Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 261 The Masters of the Universe of Virtual Universe Company

The human race's universe masters are scattered in all directions, so it is naturally impossible for them to meet in reality. Therefore, Wang Cheng and the Chaos City Lord came to the virtual universe together.

"You broke through too quickly. I'm afraid you don't know much about the high-level structure of our human race. Let me tell you first!" The Lord of Chaos City was in front of a main hall. He looked at Wang Cheng who was also here and said:

"The top management of the human race is divided into large meetings, one is the Supreme Meeting, and the other is the Giant Ax Meeting!

The Supreme Council is composed of all the lords of the universe, the lords of the universe, and the strongest people in the universe. The Great Ax Conference is composed of the leader of the Great Ax Arena and all the other lords of the universe. Generally speaking, major events in the human race are It is decided by the Giant Ax Meeting. The matters discussed at the Supreme Meeting usually involve the interests of the Lord of the Universe! "


Wang Cheng nodded slightly.

"You have become the Lord of the Universe, so you will naturally have a seat at the Giant Ax Conference!" The Lord of Chaos City smiled: "I have already informed the other Universe Lords of the human race about this news, and the Giant Ax Conference will be held soon!"


Wang Cheng didn't say anything, but he noticed that his authority in the virtual universe had been greatly increased now, and there were many more places where he could teleport.

This includes the location of the Great Ax Conference.

"However, before meeting other universe masters, the universe masters of our Virtual Universe Company still have to get together first!" The Lord of Chaos City smiled and said, "Follow me!"


Wang Cheng nodded slightly.


Wang Cheng and the Lord of Chaos City arrived at the top of Thunder Island.

Here, there is a huge blue-gray round table, surrounded by endless airflow. Next to the round table, there are six stone chairs. There are pictures on the stone table and five of the stone chairs.

These pictures should be carvings of military achievements left by the owners of these stone chairs. However, Wang Cheng guessed that the blank stone chair belonged to him!

He is indeed the master of the universe at the moment, but he has no achievements. He has no choice but to break through too fast!

Sure enough, after the Chaos City Lord sat down on one of the stone chairs, he asked Wang Cheng to sit on the blank stone chair.

"When you become the Lord of the Universe, the most important thing is to improve your strength first. There is no need to worry about your achievements. There is always a chance!" said the Lord of Chaos City.

"Teacher, don't worry, I know this!" Wang Cheng smiled and nodded. He was not in a hurry to show off.

Now his strength is not weak, but it is not the best in the universe.

The Lord of the Universe is divided into five levels.

The one that just broke through is the first level.

The divine body is more than a hundred times stronger, and mastering the ultimate secret method of the Lord of the Universe is the second level.

Being ten thousand times as powerful as a god, mastering the most powerful secret method of the Lord of the Universe, possessing the pinnacle treasure... these three satisfy one of them, and the other two are not too bad either, they should be at the third level.

Satisfying the second or third level is almost the fourth level!

As for the fifth level...that is already the strongest level for the Lord of the Universe, and one must reach the peak in all aspects.

Like the Lord of Chaos City, he is the top existence among the fifth-level Lords of the Universe!

Wang Cheng estimated that he was not considered the "Heavenly Vault of Hundreds of Cracks", but should be regarded as the third-level Lord of the Universe. Moreover, he had a large number of treasures, so he was not weak among the third-level Lords of the Universe.

If you include the "Hundred-Crack Sky Armor", then even the fifth-level Lord of the Universe can't do anything to him.


Normally, this is already very strong. It is just a simple matter for Wang Cheng to make some achievements!

But Wang Cheng is not in a hurry. He is still in the process of rapid transformation. Now he is keeping a low profile. When he really takes action, it will definitely be earth-shattering!

Wang Cheng also knows that now that the Lord of Chaos City is thinking about it, he has broken through so fast and his accumulation is definitely not enough. There is a high probability that he is still the first-order universe lord who just broke through. In this case, the Lord of Chaos City will of course advise him to cultivate in secret first. .

Wang Cheng has no intention of explaining this kind of thing. You can't say whether you are strong or not. You have to actually take action to find out!

At this time, the Lord of Chaos City suddenly asked: "Have you thought about a title? Since you have become the Lord of the Universe, you should also have a title!"

"Lord of Infernal Affairs!" Wang Cheng directly used the name he used in his previous disguise.

The King of Wujian has officially become the Lord of Wujian.

"That's fine!"

The Lord of Chaos City looked a little strange. He naturally knew where this "Lord of Infernal Affairs" came from, but since it was Wang Cheng's decision, he had no objection.

. . .

Wang Cheng and the Lord of Chaos City did not wait too long. Soon, the other four Universe Lords from the Virtual Universe Company also arrived.

The four Lords of the Universe are the Lord of Dragon Walk, the Lord of Ice Peak, the Lord of Darkness, and the Lord of Youhou!

Among them, the Lord of Dragon Walk is the veteran of the Virtual Universe Company, the Lord of Ice Peak and the Lord of Darkness are the junior disciples of the Lord of Chaos City, and the last Lord of Youhou is the direct disciple of the Lord of Darkness.

In other words, Long Xingzhu, Lord of Ice Peak, and Lord of Darkness are all Wang Cheng's predecessors, while Lord Youhou is Wang Cheng's peer.

Of course, in the universe, the strong are still respected, and they are all the masters of the universe. Seniors and peers are not important. Except for masters and disciples, the others are only in name at most!


"Wujian, I remember that you were accepted as a disciple by Uncle Chaos two thousand years ago, right?"

The person who spoke was the Lord of Youhou. He was tall and thin and had a strong evil aura. However, his tone at this time was quite kind. Of course, there was also a strong curiosity in his kindness.

"To be precise, it's two thousand one hundred and sixty-three years!" Wang Cheng said with a smile.

"Become the Lord of the Universe after two thousand years?" The burly Lord of the Dragon Walk looked over.

The Lord of Ice Peak and the Lord of Darkness also looked at Wang Cheng!

They have seen countless geniuses, but to become the master of the universe in two thousand years... is simply unimaginable!

"I have actually spent tens of millions of years!" Wang Cheng explained.

"I see!"

Several people nodded. Becoming the master of the universe in tens of millions of years is still an exaggeration. No one has ever achieved such an achievement, but it is much easier to accept than becoming the master of the universe in two thousand years.

"Senior brother, your luck is incredible. You can find a genius like Wu Jian!" The ice-cold Lord of the Ice Peak said with envy at this time.

"Hahaha!" The Lord of Chaos City laughed.

"With Wu Jian, our virtual universe company will have one more universe master than the giant axe fighting field. When the giant ax meeting is held later, the faces of the universe masters in the giant ax fighting field will probably be very exciting!" You Houzhi The Lord smiled.

"Youhou is right..." The Lord of Dragon Walk nodded in agreement.


Several people talked for a while. At this time, the Lord of Darkness, whose whole body seemed to be hidden in darkness, suddenly looked at the Lord of Chaos City and asked at the same time:

"Brother, is it time to meet the teacher?"

As soon as the Lord of Darkness said these words, several people were slightly solemn for a moment, and the Lord of Chaos City also nodded slightly.

"The teachers of me, Guangming, and Bingfeng are also the true founders of the Virtual Universe Company!" The Lord of Chaos City looked at Wang Cheng and said, "You have become the Lord of the Universe. It's time to meet my teacher!"


Wang Cheng nodded without hesitation. He knew that what the Lord of Chaos City was talking about was the "Original Ancestor". Wang Cheng was also very curious about this being who single-handedly created the "Virtual Universe". Now that he had the opportunity, he would naturally Gotta meet!

PS: Two updates first, there will be more tonight!

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