However, my teacher or senior brother Ming An knows about my situation, so you can just ask!" Wang Cheng smiled, He said simply.

At this time, the divine power in Wang Cheng's body was indeed terrifying. After breaking through the Lord of the Universe, his foundation reached a terrifying ten trillion times the peak power of the World Lord. In the original universe and the place where the power of the original universe's will was dispersed in the universe sea, the true god Their foundation is suppressed, that is, they are on par with Wang Cheng!

In other words, in terms of the basis of his divine body alone, Wang Cheng is now completely equivalent to the true god who stayed near the original universe. Therefore, the three cosmic sages were shocked by the divine power that Wang Cheng's divine body inadvertently exuded.

"Wait a moment!"

Hearing what Wang Cheng said, the three Universe Venerables did not hesitate. They directly used a piece of consciousness to log into the virtual universe and ask the Dark Lord.

The Lord of Chaos City is not someone they can meet upon meeting, so naturally they have to ask Lord Darkness!


A moment later, in the Thunder Island of the virtual universe, there was the residence of Lord Darkness.

"What? Are you talking about Junior Brother Wang Cheng?" Venerable Ming An stood up immediately, he stared at Venerable Di Guang and the other three and asked.

"Looking at the appearance, he is indeed Wang Cheng!" Venerable Qu Guang said, "But the aura is not right!"

"The breath is not right?" Lord Dark Dark frowned.

"It's too strong. We feel that it's unlikely to be Wang Cheng, but he asked us to ask you again..." The three of them explained, and Lord Darkness nodded in understanding.

"It seems that junior brother has gained a lot in the past thousand years. Has he already broken through immortality? But breaking through immortality alone will not make Di Guang and the others say it is too strong. It seems that junior brother will not have another chance!" A thought flashed through the mind of Lord Ming An. With this thought, he directly said:

"I am in Chaos City. I will leave the Initial Universe immediately to see my junior brother. Please wait a moment!"

"It's best to inform the Lord of Chaos City about this matter!" Venerable Miki said with some hesitation. The "Wang Cheng" who suddenly appeared had such terrifying divine power. I'm afraid Venerable Darkness alone can't handle this. thing.

"Of course I have to tell the teacher!" Lord Darkness nodded. He left the original universe and his consciousness is still in the virtual universe. There is no conflict between the two.

Lord Dark Dark's mentality is no longer young, and he has no idea of ​​​​surprising the Lord of Chaos City. Wang Cheng's return, naturally, he must let the Lord of Chaos City know immediately!


When the three of them saw Lord Ming An say this, they said nothing more.

. . .

After about ten minutes, Venerable Darkness left the passage leading to the initial universe, and then he quickly headed towards the place where Venerable Diguang and the three of them had spoken.

Not long after, Lord Ming An saw Wang Cheng and others from a distance.

"Junior brother..." Lord Ming An couldn't wait to step forward. Wang Cheng was assassinated under his protection. Although Wang Cheng saved his life by his own means, Lord Ming An still had some problems. guilty.

So now that Wang Cheng has returned, he is naturally extremely happy!

However, when Lord Ming An was within ten thousand miles of Wang Cheng, he suddenly stopped.

"Junior brother?" Lord Ming An looked at Wang Cheng, with three parts doubt, three parts confusion and three parts disbelief in his heart...

"Senior Brother Ming An, long time no see!" Wang Cheng flew over with a smile.

PS: Three updates.

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