Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 260 Meeting the Lord of Chaos City

"Junior brother, after more than eight hundred years of separation, your soul slave Wei Ya has caused a lot of trouble!" Lord Dark Dark looked at the flying Wang Cheng and said with a smile.

"Senior Brother Ming An, it must have been more than 1,500 years since I left, right?" Wang Cheng smiled and said: "Besides, my soul slave is not called 'Virya', it should be Sikaya!"

"Are you really Junior Brother Wang Cheng?" Lord Ming An looked at Wang Cheng, and he was even more confused.

"Good luck, it's just a breakthrough!" Wang Cheng waved his hand.

"Will there be such a big change after you break through?" Lord Darkness didn't believe it.

"I am already the Lord of the Universe!" Wang Cheng said with a smile.

"I see..." Lord Darkness nodded slightly. He is the Lord of the Universe, so we can understand a little bit. The immortal level should not have that kind of divine power anyway.


"Lord of the Universe?!" Lord Darkness reacted suddenly. He looked at Wang Cheng and couldn't help but feel a turmoil in his heart.

"Brother, take me to see the teacher. Everything will be clear when you meet the teacher!" Wang Cheng said.


Lord Darkness finally nodded.

Wang Cheng suddenly claimed to be the Lord of the Universe, and there was a high probability that it was true. Of course Lord Darkness couldn't believe it for a while... After all, more than a thousand years ago, Wang Cheng was just the Lord of the Universe.

In more than a thousand years, he jumped from the world lord level to the universe lord level? Lord Ming An wouldn't even dare to think about such a thing!

However, Wang Cheng took the initiative to request to go to the original universe to meet the Lord of Chaos City. Lord Darkness indeed had no reason to refuse!

The Initial Universe is one of the safest places for the human race, and the Lord of Chaos City has absolute control over it. If the Wang Cheng in front of him is fake, then he will not take the initiative to enter the Initial Universe anyway!

In addition, there are still soul slaves left by Wang Cheng in the initial universe, which can more accurately verify his true identity!

After all, everything else can be disguised, but the connection with the soul slave cannot be disguised at any cost!

. . .

"Di Guang, Miki, and Xing Bing, the matters here will be kept secret for the time being. Junior brother and I will go see the teacher first!" Venerable Ming An looked at Venerable Qu Guang and the other three and said.

"Don't worry!" The three of them, Lord Qu Guang, all nodded. At this time, they looked at Wang Cheng with equally complicated eyes.

Awe mixed with a hint of envy, envy mixed with a hint of disbelief.

Wang Cheng claims to be the Lord of the Universe, and he is probably not lying. His terrifying divine power is real, and no one would joke about such a thing, let alone lie. After all, this lie is too easy to expose!

Everyone will be in awe of the Lord of the Universe!

And envy is normal. Lord of the Universe, who doesn’t want to be the Lord of the Universe? Wang Cheng has done it, of course they are envious!

As for the disbelief... Anyone who suddenly discovers that a world lord-level genius in his impression suddenly becomes the master of the universe will probably be a little disbelieving, right?

That is the Lord of the Universe. There are not many beings in the entire human race who stand at the pinnacle of the universe...


Of course, Wang Cheng had no idea how complicated the hearts of the three Venerable Qu Guang were. Under the leadership of Venerable Ming An, Wang Cheng soon entered the initial universe again.

The two of them did not go to see the Lord of Chaos City immediately. Instead, they went to a small courtyard in Chaos City first.


Sikaya, who had already sensed Wang Cheng's arrival, flew out of a secret room in excitement.

"Sikaya, long time no see!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly. After saying a few words to Sikaya briefly, he took back all his previous treasures.

Including the Wings of the God Bee, the Demon Emperor’s Palace, and more!

"Senior brother, are you relieved now?" Wang Cheng looked at Lord Ming An and said with a smile.

"Junior brother, it's not that I don't believe you, it's really that your current situation is too shocking!" Lord Ming An sighed. Seeing the reaction of Wang Cheng's soul slave, he had completely confirmed Wang Cheng's identity.

The Lord of the Universe in front of him, Wang Cheng, is indeed the same Wang Cheng from before!

"Haha, it's indeed a bit amazing. Sometimes I can't believe it myself!" Wang Cheng smiled. He didn't deny this. He didn't appreciate the suspicion that Lord Ming An had just had on him. He didn't appreciate anyone. For humans, this is just a normal reaction.


Lord Ming An was speechless. It turned out that Wang Cheng himself knew that this matter was unusual. From just now to now, Wang Cheng had been acting as if he was taking it for granted. He was really a little confused.

. . .

After a while, Lord Ming An and Wang Cheng arrived at the inner palace of the city lord of Chaos City.

The Lord of Chaos City also has multiple clones, and this clone in the palace of Chaos City is the person Wang Cheng is most familiar with!

The human body has a dragon's tail, and its murderous aura is astonishing.


After stepping into Chaos Ruins and seeing the Lord of Chaos City, Wang Cheng did not hesitate and saluted as before.

"You are indeed the Lord of the Universe!" The Lord of Chaos City looked at Wang Cheng, his eyes filled with wonder.

In the original universe, I saw it with my own eyes. The Lord of Chaos City can naturally judge Wang Cheng's strength. There is still a big gap between the life at the level of the Lord of the Universe and other life, especially the control of time and space. It is even more different. !

There are many disciples of the Lord of Chaos City, but there was no Lord of the Universe before Wang Cheng.

The Lord of Chaos City naturally hoped that there would be a breakthrough among his disciples. As a result, the first breakthrough turned out to be Wang Cheng, who had only been his disciple for more than two thousand years.

"It's also a coincidence!" Wang Cheng explained:

"After I was assassinated, I wandered around the universe. It took me about three hundred years to master the three unique skills of the laws of time and space. Then I encountered great opportunities twice in a row and mastered the laws of time and space. So, , I became the Lord of the Universe!”

Venerable Darkness: "..."

"How can it be so easy to become the Lord of the Universe? I'm afraid your two opportunities are not easy!" The Lord of Chaos City smiled. Although Wang Cheng said it was easy, it was definitely full of risks.

"That's true!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly.

It's okay to say that the nameless inheritance place, but the "Tree of Time" almost killed him. He was able to break through the Lord of the Universe all the way. The understanding of the law was on the one hand, and the Tree of Time was also indispensable for sharpening his will!


The Lord of Chaos City knew that Wang Cheng had a secret, but as a teacher, he had no intention of exploring it. After a brief pause, the Lord of Chaos City immediately asked:

"What are your plans for the future?"

"I just made a breakthrough, so I asked the teacher for guidance!" Wang Cheng said.

"Most lords of the universe will devote themselves to practice when they first break through!" Chaos City Lord said:

"You have made breakthroughs one after another in a short period of time. I'm afraid you have neglected the creation of secret techniques, right? So what you need most now is to practice in seclusion!"


Wang Cheng nodded slightly.

The Lord of Chaos City should have said that he should concentrate on creating the ultimate secret method of the Lord of the Universe, but he has already created this level of secret method.

If you go into seclusion again, you will have to ponder the most powerful secret method of the Lord of the Universe!

"Besides, I will take you to get to know the other universe masters of our human race!" The Lord of Chaos City suddenly said something again. Wang Cheng observed the Lord of Chaos City carefully. It was not difficult to guess his mood at this moment.

The disciple has become the master of the universe. No matter what, it is something worth showing off.

Besides, it is also necessary to get to know the other Lords of the Universe, so Wang Cheng naturally has no reason to refuse!

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